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      Mathematics EducationMathematics Education at Primary SchoolsEquivalenceEarly Algebra
Kajian tinjauan ini dijalankan bertujuan mengkaji tahap kesediaan guru sains dan matematik Tahun 3 dari aspek pengetahuan, kemahiran, minat dan sikap dalam melaksanakan Kurikulum Standard Sekolah Rendah (KSSR). Kajian ini juga bertujuan... more
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      Mathematics Education at Primary SchoolsStudy skillsStudents AttitudesPrimary School Curriculum
An increasing number of studies are evidencing relationships between physical activity and the mathematical performance of early school students. This is not surprising due to the fact that children grow in all areas simultaneously and... more
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      EducationMathematics EducationPhysical ActivityNeuroeducation
This brief article considers how the Williams Review of mathematics teaching might reinvigorate the case for collaborative working in the primary classroom
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      Mathematics EducationMathematics Education at Primary SchoolsCollaborative LearningPrimary School Education
The following series of challenging tasks are built around three wonderful picture story books by author/illustrator Oliver Jeffers. We suggest reading each book and tackling these tasks.
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      Mathematics Education at Primary SchoolsMathematics and literatureTeaching mathematics through storytellingChildren's Literature and Mathematics
This paper explores the number learning in 2006 of over 7000 children in the Ballarat Diocese for the purpose of identifying any issues that may inform the development of a Diocesan professional learning plan. The data for each grade... more
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      Mathematics EducationMathematics Education at Primary SchoolsCommunity CapacityProfessional Learning
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    • Mathematics Education at Primary Schools
40 Most primary school teachers would concur that mathematical games are a valuable pedagogical tool to deploy in the primary classroom; however, not all mathematical games are likely to be equally valuable. How might teachers decide... more
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      Mathematics EducationGame Based LearningMathematics Education at Primary SchoolsElementary Education
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      Mathematics Education at Primary SchoolsGames
It is frequently surprising to new teachers (and even those of us with experience) when they find that not only do some children need to recount the group they have just counted to be assured of the total but also that this need seems to... more
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      Mathematics EducationMathematics Education at Primary Schools
Despite teacher enjoyment of teaching being associated with a range of benefits for teachers and their students, little research exploring the characteristics of teachers who enjoy teaching mathematics exists. Semi-structured interviews... more
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      Teacher EducationMathematics EducationMathematics Education at Primary SchoolsPrimary Education
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      Mathematics EducationMathematics Education at Primary SchoolsPrimary Education
This article outlines teaching ideas appropriate for primary mathematics. It is mainly aimed at primary school teachers and teacher-researchers. Build on students' love for doubling by introducing exponential growth with this strategic... more
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      Mathematics EducationGame Based LearningMathematics Education at Primary SchoolsElementary Education
W rozdziale podjęto próbę refleksji nad wycinkiem współczesnego dzieciństwa związanym z kształtowaniem i dekształtowaniem kompetencji matematycznych. W pierwszej jego części zakreśliliśmy szkolne (zarówno teoretyczne, jak i praktyczne)... more
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      Sociology of EducationMathematics EducationSchool PsychologyMathematics Education Pedagogy
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      Mathematics EducationProblem solving (Education)Mathematics Education at Primary Schools
This article outlines teaching ideas appropriate for primary mathematics. It is mainly aimed at primary school teachers and teacher-researchers. It introduces two game-based activities ‘Can you find another way?’ and ‘How many plates to... more
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      Game studiesMathematics EducationGame DesignMathematics Education Pedagogy
No contexto da implementação do Projeto Prof DA do Programa "ProSucesso-Açores pela Educação", da Secretaria Regional da Educação do Governo dos Açores, e da Oficina "Matemática Passo a Passo", da Universidade dos Açores, os autores... more
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      MathematicsNumber Sense (Education)Mathematics Education at Primary SchoolsPrimary School
This paper explores the number learning in 2006 of over 7000 children in the Ballarat Diocese for the purpose of identifying any issues that may inform the development of a Diocesan professional learning plan. The data for each grade... more
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      Mathematics EducationMathematics Education at Primary SchoolsEssential oils
Estimation is such an important yet sometimes overlooked skill. This article explores a dynamic approach to estimation, where students refine their estimates as they gain access to more information in a ‘how many’ investigation.
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      Mathematics EducationNumber Sense (Education)Mathematics Education at Primary SchoolsElementary Education
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      Mathematics EducationChildren's LiteratureMathematics Education at Primary SchoolsChildren's Literature in Classroom
This study seeks to investigate the relationship between digital citizenship levels of pre-service primary school teachers and their democratic values. The research was designed in descriptive survey model. The research was conducted with... more
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      Teaching and LearningEducationTeacher EducationEducational Research
new new This issue of The Progress of Education Reform reveals five surprising findings about the strong relationship between early math instruction and later student achievement. Researchers have found that early knowledge of math not... more
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      Mathematics EducationEarly Childhood EducationEducation PolicyMath Education in Early Childhood Education
Para desarrollar el pensamiento crítico en el ámbito educativo, uno de los principios esenciales de la vida en democracia, se dispone de numerosos recursos, entre los cuales se encuentran los textos de diversa naturaleza. El alumnado debe... more
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      EducationTeacher EducationPicture BooksCritical Thinking
The four pillars of student engagement, teacher engagement, breadth of mathematics and depth of mathematics are used to explain the benefits of a narrative-first approach for supporting the integration of mathematics and children's... more
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      Mathematics EducationChildren's LiteraturePicture BooksMathematics Education at Primary Schools
Question paper of class Nursery of Paras School of Holistic Learning
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      Mathematics Education at Primary SchoolsPrimaryNURSERY,PRIMARY,SECONDARY AND TERTIARY EDUCATIONPrimary School
This article outlines teaching ideas appropriate for primary mathematics. It is mainly aimed at primary school teachers and teacher-researchers. Read the classic story by Pat Hutchins, The Doorbell Rang and use this story as an... more
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      Mathematics EducationEducation (Mathematics)Mathematics Education at Primary SchoolsPrimary Education
Para desarrollar el pensamiento crítico en el ámbito educativo, uno de los principios esenciales de la vida en democracia, se dispone de numerosos recursos, entre los cuales se encuentran los textos, de diversa naturaleza. El alumnado... more
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      EducationTeacher EducationPicture BooksCritical Thinking
This paper outlines a tutoring initiative intended to re-engage students who have become alienated from mathematics class at school. The initiative is focused on priming students for their subsequent mathematics lessons, and is referred... more
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      Cognitive PsychologyMathematics EducationMathematics Education at Primary Schoolsmiddle Years mathematics
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    • Mathematics Education at Primary Schools
Fairy tales provide wonderful contexts for exploring a variety of important mathematical ideas. Read or retell one of these fairy tales to students and undertake the associated investigation. Afterwards, invite students to reflect on... more
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      Mathematics Education at Primary SchoolsChildren's Literature in ClassroomMathematics and literature
In response to increasing teacher interest in how to design and implement effective challenging tasks, James presents the Launch/Explore/Discuss model that builds on the work of leading Australian educators and researchers Peter Sullivan,... more
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      Mathematics EducationProblem solving (Education)Mathematics Education at Primary SchoolsPrimary Education
Most primary school teachers would concur that mathematical games are a valuable pedagogical tool to deploy in the primary classroom; however, not all mathematical games are likely to be equally valuable. How might teachers decide which... more
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      Mathematics EducationGame Based LearningMathematics Education at Primary SchoolsElementary Education
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      Teacher EducationMathematics EducationStudent EngagementMathematics Education Pedagogy
In 2016, the Dominican Republic Ministry of Education launched a competency-based curriculum, thus promoting a constructivist and learner-centered pedagogy. However, two years later, a national study found that several obstacles impede... more
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      Teaching and LearningMathematics Education at Primary SchoolsDominican RepublicTeacher Effectiveness
Perbandingan perlaksanaan program numerasi yang dilaksanakan di Malaysia dan di United Kingdom
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      MathematicsMathematics EducationMathematics Education at Primary Schools
Place value understanding is recognised as a critical component in the development of number understanding for young children. In this paper we investigate the usefulness of a purpose built app in supporting children’s understanding in... more
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      Educational TechnologyMathematics Education at Primary SchoolsIpad in the classroomiPads in education
Classroom, without any iota of exaggeration, is like a theatre or studio where different arts works are moulded into shapes and sizes. Learners are the art work, while the teachers are the artists and the process of moulding is the... more
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      Mathematics Education at Primary SchoolsPrimaryNURSERY,PRIMARY,SECONDARY AND TERTIARY EDUCATIONPrimary School
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      Teacher EducationMathematics EducationStudent EngagementMathematics Education Pedagogy
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    • Mathematics Education at Primary Schools
Teaching mathematics through problem solving is central to contemporary approaches to mathematics instruction, whilst augmenting problem-solving tasks through enabling and extending prompts ensures that a diverse community of learners are... more
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      Mathematics EducationSelf-Determination TheoryProblem solving (Education)Mathematics Education at Primary Schools
This issue of The Progress of Education Reform reveals five surprising findings about the strong relationship between early math instruction and later student achievement. Researchers have found that early knowledge of math not only... more
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      Mathematics EducationEarly Childhood EducationMath Education in Early Childhood EducationMathematics Education at Primary Schools
Aplikasi teori kecerdasan pelbagai dalam PdP membolehkan murid-murid yang mempunyai bakat, kebolehan dan kencenderungan yang pelbagai belajar secara optimum.
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      MathematicsMultiple IntelligencesMathematics Education at Primary SchoolsMatematik
The Journal of Nursery and Primary Education Instructors in Nigeria is established purposely to cater for findings of research emanating from researchers ,scholars ,policymakers and the reports on teachings in early childhood education... more
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      Mathematics Education at Primary SchoolsPrimaryNURSERY,PRIMARY,SECONDARY AND TERTIARY EDUCATIONTeacher Training (Primary Education)
Thinking is the process of deciding what to believe or what to do by making sense of the current situation as an action that keeps the brain functioning continuously (Cüceloğlu, 1999). Thinking, which is a mental product, realizes thanks... more
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      Critical ThinkingCritical Thinking and CreativityMathematics Education at Primary SchoolsPreservice Teacher Education
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      Secondary EducationMathematics Education at Primary SchoolsNURSERY,PRIMARY,SECONDARY AND TERTIARY EDUCATIONPrimary School
Peperiksaan pertengahan tahun 2017 bagi Matematik Tahun 1.
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      Mathematics EducationMathematics Education at Primary Schools
Kertas peperiksaan pertengahan tahun bagi Matematik Tahun 1. 40 soalan objektif untuk kertas 1.
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      Mathematics EducationMathematics Education at Primary SchoolsMathematics Assessment
English Language for Education Dissertation of the Year 2016. Mathematics seems to be both revered and reviled by society, as those who possess mathematical knowledge are highly respected, while the subject itself is often perceived as... more
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      Mathematics EducationMathematics Education at Primary SchoolsPrimary EducationMathematical Disposition
This is material that may be useful for reducing anger in some populations: prisons, schools, families and marriages, shelters for women and the homeless, and other settings.
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      Business AdministrationHinduismEducationWomen's Studies