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      South Asian StudiesTextual CriticismSanskrit language and literatureOriental Studies
[This article contains an edition and a translation of the Varṇakramacatuśślokī alias Lakṣmīkāntaśikṣā, a śikṣā text of the Taittirīya school of the Kṛṣṇayajurveda. This edition is based on three manuscripts and a transcription made by... more
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      SanskritVedic SanskritPhonetics and PhonologyTextual Criticism and Editing
The Gaṇeśa episode from the Mahābhārata, widely regarded as a late addition, narrates the mythical circumstances that led to the first written record of the poem: Vyāsa asks Gaṇeśa to write down the whole epic at his dictation. In the... more
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      Orality-Literacy StudiesCodicologyIndian MythologyMahabharata
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      HinduismManuscript StudiesIndian ManuscriptsPaleography and Codicology
In the series "Manuscript of the Month" on the website of the Centre for the Study of Manuscript Cultures (University of Hamburg) this short essay describes a recently identified 402 pp manuscript, written by Sheikh Ali Hemed al-Buhry... more
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      Study of ReligionsComparative linguistics, African Linguistics, Swahili Language and CultureManuscriptologySwahili Literature
Abstract: In 1979, Walther Heissig published an article describing two manuscript folios kept at the Herzog August Bibliothek: one of them contains text fragments in Tibetan and Mongolian, the other one, text in Tibetan only. Heissig... more
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      Tibeto-Mongolian BuddhismCodicology of medieval manuscriptsBuddhist CanonManuscriptology
Статья посвящена обзору монгольского Ганджура, сборника переводов большого и разнородного корпуса текстов, авторство которых приписывается Будде. В ней приводится описание источников и генезиса этого собрания канонических сочинений, а... more
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      Medieval LiteratureMongolian StudiesTibeto-Mongolian BuddhismBuddhist Canon
बृहन्महाराष्ट्र प्राच्यविद्या परिषदेचे १४ वे अधिवेशन पुण्यातील डेक्कन कॉलेज अभिमत विद्यापीठात नुकतेच संपन्न झाले. त्यातील निबंधांचे सारांश The 14th Session of the Brihanmaharashtra Prachyavidya Parishad was held recently in the Deccan... more
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      Sanskrit language and literatureClassical IndologyManuscriptology
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      Buddhist StudiesBuddhist Sanskrit ManuscriptsBuddhist Narrative LiteratureMahāvastu
The collection of the IOM, RAS contains a number of odd folios from the Mongolian Kanjur, the history of whose entry into the collection is unknown. The text is written in golden ink on blue paper. Handwriting and orthography are... more
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      Mongolian StudiesTibeto-Mongolian BuddhismBuddhist CanonManuscriptology
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      ClassicsRoman HistoryLatin EpigraphyLatin
This study investigates the Mongolian manuscript Kanjur preserved at the Center of Oriental Manuscripts and Xylographs of the Institute for Mongolian, Buddhist and Tibetan studies of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences.... more
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      BuddhismArtBuddhist StudiesMongolian Studies
Traditional manuscript heritage of Sri Lanka completely consists from palm leaf manuscripts with exception of some documents written on metal plaques. Both tangible and intangible segments of the palm leaf manuscripts heritage in the... more
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      Museum StudiesHeritage TourismCultural TourismManuscriptology
Background. It is well established that handwriting fluency constrains writing quality by limiting resources for higher order processes such as planning and reviewing. According to the ‘simple view of writing’ then slow keyboarding speed... more
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      Discourse AnalysisComposition and RhetoricScholarship of Teaching and LearningPhonology
The article presents a description and textological analysis of a single manuscript folio of the Mongolian Kanjur preserved in the Berlin State Library. The folio is written in gold on a black and blue background and reveals a striking... more
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      Mongolian StudiesTibeto-Mongolian BuddhismTransmission of the Tibetan KanjurManuscriptology
वेदादारभ्य समग्रसाहित्यसमुदायस्य सुरक्षार्थं वित्तकोषाणामिव शब्दकोशानामपि रक्षाकरणार्थं उद्यमकर्तव्यम्। नानार्थक-पर्यायवाचिकोशग्रन्थः श्रीमता सुजनभट्टेन प्रतिभाशालिना कवीश्वरेण निरमायि शब्दलिङ्गार्थचन्द्रिकाकोशः सम्प्रति लोके... more
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      Sanskrit language and literatureVedic Language and Classical SanskritSanskritSanskrit Literature
This study investigates the unique manuscript of the Altan Kanjur kept at the Library of the Academy of Social Sciences of Inner Mongolia in Hohhot (China). According to Mongolian historiographical tradition, this manuscript collection is... more
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      Mongolian StudiesTibeto-Mongolian BuddhismManuscriptologyTibetan Buddhist Canon
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      PhilosophyIndian ancient historyIndologyIndian Epigraphy
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      Textual TransmissionOrality and LiteracyManuscriptologyGaeilge
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      Indian ancient historyIndologyIndian EpigraphyManuscriptology
The article presents a description and textological analysis of a single manuscript folio of the Mongolian Kanjur preserved in the Berlin State Library. The folio is written in gold on a black and blue background and reveals a striking... more
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      Mongolian StudiesTibeto-Mongolian BuddhismTransmission of the Tibetan KanjurManuscriptology
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      Buddhist StudiesBuddhist Sanskrit ManuscriptsMahāvastuManuscriptology
Even if we discountenance the Egyptian hieroglyphics because of its crudeness, a dominant view in Western discursive tradition that Africa was a ‘Dark Continent’ with no documentary historical sources before Colonialism has been proven to... more
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    • Manuscriptology
The article presents a description and textological analysis of a single manuscript folio of the Mongolian Kanjur preserved in the Berlin State Library. The folio is written in gold on a black and blue background and reveals a striking... more
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      Mongolian StudiesTibeto-Mongolian BuddhismTransmission of the Tibetan KanjurManuscriptology
This study investigates the Mongolian manuscript Kanjur preserved at the Center of Oriental Manuscripts and Xylographs of the Institute for Mongolian, Buddhist and Tibetan studies of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences.... more
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      BuddhismArtBuddhist StudiesMongolian Studies
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      ArtMongolian StudiesTibeto-Mongolian BuddhismBuddhist Canon
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      CensorshipReception StudiesEighteenth-Century literatureNarratology
One of the Sino-Arabic manuscripts of the Huasi Menhuan in Linxia, Gansu, includes a license that the Arab Sufi Muḥammad b. Aḥmad b. ʿAqīla al-Makkī (d. 1150/1737) issued to Ma Laichi 马来迟 Abū al-Futūḥ al-Ṣīnī (1681–1766). The ijāza... more
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      Chinese IslamManuscriptologySufism and Tasawwuf
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      Mongolian StudiesTibeto-Mongolian BuddhismManuscriptologyTibetan Buddhist Canon
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      HistoryMongolian StudiesTibeto-Mongolian BuddhismManuscriptology
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      HistoryTibeto-Mongolian BuddhismCodicology of medieval manuscriptsBuddhist Canon
The collection of IOM RAS holds a number of odd folios from the Mongolian Kanjur, the history of their arrival at the collection unknown. The text is written in golden ink on blue paper. Handwriting and orthography are characteristic of... more
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      CodicologyTibeto-Mongolian BuddhismBuddhist CanonManuscriptology
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      BuddhismLogicMimesisIndian studies
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    • Manuscriptology