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Mimari fenomenoloji, Modern mimarlığın kartezyen ve soyut mekân algısına karşı, tasarımı ‘yer’e özgü, olarak yeniden yorumlamanın yollarını arar. Bu çalışma, ODTÜ yerleşkesi ve Mimarlık Fakültesi yapısı üzerinden, ‘yer’ kavramını... more
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      Space and PlaceArchitectural PhenomenologyMETU Architecture
Bu çalışmada, Orta Doğu Teknik Üniversitesi (ODTÜ) Mimarlık Bölümü birinci sınıf programında yer alan, "Grafik İletişim" (Arch 103-104 Graphic Communication I-II) dersleri kapsamında, eskiz çizimleri yapma becerisi ve alışkanlığı... more
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      Teknik ResimMETU ArchitectureEskizMimari Temsil
Arch 104 Graphic Communication is a first year must course in the Department of Architecture in the Middle East Technical University (METU) aimed at equipping students with architectural drawing methods and conventions to be utilized in... more
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      Teknik ResimGrafik IletişimEvlerTeknik Cizim
The METU logo is converted into a golden ratio logo.
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      Logo DesignMETU ArchitectureGolden RatioMETU
ANKARA ODTÜ Kütüphanesi 
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      Modern ArchitectureModernismLibrary Buildings, Library Architecture, Library SpacesDocomomo
This booklet is a product of the undergraduate course "Perspectıves in the Conservation and Valorization of Cultural Heritage" given by Dr. Evin H. Erder in Middle East Technical University Spring '14.
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      Cultural HeritageMuseologyZeugmaMETU Architecture
Today, precision in architectural design has attained a new and a broad meaning with the advent of computational design and manufacturing/fabrication technologies, i.e with CAAD/CAM. The architectural design process which requires... more
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      ComplexityPrecision in ArchitectureCAAD/CAMDesign optimization
ODTÜ Mimarlık Bölümü öğretim üyelerinden Jale N. Erzen'e ithafen hazırlanan yazı, kurucuları arasında yer aldığı SANART Derneği'nin 25 yıl içinde gerçekleştirdiği projeleri bugün ve gelecek için ilham kaynağı olarak anımsayarak... more
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      AestheticsVisual ArtsSanatAnkara
It has been more than a decade that the first discussions on the integration of computational technologies into architectural education, especially into the design studios have been started. Since then, the use of CAD from drafting to... more
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      Computer SimulationPrecision in ArchitectureProcess PrecisionCAAD/CAM
Post’ure News is a student-based publication group, aiming to spread personalized words on issues related to architecture, city, arts and society.
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      ArchitectureHigher EducationArchitectural EducationStudio Practice