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Capítulo dentro del livro Intersecta organizado por Daniel Cruz

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      Contemporary ArtLive CinemaNew Media ArtLocative Media Arts
This article describes an augmented reality exposition of three Brazilian World Expo pavilions. The study of Expo pavilions allow us to perceive several historic and cultural narratives embodied in those designs. The selected pavilions... more
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      Digital HeritageDigital Cultural HeritageLocative Media ArtsLocative Media
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      Visual StudiesLand ArtLocative Media ArtsLocative Media
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      GPS ApplicationsMobile and Locative ArtLocative Media Arts
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      Mobile MediaGeo-spatial analysis with GIS and GPSEthnography of urban spacesLocative Media Arts
One of the most innovative and coherent approaches recently proposed in the study of the work of McLuhan has to do with the concept of space. This concept appears in McLuhan’s thinking from the very beginning of his work and evolves as... more
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      CommunicationMedia StudiesNew MediaBorder Studies
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      CommunicationMedia StudiesNew MediaArt
Supervisors 1. Professor Janis Jefferies 2. Professor Lanfranco Aceti Walking has always been the nexus between humans and the city, constituting an expression with artistic, cultural, performative and sensorial implications for an array... more
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      Spatial PracticesIntermedialityPsychogeographyPerformance Art
n this paper, we introduce the concept of the Playful Locative Ensemble, present three recent projects as examples, and distinguish its form from other sound-focused projects in public space. We also discuss the organization of player... more
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      PlayMobile and Locative ArtLocative Media ArtsLocative Media
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      Mobile TechnologyMobile social networkingLocative Media ArtsLocative Media
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      Locative Media ArtsLiteratura Electrónica
In 2002 a writer in Japan, pen-named Yoshi, self-published the first novel known to have been composed on a cell phone. It sold a hundred thousand copies, mostly to young women in their teens and early twenties. Japanese publisher, Starts... more
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      Creative WritingMobile LearningMobile MediaSocial Media
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      Critical TheoryVisual StudiesNew MediaDigital Media
This hybrid art-theory article discusses "Indeterminate Hikes," a smartphone app and performance created by ecoarttech, my interdisciplinary eco-art and theory collaborative. The work was originally conceived for a Whitney Museum of... more
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      Location-based mediaArt HistoryMedia StudiesNew Media
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      Postcolonial StudiesGeopoliticsContemporary ArtImmigration Studies
Questions about what it means to locate and be located are being significantly reconfigured through the digitalization of urban life and space, and as computer processing becomes embedded or ‘pervasive’ in urban environments. With... more
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      Pervasive ComputingSpatial PoliticsSurveillanceLocative Media Arts
"As an artist for whom both magic and landscape are major influences, the notion of the ‘genius loci’ or indwelling spirit of a place has always been a particularly appealing one. Yet it seems that with regard to the magical practices of... more
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      Sonic ArtPsychogeographyAstrologyAlchemy
Este texto aborda trabalhos artísticos com mídias locativas (locative media art) voltados à crítica urbana. Analiso essas mídias e processos comunicacionais principalmente como suportes para possíveis criações artísticas cujo intuito seja... more
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      Locative Media ArtsLocative Media
Assim como os movimentos artísticos, o ato de narrar, de contar histórias, também se transformou consideravelmente com os avanços técnicos. Os dispositivos móveis têm influenciado criações narrativas inusitadas e que investigam, entre... more
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      NarrativeMobile TechnologyArt and technolgyLocative Media Arts
"Throughout the 20th century, urban walking has been regarded as an aesthetic practice and critical tool with great potential. In the ever-changing city, socio-economical transformations indicate various changes in its emotional attitude... more
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      PsychogeographyMedia ArtsIntermediaMetaphor
Revista Diarios del Terruño, año1, No 1, UAM-C, SEMMI, México, 2016
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      Locative Media ArtsMigraciones InternacionalesTransborder Immigrant ToolArte y Migración
Within the last 15-20 years, digital technology has become ubiquitous as a component of how history is presented in the public domain. Within museums, for example, we find the presence of touch screen computers and the use of digital... more
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      Mobile TechnologyOral historyMobile and Locative ArtLocative Media Arts
El amplio desarrollo de los medios locativos ha propiciado la emergencia de un fenómeno creativo cada vez más consolidado como formato: las narrativas espaciales. En este texto abordamos el estudio de las estrategias narrativas... more
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      Locative Media ArtsLocative Media
Το κείμενο παρουσιάστηκε αρχικά στο 3ο συνέδριο Ακουστικής Οικολογίας στην Αθήνα, Αναφέρεται στην ψηφιακή πλατφόρμα σύνθεσης ηχητικών περιπάτων noTours, που συνδυάζει τις επιστήμες του ήχου, τη μελέτη του ηχητικού πολιτισμού και τη... more
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      Soundscape StudiesSoundLocative Media ArtsSoundwalk
The Everywhere Museum of Everything is a research and action proposal founded on the array of aestheticised online content, which can be purposefully and critically curated in order to create a meaningful territory of contemporary online... more
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      Digital MediaCuratingDigital ArtsLocative Media Arts
Our sense of the self and its relation to its surroundings is being increasingly reshaped by telematic prostheses that expand our felt sense of inhabiting and interacting with the wider environment. Geotagging, Google Earth, biomapping,... more
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      Environmental ArtLocative Media ArtsLocative MediaEcoart; Environmentalism, Environmentalist Art
With the proliferation of the iPod and related audio mobile technologies in our daily experiences, Shuhei Hosokawa’s “The Walkman Effect” (1984) gains new significance. While exploring the locative aspects of these technologies for media... more
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      Media StudiesMedia ArchaeologyTheatre StudiesSound and Image
In this essay, I propose an approach which, dismantling some of the (often implicit) representational assumptions that have proven inadequate to account for the performative aspects of locative media, articulates representation... more
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      Location Based ServicesSpace and PlaceMobile TechnologyNon-representational theories
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      Performance StudiesBorder StudiesMobile MediaMobile and Locative Art
Facilitating and supporting various modes of social interaction has been part of Mixed Reality (MRx)1 design experiments and discourse over the past twenty years. But what vision of social interaction is sought and advanced through Mixed... more
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      Participatory MediaAugmented RealityParticipatory CultureUrban Studies
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      Land ArtLocative Media Arts
This booklet accompanies an app, which takes the user/reader on a journey through the political heart of London and reveals the new forms of algorithmic governance and decision-making at work behind historical façades of power.
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      Algorithmic ArtLocative Media ArtsAudiovisual ArtArt in Public Spaces
Catálogo de la exposición personal de Gilbertto Prado y del Grupo Poéticas Digitales realizada en el Laboratorio Arte Alameda, LAA, de la Ciudad de México (2018). La muestra “Circuito Alameda” combinó una serie de obras site specific... more
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      Mexican StudiesContemporary ArtInteraction DesignBioart
Transborder Immigrant Tool, cuerpos en tránsito, racismo y migración en la performatividad fronteriza. Transborder Immigrant Tool (TBT) es un proyecto artístico que propone, a través del uso de una aplicación Global Positioning System... more
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      MigrationPerformativityLocative Media ArtsTransborder Migration
"Mobile landscapes. City in motion or motion in a city?" An article is an analysis of modes of representation of urban landscape in photography. I state that though a city space formally is still we perceive it as movable in time. We can... more
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      Urban LandscapeUrban photographyLocative Media ArtsMobile Photography
Deriva, ciudad, espacios híbridos, arte, matemáticas, GPS.
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      Art TheoryWalking (Art)SituationismVisual Arts
This paper examines the emergence of increased hybridity in our experience of spatiality, in physical and virtual space. I argue that locative media acts as a cognitive extension of our mind and this realm of the so-called " extended mind... more
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      Locative Media ArtsFeedback loopsLocative MediaGeographies of embodiment, practice, affect and materiality.
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      Media StudiesDigital MediaMobile and Locative ArtLocative Media Arts
Locative narrative can be defined as storied audio experiences that are heard on headphones in existent locations. Recent findings on imaginative simulation and auditory illusions within cognitive psychology and neuroscience (Denham et al... more
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      Digital HumanitiesMobility/MobilitiesMedia ArtsLocative Media Arts
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      Creative WritingDigital HumanitiesDigital MediaContemporary Art
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      Art Practice as ResearchMobile and Locative ArtNew Media ArtLocative Media Arts
"Refusing to regard technology merely as a tool, Ecoarttech expand the uses of mobile technology and digital networks revealing them to be fundamental components of the way we experience our environment."
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      Media StudiesNew MediaMobility/MobilitiesAnimal Studies
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      Game studiesMedia StudiesSocial NetworksUrban Studies
This paper discusses the use of environmental sensors, wireless networks and mobile media as technologies of sensation in the city. While these devices enable a “digital city,” in many respects they appear to be immaterial, operating... more
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      Digital MediaSensorWireless Sensor NetworksUrban Design (Urban Studies)
Audio Nomad is a three-year art/science research collaboration on the creative and technological potentials of location-sensitive, mobile spatial audio. The first Audio Nomad productions were two versions of Syren – a ship-based... more
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      Human Computer InteractionUbiquitous ComputingExperimental Media ArtsBinaural Hearing
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      Augmented RealityTopologyLocative Media ArtsInteractive Documentary
DOI 10.24917/20837275.9.4.6W artykule analizowane są sposoby reprezentacji miejskiego krajobrazu w fotografii. Stawiam tezę, że chociaż przestrzeń zasadniczo jest nieruchoma, to można mówić o postrzeżeniu jej jako ruchomej w czasie oraz... more
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      ArtUrban LandscapeUrban photographyLocative Media Arts
Catalogo do Festival de Arte em Mídias Móveis  ARTE.MOV
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      Locative Media ArtsLocative MediaMobile and Location-Based Media
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      Locative Media ArtsGame ArtInstagram