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Il contributo si propone di presentare i confini e lo sviluppo della libertas del cenobio di San Salvatore e Santa Giulia di Brescia attraverso la rilettura di alcuni dei diversi diplomi concessi da re e imperatori tra l’VIII e l’XI secolo.
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      DocumentationBenedictine MonasticismBresciaLibertas
J. Doomen, Freedom and Equality in a Liberal Democratic State. Brussels: Bruylant (Larcier), 2014
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      European StudiesLawCriminal LawJurisprudence
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      LibertasStoria Del Diritto Romano
The Augustan principate has many elements of a monarchical system. However, this does not allow to question the reality of the Augustan restoration and to emphasize the ambiguity of the regime. The hypotheses such as “monarchy with... more
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The notion of florentina libertas was developed between the end of the fourteenth and the beginning of the fifteenth centuries by the ‘humanist chancellors’, Coluccio Salutati and especially Leonardo Bruni. It is a liberty that has a... more
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      Coluccio SalutatiRenaissance FlorenceLibertas
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      Intellectual HistoryPropagandaAugustan PrincipateLatin poetry
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      Roman LawFamiliaDerecho RomanoCivitas
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      Medieval StudiesMedieval DramaImago PietatisLibertas
En este ensayo estudiamos las actitudes de las elites y las autoridades del periodo de la Regeneración (1886-1899) frente a ciertas expresiones intelectuales en la literatura. Analizamos las razones que llevaron a los regeneradores a... more
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      LiteraturaCensuraSiglo XIXIntelectuales
On the basis of «The Achievements of the Divine Augustus» the author analyses the significance of the legacy of populares, one of the main political movements in the Late Republic, in the politics of Emperor Augustus. The main features of... more
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      Augustan PrincipateAugustusRoman colonisationAugustan Rome
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    • Libertas
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      Ancient HistoryArchaeologyRoman HistoryNumismatics
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      Latin LiteratureLibertas
El artículo propone, por un lado, la presencia de motivos herodoteos relacionados con la propaganda ateniense anti persa en el episodio de Tito Livio del ataque de Porsena a Roma. Por otro lado, sugiere asimismo la presencia implícita... more
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      Roman HistoriographyEtruscanHerodotusLivy
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      Italian StudiesRenaissance StudiesItalian HumanismHistory of Florence
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      Roman imperial historyAugustusRoman Imperial IdeologyLibertas
El artículo desarrolla la hipótesis de que el Trabajo Social se vio atravesado en las últimas cinco décadas por tres grandes interrupciones: las teorías críticas del marxismo; el enfoque de derechos, género y ciudadanía; y las teorías... more
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    • Libertas
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      Medieval HistoryRome, City ofMedieval Church HistoryPapacy (Medieval Church History)
In Eclogue 3, Vergil flags the rough verses of his quarreling shepherds as alterna, evoking similar songs in aetiologies of early drama in the Georgics, in Livy, and in Horace. These later treatments often set early Italian practices... more
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      Roman DramaVergilEcloguesHorace
This Essay assesses Samuel Moyn's revisionist argument that human rights were born only in the mid-twentieth century and then mostly as a shrewd Christian response to the secular liberalism and communist materialism that endangered the... more
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      ChristianityCanon LawHuman RightsCalvinism
A fines de la república, libertas fue una noción central en los debates entreoptimates y populares, y no casualmente Publio Clodio Pulcher eligió colocar un altar dedicado a la diosa Libertas en el terreno expropiado a Cicerón durante su... more
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      Roman RepublicCiceroLate Roman RepublicLibertas
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      Roman HistoryRoman HistoriographyHistoriographyLiberty
O texto situa alguns elementos essenciais na trajetória do Serviço Social brasileiro desde o chamado “Congresso da Virada”, que aconteceu em 1979. Trata-se de revisitar 40 anos de história da profissão, embebida em suas determinações... more
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    • Libertas
In questo lavoro si propone una riflessione sui temi della dignitas e libertas nel pensiero del gesuita spagnolo. A partire dalla ricostruzione dell’uso del termine dignitas, che in Suárez è ancora fortemente legato alla tradizione romana... more
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      Francisco SuárezHonorLibertasDignitas Hominis
O presente texto é um esforço de traduzir o item IV do Capítulo “Cuestiones liminares de la mímesis de lo estético” (Grenzfragen der ästhetischen Mimesis), que preferimos traduzir para o português como “Questões de liminares da mimese... more
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    • Libertas
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      Roman LawAnthropology of the Ancient WorldRoman MythDecemvirate
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      Roman Republican HistoryBenjamin ConstantLibertas
The purpose of this contribution is to reexamine Cicero’s speech De domo sua, with a special focus on the statue of the goddess Libertas placed by Clodius in Cicero’s land. In general, the different analyses of this text have accepted the... more
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      Roman ReligionCiceroLate Roman RepublicLibertas
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    • Libertas
For the past half century, David Little has done path-breaking work in exploring the religious foundations and dimensions of human rights. While working on a wide interreligious canvas, he has focused in especially on some of the... more
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      ReligionHuman RightsLiberalismHermeneutics
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    • Libertas
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    • Libertas
O texto apresentado busca refletir sobre a nova conjuntura internacional imposta pela pandemia da COVID-19, colocando o mundo inteiro em isolamento, em tempo de espera. Questiona sobre o lugar em que cada um, individualmente e enquanto... more
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    • Libertas
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      HistoryAncient HistoryClassicsRoman History
Consideraciones sobre los límites del ejercicio del Imperium magistradual en la edad republicana, in Boletin del Instituto de Filosofia del Derecho de la Universidad del Zulia 6 (2008) 113-132
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      Human Rights LawRoman LawHistory of Human RightsHistory of Roman Law
This paper explores Tacitus’ representation of Thrasea Paetus. Preliminary to analyzing this portrayal, I discuss two passages often cited when exploring Tacitus’ political thought, Agricola 42.4 and Annales 4.20. I reject the former’s... more
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      Ancient HistoryPolitical PhilosophyClassicsLatin Literature
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      Roman LawLibertasDiritto romanoImperia Legum
Written as a summative essay on Hutcheson's work titled, An Inquiry Concerning the Original of Our Ideas of Virtue and Moral Good. The root of this paper is to discuss the main philosophical framework in terms of political science and how... more
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      History of Political ScienceLibertasFrancis HutchesonDemocarcy
O artigo objetiva apresentar como se constitui o processo pedagógico da Preceptoria de Núcleo do Serviço Social para o ensino da formação em serviço nos Programas de Residência Multiprofissional em Saúde em Porto Alegre. Pesquisa... more
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      LibertasStoria Del Diritto Romano
I suggest that the references to Rhodes and Rhodian libertas in Archelaus' speech at Appian Civ. 4.67-70 reflect concerns about Rhodes contemporary with Appian and the Antonine principate. Comparanda include speeches by Aelius Aristides... more
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      Imperial RomeAppianLibertasArchaic and Classical Rhodes
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      Latin American StudiesWorld LiteraturesLiteraturaCensura