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Już sam tytuł "Racjonalizm i religia okiem i w duszy Stanisława Lema" zwiastuje, że to nie może być poważna rozprawa naukowa. Po prostu Okołowski wierzy w duchy, a więc to jest tylko wyznanie jego irracjonalnej wiary, a nie poważna... more
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      Contemporary Polish LiteratureJews in PolandLemologySF Literature
In 1970, there were in Poland so-called December events (series of strikes caused by inflation and shortage of consumer goods), and as a result, on 20th December that year, Edward Gierek became the First Secretary of the Central Committee... more
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      Science fictional technologyScience FictionPolish LiteratureHolocaust and Genocide Studies
After finishing his utopian The Magellan Nebula in 1953, Stanisław Lem was no longer an orthodox socrealistic optimist. Although his first dystopian novel Eden was written in the summer of 1958, the first five basically dystopian voyages... more
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      Jewish StudiesLiteratureScience fictional technologyScience Fiction
Theory of SF literature. Originally in
Polish Studies, Department of German Studies and Slavic Studies
Slavic Section, Monash University, Clayton, Victoria, 1 Occasional Paper No. 11, 1997
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      Comparative LiteratureScience FictionPolish LiteratureLemology
Niestety, ale niemalże cała ta książka jest w zasadzie tylko plagiatem, gdyż zawiera one głównie teksty Lema z mało profesjonalnym komentarzem Orlińskiego. Jest ona także jednym wielkim zakłamaniem, gdyż próbuje ona ukryć fakt, że... more
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      Jewish Cultural StudiesJews in PolandHistory of Poland in twentieth centuryLemology
Professor Agnieszka Gajewska omitted in her book "Holocaust and stars. The Past in the Prose of Stanisław Lem"1 a very important fact, namely that Stanisław Lem’s father, i.e. doctor Samuel Le(h)m MD, PhD was from 1st October 1945 until... more
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      Jewish StudiesPolish HistoryPolish LiteraturePolish Studies
Visions of the Future in the Writings of Stanisław Lem (Wizje przyszłości w twórczości ‎Stanisława Lema) Saarbrücken: Lap Lambert Academic Publishing, 2010 - Vol. I Visions of the Future in the Writings of Stanisław Lem (Wizje... more
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      Future StudiesComputer ScienceArtificial IntelligenceScience Fiction
This publication is, in my opinion, the first serious attempt to compile a comprehensive biography of Stanisław Lem in English. In this study, I will try to write the truth about Lem - as objective as possible in practice. After all, Lem... more
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      Jewish StudiesCommunismScience FictionTheory of Science Fiction Film
Niewygodna prawda o tym, że Stanisław Lem był bardzo długo pupilkiem komunistycznego reżimu
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      Polish HistorySF HistoryContemporary Polish LiteratureJewish Cultural Studies
• Visions of the Future in the Writings of Stanisław Lem (Wizje przyszłości w twórczości ‎Stanisława Lema) Saarbrücken: Lap Lambert Academic Publishing, 2010 - Vol. II Annotated and Cross-Referenced Primary and Secondary Bibliography of... more
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      BibliographyScience FictionFuturologyLemology
Niestety, ale nie jest to rzetelna biografia Stanisława Lema. Zacznijmy może od tytułu, który jest ‎wręcz kłamliwy, gdyż Stanisław Lem nie został wypędzony ze Lwowa ‎, a tylko wyjechał z niego ‎dobrowolnie, wraz ze swoim mieniem, w ramach... more
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      Jewish StudiesScience FictionHolocaust StudiesPolish Studies
Leros Press 2002
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      Science FictionFuturologyLemology
Jest to referat niedopuszczony do wygłoszenia na Międzynarodowej Konferencji Naukowej „O Lemie i Po Lemie” - Gdańsk 19-21 Listopada 2021 roku, Zakład Teorii Literatury i Krytyki Artystycznej, Instytut Filologii Polskiej, Wydział... more
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      Jewish StudiesQuantum CosmologyChinese PoliticsChinese literature
In this place, I wold like to put forward a hypothesis that Snerg was seriously mentally ill for most of his adult life, and that this disease resulted in both his spectacular and short artistic success, as well as his later delusions... more
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      Cosmology (Physics)Science FictionCosmogonySocilogy of Science
Jest to prezentacja niedopuszczona do wygłoszenia na Międzynarodowej Konferencji Naukowej „O Lemie i Po Lemie” - Gdańsk 19-21 Listopada 2021 roku, Zakład Teorii Literatury i Krytyki Artystycznej, Instytut Filologii Polskiej, Wydział... more
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      Science FictionChina Going GlobalStanislaw LemPolitcal Science
Stanisław Lem jako pisarz polityczny  w: Acta Polonica ‎Monashiensis Vol. 1, Nr 1/2001 pp. 95-121‎.
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    • Lemology
In 1979 comes another oil crisis lasting more or less until 1982 and resulting from the support of the West (mainly the USA) for the regime of Shah Mohammad Reza Pahlavi and the Iranian revolution caused mainly by brutal rule of the Shah,... more
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      Jewish StudiesContemporary Polish LiteratureScience fictional technologyScience Fiction
Working for Germans in Lvov, especially in a company working directly for the Wehrmacht or the Luftwaffe, was obviously a kind of collaboration, for which it is difficult to condemn Lem. However, to work in such a company as a formally... more
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      Military HistoryJews in PolandScience Fiction StudiesHistory of the Second World War and the Holocaust
In 1944, Lvov was liberated from the German occupation by the Soviet Army. The Lem family moved then from Zielona Street to Sykstuska Street, as the apartment on Brajerowska Street was then taken by someone else. Stanisław Lem resumed... more
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      Jewish HistoryScience FictionEmigration ResearchMigration, Emigration and Immigration
"Lem’s Theory of Science Fiction: Structures and Sociology of the Genre" ("Teoria fantastyki ‎naukowej Lema: struktury i socjologia gatunku") in: Australian Slavonic and East European ‎Studies Vol. 17, Nr 1-2/2003 pp. 47-77‎
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    • Lemology
Although socialist realism (in short socrealism) was not born in Poland 1949 in Szczecin, during the Polish Writers ‎Association’s 4th Congress, of but in 1934 in Moscow at the 1st Congress of Soviet Writers, where it was fully ‎expressed... more
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      Jewish StudiesScience FictionHolocaust StudiesSocialist Realism
"The Best Biography of Lem" in: "SF. A Review of Speculative Literature" Vol. 15 No. 1(41) of 1998 pp. 48-50
Subject: A review of Pavel Weigel's Stanisław Lem Životopis (1995, Stanisław Lem. A Biography) Praha: Magnet Press, 1995
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    • Lemology
This is Lem's "Wiara i wiedza " ("Faith and  knowledge")  from "Bez dogmatu” (“Without dogma”) No. 36 (1998) pp. 5 and 10, translated by the AI (designed and implemented by Lech Keller)
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      ReligionPhilosophy of ScienceLemology
Review of: Stanisław Lem „Okamgnienie” (Recenzja „Okamgnienia” Stanisława Lema) ‎‎[Kraków: Wydawnictwo Literackie, 2000] in: Science Fiction # 41, Vol. 15, Nr 2/2000 ‎Nedlands (University of Western Australia) pp. 56-58
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    • Lemology
Review of  Stanisław Lem "Swiat na krawedzi (Ze Stanislawem Lemem rozmawia Tomasz Fialkowski)" Kraków: Wydawnictwo Literackie, 2001 in:
Acta Polonica Monashiensis Vol. 2, Nr 2/2003 pp. 148-155‎
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    • Lemology
Contrary to conventional opinion, Lem's uniqueness and greatness did not in any way result from the accuracy of his forecasts for the future. It is the truth that the so-called SF fans, especially those organized in Poland around the... more
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      Jewish StudiesContemporary Polish LiteratureScience FictionScience Fiction Film
"Non-Science Fiction Prose of Stanisław Lem" ("Niefantastyczna proza Stanisława Lema") in: The Soviet and ‎Post-Soviet Review Vol. 29, Nr 3/2002 pp. 241-256‎
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    • Lemology
Niestety, ale niemalże cała ta książka jest w zasadzie tylko plagiatem, gdyż zawiera one głównie teksty Lema z mało profesjonalnym komentarzem Orlińskiego. Jest ona także jednym wielkim zakłamaniem, gdyż próbuje ona ukryć fakt, że... more
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      Jewish StudiesContemporary Polish LiteratureScience FictionHistory of Poland in twentieth century
It is about the support that Stanisław Lem received from the communist government of Poland.
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      Jewish StudiesSF HistoryHistory of CommunismHistory of Poland in twentieth century