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جوادی یگانه، محمدرضا و مجید فولادیان (1390) «تنبلی اجتماعي و عوامل موثر بر آن» مجله جامعه شناسي ايران. دوره دوازدهم. شماره 3. زمستان 1390. صص 109-137. Social Laziness has been attention in recent years in Iran and there... more
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      Iranian StudiesRational ChoiceSocial EthicsFatalism
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      Ottoman HistoryNineteenth Century StudiesNationalismOttoman Empire
Sometimes, some people tend to procrastinate or not exert effort to do what they want to do or are expected to do. The laziness mechanism turns on when our subconscious mind begins to classify the work or job at hand as a useless,... more
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      Organizational BehaviorFenomenologíaLaziness
A paper presented during Teens, Youths and Family Seminar organized by Beloved Teens and Youth Ministry
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    • Laziness
Hustling is considered almost an obligation of the modern-day rapper, who is supposed to monetize his talent, while also remaining true to himself and his roots. Being a hustler or just achieving the status of one is desirable for... more
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      Hip-Hop/RapHip-Hop StudiesHip hopHip Hop Culture
غالبًا ما نفكِّر في الكسل باعتباره حالة طبيعية، وفي العمل باعتباره شيئًا يجب أن نُجبَر على القيام به. نحن كُسالى بطبيعتنا، وغير معتادين على العمل إلَّا من خلال ما يُمليه علينا المجتمع. ولكن ماذا لو كانت هذه العادة متأصلة تمامًا لدرجة أنَّ... more
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“Lazy Proust and Literary Work.” Nottingham French Studies, special issue “La Paresse,” edited
  by Audrey Évrard and Robert St-Clair, 55:1 (2016): 18-28.
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      Marcel ProustLaziness
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    • Laziness
This article examines how resistance toward capitalism's temporal bullying is performed in contemporary art and activism. It addresses the relationship between creativity, institutions, and empowerment. Building on the conceptual work of... more
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      German StudiesPerforming ArtsCritical Disability StudiesNeoliberalism
In the aftermath of the 2008 financial crisis we witnessed a revival of discussions about a presumed 'laziness' of Southern European countries. In addition to the diffusion of the so-called regime of austerity and the rise of... more
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      Critical TheoryPhilosophyMarxismCultural Theory
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      Thomas AquinasSlothLaziness
جوادی یگانه، محمدرضا و زینب فاطمی امین و مجید فولادیان (1389-1390) «بررسی تطبیقی شاخص تنبلی در ایران و کشورهای جهان و برخی راه حل ها» راهبرد فرهنگ. سال سوم شماره دوازدهم و سال چهارم شماره سیزدهم. زمستان 1389 و بهار 1390: 111-134.... more
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      Iranian StudiesSocial EthicsHistorical and Comparative SociologyNegative Mood