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Bu çalışma, Arazi Sanatının “manzara” kavramı ile ilişkisi üzerine bir incelemedir. Araştırmanın amacı, “manzara” kavramının Arazi Sanatındaki olasılıklarını değerlendirmektir. Araştırma içerisinde “manzara”, sanatçı ve doğa arasında... more
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Landscape architecture and urban design and planning projects by Stefan Tischer in 5 chapters: Gardens + parks, public space, exteriors + campus, landscape planning, Landrat-ephimeral-memorial.
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      Landscape ArchitectureUrban DesignLandscape PlanningLandart
Arazi Sanatı ve Seramik Giderek maddileşen bir çağda medyanm hakimiyeti altındaki kent kökenli tüketici kültürüne alternatif bu sanatı uygulamak zor, fakat önemlidir. Sanatsal çalışmalar, bizi doğayla ilişki kurmaya davet ederek, yerin... more
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      Ceramics (Ceramics)SeramikLandartArazi Sanatı
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      Landscape ArchitectureCultural LandscapesLandscape HistoryLandscape (Art)
What is landscape? And what is art in the landscape? In recent years, the notion of the landscape has experienced a major shift in the context of visual arts. The book offers various perspectives on the complex relations between art,... more
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      Art HistoryArt TheoryContemporary ArtAlpine Research
Las cartografías, entendidas como una interpretación gráfica del territorio, son una de las herramientas principales para la comprensión de los lugares y uno de los puntos de partida del proyecto arquitectónico. Tradicionalmente un... more
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      CartographyIllustrationLandscape (Art)Landscape
La serie de piezas que componen Menhir configuran una obra abierta que se sitúa a medio camino entre la música, la instalación y el recorrido. El texto explora el discurso de la obra a través de las diferentes fases por las que ha pasado... more
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      MusicInteractive ArtsWalking (Art)Sound Art
Пътуването в смисъл на преминаване, било то физическо – на субект през определено пространство, или философско – като процес на себеосъзнаване, се наблюдава в много произведения на българското неконвенционално и съвременно изкуство. Това... more
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      Art TheoryInstallation ArtContemporary ArtHistory of Art
In August of 2016, the town of Arquata del Tronto suffered an earthquake that produced important damages at the village and in the structure and integrity of the Medieval Rocca. This proposal aims a research of a method to regenerate the... more
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      Landscape ArchitectureSustainable Landscape Design (Architecture)Landscape changeLandart
The paper discusses the use of art metaphors to create an augmentation of reality. By using material metaphors positioned on archaeological sites, a hybrid of the real and the artificial is created in the mind of the performer, developing... more
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      Experimental ArchaeologyAugmented RealityAugmented Reality ArtLandart
Geçmişte doğa ile barışık yaşamayı öğrenen insanoğlu, günümüzde şehirleşmeyle birlikte doğadan uzaklaşmıştır. Bugün yaşadığımız dünyada, nüfusun hızlı artışı yanında sanayileşme ve modernleşme de doğanın kutsal sayıldığı ve korunduğu... more
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      ModernizationWomen ArtistsNatureSanat
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      CríticaCampAndy WarholLandart
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      Collective MemoryLandart
Presentation of the exhibition by artist Christo Javacheff (1935-2020) at the Museu de Arte Contemporânea, São Paulo, Brazil, in 1989
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      Contemporary ArtLandscape ArchitectureSculptureVisual Arts
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      Art HistoryDesignIndustrial DesignDesign Theory
What is landscape? How to define landscape in relation to the territory on which we live or which we own? What does it mean to own land, together with its natural resources and their localization? And what grounds do we refer to when we... more
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      Landscape EcologyLandscape ArchaeologyLandscape ArchitectureCultural Landscapes
Táto publikácia je výstupom projektu „Status krajinára“, pozostávajúceho z troch plenérnych výletov v krajinkách východného Slovenska počas roka 2017, internetovej prezentácie diel, a záverečnej konferencie na tému „Umelec a krajina po... more
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      Art TheoryContemporary ArtVisual ArtsLandart
Il est une « mythologie de l'ailleurs 1 »,1selon les termes de Dominique Baqué , que l'Amérique des années cinquante a sut cristalliser. Il convient d'évoquer ici brièvement les figures marquantes issues de ce grand bouleversement des... more
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      Contemporary ArtCritiqueNomadismEsthétique
Nachträgliche Anmerkung: Die Twingischlucht ist ein sehr steiniger Abschnitt in der Kerbe, die ins Binntal führt. Steinig und hart ist auch das vorgeschlagene Konzept gewesen, Mineralien und Gestein aus dem hochalpinen Gebiet des... more
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      ArchitectureLandscape ArchitecturePaisajeTraces
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      Contemporary ArtPublic ArtSite-Specific ArtLandart
Carme Pigem und Jørg Himmelreich sprachen über die Arbeiten von RCR Arquitectes – im Fokus stand dabei die intensive Auseinandersetzung mit Topografie, Geologie, Klima und lokaler Kultur. Den Büronamen haben Rafael Aranda Quiles, Carme... more
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      ArchitectureLandscape ArchitectureArchitectural TheoryLandart
این گفت‌وگو از مجموعه مستند‌نگاری‌هایی است که به بهانۀ برگزاری پروژۀ نمایشگاهی «طراحی معاصر اصفهان» و با هدف ثبت و ضبط آراء و نظرات هنرمندان نسل‌های مختلف هنرهای تجسمی در شهر اصفهان به کیوریتوری «امیر رجایی باغسرخی» انجام می‌شود. «نوشین... more
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      Art HistoryNew MediaContemporary ArtNew Media Arts