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In 2008, digitisation and the resulting options for global research prompted the International Institute of Social History (IISH) to launch the ‘Collaboratories in Social and Economic History’. One of these was the Labour Conflicts... more
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      Digital HistoryKnowledge Discovery in DatabasesWork and LabourSocial History of Labour and Labour Relations
В данной работе делается попытка показать, с помощью методов математического моделирования, при каких условиях процессы самоорганизации в рабочей среде могут приводить к взрывному характеру конфликтов, к нелинейным эффектам в их развитии... more
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      Labour historyNonlinear dynamicsSocial HistoryMathematical Modelling
Remuneration is key to any economic sustenance both to the governments and individuals thus a means to economic growth and development for a state. This study seeks to contribute to the many ongoing debates on remuneration policies and... more
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      Labour ProcessWork and LabourLabour EconomicsRemuneration
This publication charts women´s experience as workers in Catalonia throughout the twentieth century. Drawing on original sources and current research, it reappraises the better known history of women as industrial workers and their... more
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      Catalan StudiesHistory Portuguese and SpanishWork and LabourWomen and Work
In 2008, digitisation and the resulting options for global research prompted the International Institute of Social History (IISH) to launch the ‘Collaboratories in Social and Economic History’. One of these was the Labour Conflicts... more
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      Labour historyDigital HistoryKnowledge Discovery in DatabasesWork and Labour
Este artículo analiza los conflictos laborales protagonizados por los ar-tesanos españoles durante la Edad Moderna. Frente a la visión que los entiende como parte de las disputas existentes en el seno de la dirección de las reales... more
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    • Labour Conflicts
Книга вносит вклад в изучение темы, в свое время обласканной советской властью, но практически забытой сегодня в отечественной историографии. В ее основе — анализ созданного исследователями и архивистами уникального массового комплексного... more
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      Industrial And Labor RelationsRussian HistorySocial HistoryLabor History and Studies
В статье рассматриваются вопросы, связанные с обеспечением должного уровня дисциплины на советских текстильных предприятиях в годы довоенных пятилеток (1928-1940 гг.). При этом для создания более детальной и целостной картины учитываются... more
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      Industrial And Labor RelationsEconomic HistoryLabor EconomicsSocial History
El objetivo del presente artículo consiste en analizar las dinámicas de negociación colectiva y conflicto laboral durante el período 2003-2015 en Argentina, considerando las tensiones que caracterizaron los procesos de negociación... more
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      Trade unionsCollective BargainingLabour ConflictsOrganizing, Working Class Organizations
Camilo Santibáñez y Franck Gaudichaud, "Los obreros portuarios y la idea de "posición estratégica" en la postdictadura chilena (2003-2014)", en José Ponce, Camilo Santibáñez y Julio Pinto, Trabajadores & trabajadoras. Procesos y acción... more
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      HistoryLabour historyHistory of ChileWork and Labour
Resumen. Este trabajo indaga acerca de la relación entre los procesos de revitalización sindical y las disputas intersindicales en el sector químico, en el marco de las experiencias de reorganización sindical que tuvieron lugar en... more
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      Collective BargainingTrade union renewalLabour Conflicts
The chapter begins with a brief overview of our methodology, followed by a brief historical summary of protest time in Italy and a breakdown of the types and actors of protest in Italy in 2011. We then focus on democracy, then on Europe,... more
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      DemocracyItalySurveyProtest Movements
Se analiza el impacto de la pandemia de COVID-19 en el mundo del trabajo considerando las normativas laborales decretadas por el gobierno nacional en el marco del Asilamiento Social Preventivo y Obligatorio (ASPO)/ Distanciamiento Social... more
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      Labour LawCollective BargainingLabour ConflictsCOVID-19 PANDEMIC
Capitalist restructuring have posed serious threats to trade unions worldwide since mid-1970s. De-industrialisation, labour market flexibility, managerial assault on labour process epitomise capital offensive; so does, the virulent... more
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    • Labour Conflicts
Since China has established itself as 'the workshop of the world', the disposition of China's labour-capital relations has been attracting wide scholarly attention. Scholars have generally sought to interrogate labour issues from the... more
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      Chinese PoliticsChinese Human RightsChinese Communist PartyChinese Labour Law
Resumen. Este artículo estudia las diferencias del conflicto laboral español en la Edad Moderna atendiendo a dos de sus sistemas de organización manufacturera: las grandes concentraciones industriales (Reales Fábricas, arsenales, minas) y... more
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      Early Modern EuropeSocial HistorySpain (History)Artisans
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      Social MovementsSocial IdentitySocial RepresentationsPrecarity
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      Labour historyLabour Conflicts
Following the recent interest of bringing capitalism back into social movement studies, this article contributes to the debate with the application of new techniques for examining the dynamics of social class in protest politics.... more
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      Working ClassesSoutheastern EuropeLabour ConflictsProtest Event Analysis
We cant deny that the charge of Human Resources in the organization has a big influence for reaching up the organization's goals. Since that, the management of human resources should be done properly in order the organization's goals can... more
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      Work and LabourLabour ConflictsHuman Resourche Management
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    • Labour Conflicts
Система трудовых отношений, сформировавшаяся в российской промышленности в период дореволюционной индустриализации, после 1917 г. претерпела серьезные изменения. Однако конфликты в их различных формах, вплоть до самых острых (забастовки),... more
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      Economic HistorySocial HistoryLabour relationsIndustrial and LAbour relations
ABSTRACT The professionalization of the Argentine women’s first division in 2019 allows an in-depth analysis of an underdeveloped and historically marginalized women’s football in Latin America. Following Argentina’s participation in the... more
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      Latin American StudiesGender StudiesSocial PolicyGender Equality
The professionalization of the Argentine women's first division in 2019 allows an in-depth analysis of an underdeveloped and historically marginalized women's football in Latin America. Following Argentina's participation in the 2018... more
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      Latin American StudiesGender StudiesSocial PolicyWomen's Studies
En el presente artículo nos proponemos estudiar las maneras en que el Estado chileno responde a las huelgas laborales mediante la acción policial, analizando 552 huelgas entre 2010 y 2015 registradas por el Observatorio de Huelgas... more
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      Industrial And Labor RelationsChileStrikesProtest and State Repression
Este artículo estudia la conflictiva instauración y derogación de un sistema de repartición rotativa del trabajo en las faenas de estiba del salitre, denominado “la redondilla”. En el contexto de contratación eventual que prosiguió a la... more
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      HistoryLabour historyHistory of ChileLabour Studies
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      Political ScienceLabour LawSociologíaCiencias Sociales
Nel n.44 di “Imprese e storia” il mio articolo Rivendicazioni economiche e istanze politiche negli scioperi dell’Italia postunitaria (1861-1871) esamina alcuni conflitti sociali alle origini dell’Italia contemporanea, attraverso tre casi... more
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      PoliceItalyLabour ConflictsIndustrial Relations and Conflicts
El año 2012 fue testigo de una novedad en el ámbito de la conflictividad sindical argentina: las centrales sindicales argentinas tejieron una “unidad de acción” que implicó la concreción de cinco paros generales entre los años 2012 y... more
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      StrikesKirchnerismoAcción PolíticaCTA
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      Religion and PoliticsCatholicismCarnation revolutionLabour Conflicts
Автореферат кандидатской диссертации, 1991 г.
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      Soviet PressLabour ConflictsUk Media
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      Industrial And Labor RelationsAfrican StudiesWorkplace ConflictLabour Conflicts
The professionalization of the Argentine women's first division in 2019 allows an in-depth analysis of an underdeveloped and historically marginalized women's football in Latin America. Following Argentina's participation in... more
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      Latin American StudiesGender StudiesSocial PolicyGender Equality
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      Portugal (History)TV studiesRevolutionLabour Conflicts
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      Child PovertyEighteenth Century HistoryChildhoodChild Labour