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      Chinese StudiesChinese Theatretraditional Chinese dramaKunqu
This article compares extractivist ideologies of voice and listening in late eighteenth-century Europe and China to envision a decolonial comparativism. Inspired by Dylan Robinson’s “apposite methodology,” the article “writes with” the... more
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      Sound studiesGlobal HistoryQing Dynasty (Ch'ing Dynasty)Comparative Study
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      KunquJingjuxiqumúsica tradicional china
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      Intangible cultural heritageChina Cultural HeritageChinese LiteratiKunqu
Huang Xieqing (1805-1864) is considered as one of the best nineteenth-century writers of Kunqu plays. The Mirror of the Official, composed around 1855, describes the career of Wang Wenxi, a model official who confronted the Opium war,... more
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      Bureaucracies & Bureaucratic WorkersQing Dynasty (Ch'ing Dynasty)Drama and TheaterOpium War
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      Intangible Cultural Heritage (Culture)KunquSafeguarding Intangible Cultural HeritageUNESCO Convention for the Safeguarding of Intangible Cultural Heritage
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      Theatre StudiesShakespeareShakespeare in PerformanceKunqu
冊封・幕藩、両制度に属した近世琉球の外交政策の中心部として芸能があった。能楽・浄瑠璃・歌舞伎や琉球口頭文学から本説を得て琉球語で演じられる組踊が、明代中国からの使節団向けに、異国でありながら儒教などの思想を理解する文明国としての姿勢を見せるために作られたというのは周知の通りである。ただし、私が大英博物館で発見した絵入り図録『琉球奏楽図』がこれまで知られる中でもっとも詳しく物語るように、逆に江戸上りの際、琉球使節団が将軍の前で中国語による演劇を「唐踊(とうおどり)」という名称で... more
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      Diplomatic HistoryAsian StudiesJapanese StudiesInternational Relations
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      Space and PlaceSustainable DevelopmentChina TourismContested Spaces (Anthropology of space)
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      Single WomenShanghaiCreative LabourShanghai Urban Studies
Book review of Chow Yiu Fai's book "Caring in Times of Precarity: A Study of Single Women Doing Creative Work in Shanghai."
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      Gender StudiesMedia StudiesWomen's StudiesGender
Abstract:Performing Shakespeare and Tang Xianzu is a vehicle for innovation for Shen Yili, Zhang Jun, Luo Chenxue, and their fellow actors at the Shanghai Kunqu Theatre (SKT). As my case studies of The Story of Bloody Hands (a 1986... more
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      HistoryTheatre StudiesShakespeareAsian Theatre
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      Chinese Language and CultureChina studiesChinese TheatreCultural Revolution
The conventional view of kunqu as an elite form of traditional Chinese theatre has left its legacy of live performance and the performers’ efforts and creativity to keep kunqu alive onstage overlooked. Borrowing the Fan (Jieshan) provides... more
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      Chinese StudiesAsian TheatreChinese TheatreKunqu
Throughout the early-modern period, the small island kingdom of Ryūkyū was putting on diplomatic shows for its two tributary masters, China and Japan: cultural pageantry was essential to most exchanges. Kumi odori, a theatre developed in... more
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      Japanese StudiesInternational RelationsMulticulturalismPerforming Arts