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English version of the article dealing with the plans within the German Foreign ministry (Auswärtiges Amt) for Turkestan.
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      AfghanistanXinjiangFirst World WarCentral Asia
Hitherto, the knowledge of reconstruction of the .monuments, finishing layer should be a layer of cosmetics increase ventilation of deep understanding, even so, there has been just a common vision. The reason is traditional architectural... more
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      EngineeringStructural EngineeringArchitectureCultural Heritage
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      Central Asia (History)Central AsiaKhanate of KhivaBoukhara
This is my unpublished PhD Dissertation. It includes a special focus on 'Abd ar-Rahman Khalifa, a Turkmen [Naqshbandi] holy man and his role in mediating relations between the Sariq Turkmens and the Khanate of Khiva.
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      Central Asian StudiesTurkmenistanKhanate of Khiva
critical text edition of MUHAMMAD RIZA  MIRAB AGAHI
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      Textual Criticism and EditingIslamic ManuscriptsKhanate of KhivaHistory of Central Asia
I analyzed mechanisms of transformation of the monarchic system in Khiva, Bukhara, Mongolia and Tibet to socialist systems in the first half of the 20th Century. Considering differences between these states in their social systems and... more
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      Asian StudiesRussian StudiesInternational RelationsSoviet History
В данной статье с точки зрения историографии рассмотрен поход Александра Бековича-Черкасского на Хивинское ханство в 1714-1717 годах и его исследования в историко-географических исследованиях первой научной карты Каспийского моря,... more
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      CartographyKaspian SeaKhanate of KhivaHistory of Central Asia
This article examines the history of the fair and unfair societies and the consequences of their disintegration in the history of Central Asia. The author writes: "Why have our ancestors, who have united the twenty-seven nations in... more
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      Social JusticeColonialismRussian Foreign PolicyJustice
Protecting and Promoting Cultural Heritage along the Silk Road; Reflections from Khiva, the cultural capital of the Turkic World in 2020 November 16, 2021 Tuesday 4:00 PM – 5.30 PM European Parliament, Room A1H1 Master of... more
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      European ParliamentUzbekistanKhanate of KhivaCulture and Arts Capital of the Turkic World
Qongrat (Chagh. Qngrt; Uzb. Qo'ng'irot; Karak. Qon'rat) is a town, which began life as a fortified settlement, located in lower delta of the Amu Darya in the northwestern part of the area historically known as Khwarazm. It appears in... more
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      Central Asian StudiesIslamic StudiesCentral AsiaAral Sea
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      Travel WritingNear Eastern StudiesMiddle East HistoryInner Asian Studies
The khanates of Bukhara and Khiva had much in common, but depictions of their relationship with one another vary dramatically between historical sources. Some accounts convey deep rivalries between them, while in other sources they... more
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      Genre studiesCentral Asian History (Area Studies)Khanate of KhivaBukhara Khanate
Alexander Ludvigovich Kuhn (1840–88) was a Russian Orientalist of German-Armenian descent. The most important period of his activity was his service in Central Asia where on behalf of the Turkestan Governorate-General he collected... more
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      Archival StudiesRare Books and ManuscriptsCentral Asian StudiesManuscript Studies
В статье рассматривается процесс включения двух cреднеазиатских протекторатов Российской империи — Бухарского эмирата и Хивинского ханства — в российскую таможенную черту в 1894–1895 гг. Выявляются причины принятия российскими имперскими... more
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      Central Asia (History)Russian EmpireKhanate of KhivaBukhara Khanate
Обладатель чина «кази-аскар» в Хивинском ханстве не только рассматривал дела военных, но и соответствие других гражданских дел нормам шариата. Также, кази-аскары рассматривали вопросы от имени кази областей в его отсутствии. Несмотря на... more
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      Military HistoryMedieval HistoryCentral Asian StudiesJudicial review
Son of an official of the Christian Orthodox Patriarchate, Vasileios Vatatzis was born in 1694 in Tarabya (Istanbul) and at an early age decided to travel as a merchant. His first voyage was to Moscow, where he arrived via Moldavia and... more
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      Central Asian StudiesOttoman StudiesCultural Intermediaries In The Early Modern MediterraneanCentral Eurasian Studies
Прослежен военный арсенал в Хивинском ханстве, в частности военное оружие, пушки и их виды, количество, а также способы применения в позднем средневековье. Проанализированы данные о современных и новых типах оружия, выданных нукерам... more
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      Military HistoryStrategy (Military Science)Medieval HistoryHistoriography
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      Khanate of KhivaKhanate of BukharaBuhara HanlığıWest Turkestan
Ansamblsozlik an'analari  va yangicha qarashlar Xiva Ichan qal'asi misolida.
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      ArchitectureEnsemble MethodsKhanate of Khiva
This paper examines two linked cases of abortive Imperial expansion. The British invasion of Afghanistan and the Russian winter expedition to Khiva both took place in 1839, and both ended in disaster. These events were linked, not merely... more
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      AfghanistanColonialismBritish EmpireImperialism
This article explores the use of camels for baggage transport by European colonial armies in the nineteenth century. It focuses in particular on two episodes: the Russian winter expedition to Khiva, and the march of the Army of the Indus... more
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      Military HistoryAfghanistanCentral Asia (History)Russian Foreign Policy
After the Mongol Empire era, Persian remained a favored language of chancery and belles-lettres all over Central Asia. It is not until the 19th century, marked by the emergence of states dominated by the Uzbek tribal elites, that the... more
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      Cultural HistoryCultural StudiesTranslation StudiesLanguages and Linguistics
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      BokharaTurkestanKhanate of Khiva
Статья посвящена анализу различных государственных должностей и чинов, функционировавших в государственном управлении Хивинского ханства и служебных обязанностей их носителей. В ней на основе многочисленных фактических данных, выявленных... more
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      Medieval HistoryCentral Asiaвоенная историяистория
ÖZET Evrenin varoluşundan bugüne kadar bir insan ya da herhangi bir canlı için ölüm, yaşamın kaçınılmaz bir parçası olmuştur. Tarih boyunca insanoğlu ölüm olgusunu algılamaya ve anlamlandırmaya çalışmıştır. İçinde bulunulan toplumun... more
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      DeathKhanate of KhivaÇağatay TürkçesiiŞecere-i Harezmşahi
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      Central Asian StudiesIslam in Central AsiaTimurids (Islamic History)Central Asian History (Area Studies)
The present article attempts to provide a framework for analyzing moral education on the territory of what is today the Republic of Uzbekistan, and what in Tsarist times was the government of Turkestan and the Khanates of Khiva and... more
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      Islamic Education & Islamic SchoolingMoral EducationReligious StudiesUzbekistan
Goushot Khan, one of the prominent khans of the Tekkeh Turkmens, who lived in the lower courses of the Serakhs and Tejen rivers until 1857 and in Merv after that date, was one of the most prominent khans of the Turkmen people. The... more
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      TurkmenTurkish HistoryQajar PeriodTurkmen History and Its Tribal Structure
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      HistoriographyCartografiaKaspian SeaRussian Imperial History
Cotton farming, being one of the leading branches of economic activity of Turkestan of the beginning of the 20 th century, attracted the attention of big investors of the Russian Empire. This article examines functioning of the... more
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      FinanceColonialismBankingCentral Asia
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      Silk RoadSilk Road StudiesTimurids (Islamic History)Central Asian History (Area Studies)
В центре внимания авторов исследования – история фортификационных сооружений экспедиции А. Черкасского на полуострове Мангышлак (Мангистау) в контексте российско - хивинских и российско-туркменских отношений петровского... more
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      Russian HistoryCentral AsiaTurkmenistanKhanate of Khiva
The article examines from the point of view of historiography the study by orientalists Vasily Vladimirovich Bartold and Nikolai Ivanovich Veselovsky of the history of the military campaign led by Alexander... more
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      HistoriographyKhanate of Khivahistory of UzbekistanV.V. Bartold
History of trading and and the influence of protectorate regime
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      Central Asia (History)TradeKhanate of KhivaIndustry market research
"Un altro prodotto prezioso del distretto di Kara-koul, al sud di Bucara, in vicinanza alle sabbie fra cui asciuga il Zerafschan, son le pelli d’agnellini ottenuti coll’aborto artificiale allo scopo d’averle fornite di una peluria... more
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      Central Asia (History)LetteraturaOttocentoLetteratura italiana
Статья представляет собой публикацию документа 1717 г., связанного с известием о трагической гибели князя А. Черкасского, известного исследователя Каспийского моря и его восточного побережья. На основании сообщения представленного... more
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      KalmykKhanate of KhivaHistory of Central Asia
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      Khanate of KhivaHistory of Central Asia
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      PoetryCentral Asian StudiesCentral Asian History (Area Studies)Central Asia
This paper will explore two apparently contrasting aspects of the Khivan Campaign of 1873, which was led by the then Turkestan Governor-General, Konstantin Petrovich von Kaufman. The conquest of Khiva, whilst fully authorised and approved... more
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      Military HistoryColonialismRussian HistoryCentral Asia
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      Central Asian StudiesCentral AsiaUzbekistanKhanate of Khiva
Аннотация: В статье рассматриваются виды сабель, бытовавших в Средней Азии XIX-го-начала XX-го вв., в частности шамширы и пулвары, как наиболее распространённые образцы. На основании письменных источников XIX-ХХ веков подробно описываются... more
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      Central Asia (History)Arms and ArmourKhanate of KhivaBukhara Khanate
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      Central European StudiesUzbekistanHistory of Art and ArchitectureKhanate of Khiva
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      Travel WritingCentral AsiaQajar PersiaHistory of architecture
Jump to ContentJump to Main Navigation: Log in; Register; Help; German; English; Take a Tour; Sign up for a free trial; Subscribe. Logo. Advanced SearchHelp. My Content (1) Recently viewed (1). Waqf als soziale, rech... My Searches (0).... more
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      Islam in Central AsiaCentral AsiaKhanate of KhivaWaqf in Central Asian Khanates of Bukhara and Khiva