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      AestheticsPragmatismAmerican PhilosophyPragmatist Aesthetics
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      John Dewey's AestheticsJohn Cage
Książka skupia uwagę na kategorii dla pragmatyzmu podstawowej: kategorii doświadczenia. Najbardziej interesuje mnie doświadczenie estetyczne, zwłaszcza w ujęciu Johna Deweya i Richarda Shustermana i to jak życie zmienia się w sztukę.
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      John Dewey's AestheticsRichard ShustermanEdukacjaEstetyka
Original “Art in Education – Education in Art” incluido en The Later Works of John Dewey, Vol. 2 (1925-1927). Carbondale and Edwardsville: Southern Illinois University Press, 1984: 111-115. El artículo apareció originalmente en New... more
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      AestheticsPragmatismJohn DeweyJohn Dewey's Aesthetics
Neste trabalho se expõe de modo breve a concepção de John Dewey presente em seu livro “Arte como Experiência” de arte como modelo de experiência completa e pura. Além disso, traça-se uma relação entre o entendimento da arte como viva e a... more
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      John DeweyJohn Dewey's AestheticsEstética
L’arte collettiva deriva un adattamento dell’esperienza che è meno cosciente e più di massa, come la vita fisica non può esistere senza il supporto di un ambiente fisico cosi la vita morale non può procedere senza il supporto di un... more
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      John DeweyJohn Dewey's AestheticsEstéticaEstetica
This is the Draft Table of Contents for my forthcoming book (Lexington--hopefully December 2016): Eco-Nihilism: The Philosophical Geopolitics of the Climate Change Apocalypse. I post it here to give my readers--for whom I'm tremendously... more
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      Critical TheoryFuture StudiesPolitical Geography and GeopoliticsGender Studies
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      Gilles Deleuze and Felix GuattariVisual ArtsArts-Based ResearchJohn Dewey's Aesthetics
The aim of this paper is to explore the potential of aesthetic experience for perspective-changing. According to the thesis presented here, it is the aesthetic experience, which as "aesthetic" implies the change of perspective, the... more
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      PhenomenologyRichard RortyEmpathy (Philosophy)John Dewey's Aesthetics
This chapter details a unique sensibility called the “artful rhizome,” a sensual, political, and queer sensorium of everyday aesthetics and affect that liberates sexuality, sensualizes ordinary affective experiences, and deterritorializes... more
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      Queer TheoryEmbodimentGilles Deleuze and Felix GuattariAffect (Cultural Theory)
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      John DeweyJohn Dewey's Aesthetics
The domain of Interaction Design (IxD) strives for rich interactions yet continues to work with both a shallow definition of gestalt experience and a meager palette of experiential variables from which to pull. The presence of the body in... more
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      Human Computer InteractionAestheticsDalcroze EurhythmicsDesign education
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The year 2009 marks the 150th anniversary of John Dewey's birth and also the 75th anniversary of the publication of his aesthetic masterpiece "Art as Experience"--a book that has been extremely influential within the field of aesthetics,... more
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      PsychologyAestheticsArtWilliam James
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      Environmental EthicsJohn DeweyEnvironmental SustainabilityJapanese Aesthetics
This article addresses the on-going debate between pluralistic and monistic approaches to dealing with critical disagreement. I return to the theory of world hypotheses advanced by Stephen C. Pepper, an understudied figure in aesthetics... more
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      DesignArt TheoryGeorges Didi-HubermanGilles Deleuze
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      Cognitive SciencePhilosophyPhilosophy of MindAesthetics
On Peirce's Esthetics CONTENIDO SARA BARRENA. El sistema de Charles S. Peirce: conexiones clásicas y modernas de la estética peirceana ROSSELLA FABBRICHESI. La radice estetica della filosofia: Peirce e l'attrazione verso le idee... more
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      AestheticsPeirceDeweyCharles S. Peirce
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      AestheticsPragmatismMartial ArtsJohn Dewey
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      CommunicationPragmatismRhetoricComposition and Rhetoric
«Pragmatist Aesthetics in Dialogue». Online International Conference, University of Pisa/University of Florence, December 13-15, 2021.

Link to participate:

Poster designed by Marcello Sessa.
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      AestheticsPragmatismJohn DeweyPragmatism (Philosophy)
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      AestheticsIndian PhilosophyJohn DeweyJohn Dewey's Aesthetics
Na intersecção entre o conceito de Primeiridade em Peirce e a distinção formulada por Dewey entre “estético” e “artístico”, propomos um diálogo entre os pensamentos de ambos para uma reflexão acerca da experiência estética. Embora... more
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      PragmatismPeircePragmatist AestheticsDewey
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      John DeweyJohn Dewey's AestheticsEstética
n his 1934 book Art as Experience, John Dewey called for the reintegration of art with the processes of everyday life. According to Dewey, since the industrialisation of western society, art has become a compartmentalised sphere set apart... more
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      Contemporary ArtPragmatist AestheticsPerformance ArtLive Art
La obra del filósofo norteamericano John Dewey (1859-1952) es sistemática en la teoría y, en vida del propio Dewey, aspiraría a ser también sistemática en la práctica. En la práctica, un modo de tratar la profunda complejidad de la... more
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      American LiteratureCultural StudiesAmerican StudiesPhilosophy
This article engages the understudied Indian reformer, Bhimrao Ramji Ambedkar (1891-1956), in order to explicate pragmatism’s influence in non-western rhetorical situations. By charting the influence of John Dewey on Ambedkar as a... more
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      ReligionSociology of ReligionAestheticsPolitical Philosophy
Una larga historia de desencuentros tiñe las relaciones teóricas entre la teoría crítica y el pragmatismo. Pero también, una tradición abierta por Hans Joas ha intentado aproximar estas dos corrientes en aspectos fundamentales,... more
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      PragmatismArt TheoryTheodor AdornoJohn Dewey
This chapter gives an overview and description of the history and development of digital storytelling , beginning with its origins in community based arts practices and radical democratic culture in the USA, to its establishment as a... more
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      Cultural StudiesDigital HumanitiesDemocratic EducationDigital Media
Though studies of the different members of the classical pragmatist tradition exist in the literature, few of them place emphasis on the aesthetic leaning that the founders of the tradition had, let alone explore if there is a connection... more
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      AestheticsWilliam JamesCharles S. PeirceJohn Dewey
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      Michel FoucaultJohn Dewey's AestheticsAesthetic ExperienceHorror
The mission of this article is to unpack Dewey’s phenomenology of religious experience as it is found in both A Common Faith and Art as Experience, and to outline its promises and limitations. After first piecing together Dewey’s position... more
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      Philosophy Of ReligionJohn DeweyPhenomenology of ReligionJohn Dewey's Aesthetics
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      AestheticsPragmatismArt TheoryPragmatist Aesthetics
This article explores classical pragmatism's resources for contemporary cognitive science by focusing on the arguments that Peirce, James, and Dewey bring to show the diverse affective and aesthetic factors that crucially shape cognition.... more
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      AestheticsPhilosophy of ActionCognitionWilliam James
Although John Dewey's aesthetics has been the subject of a great amount of studies conducted through very different approaches (philosophical, sociological and pedagogical among others) there is a lack of contributions capable of... more
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      AestheticsArt HistoryJohn DeweyPragmatism (Philosophy)
This article explores what the contours of a pragmatist theory of rhetoric would be like in its democratic instantiation. The threat of partisan thought and dogmatism in argument is examined as a threat to the sort of democratic community... more
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      CommunicationPragmatismRhetoricComposition and Rhetoric
In the Graveyard of Works of Art: Dewey and Adorno on Museum Conception of Art –This paper pursues two aims: First, to outline the paradox which consists in apparent, but contradictory presence of two aspects of museums and galleries.... more
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      AestheticsMuseum StudiesAdorno's Aesthetic TheoryJohn Dewey's Aesthetics
Experience and Structure: John Dewey’s and Jan Mukařovský’s Way to Aesthetic Theory. In this essay author examines the apparent convergence of thought between two important figures of the 20th century philosophical aesthetics – John... more
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      AestheticsStructuralism (Literary Criticism)Pragmatism (Philosophy)Structuralism (Philosophy)
Sažetak: U radu se estetičke postavke Džona Djuija iz knjige "Art as Experience" sagledavaju iz perspektive osnovnih motiva njegove pragmatističke filozofije, sa posebnim osvrtom na Djuijevo učenje iz "Logike, teorije istraživanja".... more
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      PhilosophyAestheticsPragmatismPragmatist Aesthetics
In this paper I explore the diverse means by which we understand the term aesthetics and how we perceive meaningful endeavours for children in the elementary art classroom. Drawing on a myriad of approaches to teaching and to viewing the... more
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      John Dewey's AestheticsChildren's Artistic Development
C. S. Peirce is often credited as a forerunner of the verificationist theory of meaning. In his early pragmatist papers, Peirce did say that if we want to make our ideas clear(er), then we should look downstream to their actual and future... more
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      SemioticsBuddhismHistoryIntellectual History
Though there are plenty of excellent works that introduce Dewey’s philosophy of education, this paper presents Dewey’s philosophy of education in a rather novel way: we call it a ‘holistic reading’, meaning that our reading of Dewey’s... more
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      PragmatismPhilosophy of EducationJohn DeweyJohn Dewey's Aesthetics
Within Dewey's thought, the genesis of his aesthetics deserves more attention than it has been given in the literature. One aspect in particular has been virtually neglected-with the remarkable exceptions of Robins 2015, Ueno 2016, Hein... more
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      AestheticsPragmatismArtJohn Dewey
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      Animal StudiesModernist Literature (Literary Modernism)John Dewey's AestheticsMarianne Moore
The paper, which is the result of the aesthetics seminars I gave at The University of Physical Education in Budapest during this spring semester, investigates the aesthetic potentials of sporting experiences from a Deweyan point of view,... more
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      AestheticsPhilosophy of SportJohn DeweySomaesthetics
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      John DeweyIntentionality and interpretation in artJohn Dewey's AestheticsRichard Shusterman
The aesthetics developed by John Dewey relies on the philosopher's effort to re-establish the broken bonds between life and art, thus demonstrating that aesthetic experience and everyday experience are intertwined and not completely... more
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      AestheticsJohn Dewey's Aesthetics
Introducción a un dossier sobre la concepción de educación de John Dewey que coordiné (como editor invitado) para la revista Diálogos Pedagógicos
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      John DeweyJohn Dewey's AestheticsEducaciónEducação