Hyper-Real Religion, Fiction-Based Religion
Recent papers in Hyper-Real Religion, Fiction-Based Religion
This book offers a comprehensive analysis of the organisation and development of the spiritual Tolkien milieu, a largely online-situated network of individuals and groups that draw on J.R.R. Tolkien’s literary mythology for spiritual... more
er uddannet cand.mag. i religionsvidenskab ved Aarhus Universitet. Han er siden 2011 ansat som docent i religionssociologi ved Leiden Universitet, Holland. I efteråret 2014 blev han tildelt PhD-graden (cum laude) for sin afhandling The... more
FAERIE, FAE AND OTHERKIN TRIBES: The Silver Elves’ Guide for Finding Your Magical Kind and Kin by The Silver Elves is dedicated to tribes of the faeries, fae that are faerie blends, otherkin, otherworldlies, and miscellaneous assorted... more
The Complete Dictionary of Arvyndase: The Elven Language of The Silver Elves. There are over 30,000 words in the language of Arvyndase and in this dictionary, as Arvyndase is a complete language and may be both written and spoken as such!... more
Today a new trend is clearly discernable, that of ‘hyper-real religions’. These are innovative religions and spiritualities that mix elements of religious traditions with popular culture. If we imagine a spectrum of intensity of the... more
ELF TRIBES: The Silver Elves’ Guide for Finding Your Magical Kind and Kin is dedicated to tribes of the Elven, but we have also created a companion book FAERIE, FAE AND OTHERKIN TRIBES: The Silver Elves’ Guide for Finding Your Magical... more
Keynote lecture at the Tolkien Society Seminar, Leeds 2018.
Full bibliographical information: Davidsen, Markus Altena (2016), “From Star Wars to Jediism: The Emergence of Fiction-based Religion”, in Ernst van den Hemel & Asja Szafraniec (eds.), Words: Religious Language Matters, New York: Fordham... more
In this short version of my BA thesis, I investigate how H.P Lovecraft and Kenneth Grant apply strategies to be read as a religious text, based on the theories of Marco Frenschkowski. (This English version was written as a language sample... more
The Jedi Community is a loose confederation of groups and individuals who, inspired by George Lucas' Star Wars movies, have adopted an identity as Jedi Knights. Contrary to Star Wars fans who may occasionally and temporarily play as Jedi,... more
This paper challenges recent arguments that the Church of the SubGenius (COSG) is a 'real' religious organization, in that it purportedly provides a path to spiritual enlightenment. Besides downplaying the COSG's comedic aspects, these... more
Jediismen är en seriös och etablerad religiös rörelse baserad på George Lucas Star Wars-filmer. Jediisterna låter sig övertygas av jedimästare som Yoda och Obi-Wan Kenobi och tror på deras utsagor om Kraften.
English Summary of the PhD Dissertation "The Spiritual Tolkien Milieu: A Study of Fiction-based Religion". The public defence took place on Thursday 16 October, 1.45 in the Large Auditorium of the Academy Building of Leiden University.... more
During the last decade, scholars of religion have researched Star Wars-based Jediism, the Tolkien-inspired Elven community, and other religious movements inspired by popular fiction. This article raises two related questions about this... more
This contribution expands and explores the concept of “hyper-real religions” through the case of the Disciples of the New Dawn (DOTND). A pure parody internet religion, DOTND is subtle and sly with its snark but quite real in its... more
Anyone who has seen the film Star Wars: The Last Jedi (warning: spoilers) may have noticed a very direct statement by Luke referring to what he called " the Jedi religion ".
Dit is de Nederlandse samenvatting van mijn proefschrift getiteld 'The Spiritual Tolkien Milieu: A Study of Fiction-based Religion'. Voor de meeste mensen zijn de fantasyboeken van J.R.R. Tolkien pure fictie. Voor een kleine groep mensen... more
Met vier collega-religiewetenschappers publiceerde een van ons in november vorig jaar [2015] een opiniestuk over religiekunde in NRC Handelsblad (Davidsen et al. 2015). Het stuk was een oproep voor kritisch, vergelijkend en... more
2018 American Academy of Religion, Western Region (AARWR) Annual Meeting, Religion in America Unit
2016 Popular Culture Association/American Culture Association (PCA/ACA) National Conference, Travel and Tourism Area
XXI International Association for the History of Religions (IAHR) World Congress. Panel convener and session chair: “The Power of Perspective at the Fringe of ‘Religion.’” Erfurt, Germany.
The book and film franchise of Harry Potter has inspired a monumental fandom community with a veracious output of fanfiction and general musings on the text and the vivid universe contained therein. A significant portion of these texts... more
Fiktionsbaseret religion RV T 5 5 ( 2 0 1 0 ) 3 -2 1 Fiktionsbaseret religion Fra Star Wars til jediisme M A R K U S D AV I D S E N ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Jediism is a new religion which is based on George Lucas' Star Wars movies. The core... more
Fantasy i bred forstand er ikke kun tidsfordrivende underholdning. Mange laesere og seere finder i fantasy en kilde til fornyet livsoptimisme og moralsk opbyggelse. Nogle går endnu videre og opbygger religioner baseret på fantasy. Et... more