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L’idée que le christianisme, le judaïsme ou l’islam puissent tenir un discours autre que négatif sur l’homosexualité a longtemps semblé impensable. Pourtant depuis plusieurs décennies, d’abord dans le monde anglo-saxon puis dans des pays... more
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      Queer StudiesQueer TheologyChurch and HomosexualityHomosexuality and Judaism
Galt der Hof jahrelang als überschätzte, vollständig erforschte Institution, so ist er unter den Vorzeichen einer erneuerten Politik- und Kulturgeschichte zuletzt wieder in den Fokus der Geschichtswissenschaft gerückt. Die... more
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      Intellectual HistoryCultural HistoryDiplomatic HistoryGender History
Indeed, on LGBTQ Muslim affirmation in Islam, Hussein and I have had to address not just the story of the people of Lut, but also the Hadith texts on liwat, the mukthannathun (effeminates), the Hadith texts on ityan bil dubur (anal sex),... more
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      Gay MuslimsHomosexuality and IslamIslam and LGBT
In recent years, Western nations have been opening up to the granting of rights and freedoms to the LGBT (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender) community. Along with these rights have come a major push to normalize homosexual practices,... more
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      Islamic StudiesProphetsIslamHomosexuality
This study critically examines the place of homosexuality within Islam. It studies the theological understanding of homosexuality in the Quran, focusing on its interpretation by exegetes and the juridical history from the time of the... more
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      Gay And Lesbian StudiesLesbian StudiesHomosexualityGay marriage
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      Iranian StudiesIranian HistorySports and GenderGender and Sport
In his 2006 article in the Journal of the Islamic Medical Association of North America (JIMA), Dr. Ahmed qualified the predominant psychiatric view on " homosexuality " by recourse to opinions prevalent within reparative therapy circles.... more
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      Homosexuality, Islam and Gender IdentityHomosexuality and IslamGender and Sexuality In IslamIslam and Same Sex Marriage
This lesson plan is intended for a college undergraduate audience. The objective of this lesson is to shed light on emerging Islamic scholarship that affirms Muslim same-sex unions in contrast to the neo-traditional stance on the... more
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      Homosexuality, Islam and Gender IdentityHomosexuality and IslamGender and Sexuality In IslamIslam and LGBT
Commentary on the hifz furuj (protection of private parts) verse and derived juristic principle (the default status of accessing the female pudenda is prohibition). Orienting the discourse to that of a legal contract where the principle... more
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      Homosexuality, Islam and Gender IdentityHomosexuality and IslamIslam and Same Sex Marriage Sexual Diversity and Islam
Reformist authors in the West, most notably Scott Kugle, have called Islam’s prohibition of liwāṭ (sodomy) and other same-sex behavior into question. Kugle’s “Sexuality, Diversity, and Ethics in the Agenda of Progressive Muslims”... more
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      Homosexuality, Islam and Gender IdentityHomosexuality and IslamQuran and Tafsir Studies
The objective of this paper was to streamline the case for Muslim same-sex unions that was comprehensively made in Jahangir and Abdullatif (2016). Additionally, we try to address same-sex unions on the basis of non-binary gender, gender... more
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      Homosexuality, Islam and Gender IdentityHomosexuality and IslamGender and Sexuality In IslamIslam and Same Sex Marriage
Book Chapter in Samar Habib (ed), Islam and Homosexuality, Praeger
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      Homosexuality, Islam and Gender IdentityHomosexuality and IslamGender and Sexuality In IslamIslam and Same Sex Marriage
Altogether, with its emic perspective, the book provides an extensive reference source on the inner-Islamic discussion for gay and lesbian Muslims and can be used as a strong base for an argumentation that situates same-sex unions within... more
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      Homosexuality, Islam and Gender IdentityHomosexuality and IslamIslam and Same Sex Marriage Sexual Diversity and Islam
In the backdrop of increased political and social visibility of LGBTQ Muslim groups, conservative Muslim scholars have begun to engage with progressive Muslim scholarship on homosexuality. Most recently, they have supported a rebuttal,... more
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      Homosexuality, Islam and Gender IdentityHomosexuality and IslamGender and Sexuality In IslamIslam and Same Sex Marriage
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      TerrorismPolitical Violence and TerrorismPolitical Extremism/Radicalism/PopulismIslamic Studies
in Sex and Desire in Muslim Cultures: Beyond Norms and Transgression from the Abbasids to the Present Day, ed. A. Kreil, L. Sorbera, and S. Tolino. London: Bloomsbury, 2020, pp. 87-110.
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      Gender StudiesSex and GenderGender HistoryGender and Sexuality
En este trabajo se va a tratar el tema de la homosexualidad en el mundo árabe e islámico, dedicando una especial atención al Líbano, país objeto de estudio. Para poder desarrollar el tema han sido consultadas numerosas investigaciones... more
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      LebanonHomosexualidadHomosexuality, Islam and Gender IdentitySocio-Anthropologie Du Corps, Islam, Homosexualité
This book deals with Homosexuality, Transidentity, and Islam. It is a study of Scripture Confronting the Politics of Gender and Sexuality
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      Gender StudiesHistory of Homosexuality in Islamic Society (from the medieval era to present day)Homosexuality, Islam and Gender IdentityHomosexuality and Islam
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      Queer StudiesCultural HeritageEthnographyQueer Theory
Please note, I have withdrawn this research paper from the MENACS conference at the University of Sussex on 27th - 28th April 2017.
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      Ottoman HistoryEarly Modern HistoryAnglo-Ottoman RelationsOttoman and England
This paper addresses the question whether homosexuality is acquired or inherent? The author finds that homosexuality is a choice, that is it is acquired. The paper references various sociological and psychological researches to come to... more
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      SexualityMasculine SexualityGender and SexualityGay And Lesbian Studies
Liebster Sascha(Beck) Habibi = Geliebter, Liebling, mein Süßester (Xylitol - Gewöhnlicher Zuckeraustauschstoff oder Wundermittel auf academia(punkt)edu) (und auch für alle Anderen), hier meinem Auszug vom Academia-Text "Homosexualität... more
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      Queer StudiesHistory of Homosexuality in Islamic Society (from the medieval era to present day)Homosexuality, Islam and Gender IdentityHomosexuality in Islam
Homosexual sex between men is predominately reduced to and understood as the act of liwāṭ, which is expressly defined as “inserting the tip of the penis into the anus of a male” (Islam Q&A 2009, par. 10). Traditionally, it has been viewed... more
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      Homosexuality in IslamHomosexuality and IslamIslam and Same Sex Marriage
El objetivo del presente artículo es analizar la casuística homoerótica y pederasta en el islam clásico, a través de la antología poética Basṭ al-a‘ḏār ‘an ḥubb al-‘iḏār [Exposición de los pretextos sobre el amor de los aladares] del... more
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      Ottoman HistorySexualityOttoman StudiesHomosexuality, Islam and Gender Identity
Strict regulations concerning sexual intercourse turn problematic when a devout Muslim man discovers he is sexually attracted to men only, or a pious Muslim woman is solely attracted to women. In such cases the unvarnished, sexual... more
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    • Homosexuality and Islam
The struggle of Muslim homosexuals in Pakistan, South Asia, or as expatriates is not just about LGBTQ rights but part of the larger fight for inclusion and pluralism within Islam. My essay published in The Boston Globe Ideas section (July... more
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      Film StudiesLiterature and cinemaSouth Asian StudiesSouth Asia
Those readers accustomed to the tropes of Islam's inflexibility and its severity when it comes to sex might be surprised by the unhibited and daring nature of the texts presented in this article. Today, it would be almost impossible to... more
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      Popular CultureMedieval IslamHomosexuality and LiteratureHomosexuality
Islamic Law and Muslim Same-Sex Unions is necessary reading for anyone who has an interest in the subject of sexual diversity and the Islamic tradition. ... The authors are exceedingly competent in engaging with the source material and... more
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      Homosexuality and IslamGender and sexuality in Islamic lawIslam and Same Sex Marriage
In his 2006 article in the Journal of the Islamic Medical Association of North America (JIMA), Dr. Ahmed qualified the predominant psychiatric view on... more
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      PsychologyLiberation TheologyIslamHomosexuality
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    • Homosexuality and Islam
"The hopefulness of the authors appears deliberately contagious ... Without the efforts of scholars such as these, the same will never be sanctioned within religious circles. Their work is meaningful, timely and breathes life and hope... more
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      Homosexuality, Islam and Gender IdentityHomosexuality and IslamGender and Sexuality In IslamIslam and Same Sex Marriage
Between the 20th and the 21st centuries, hundreds of fatwās and articles on homosexuality were published, especially on religious websites and magazines across the entire Islamic world. Over the same period, homosexual acts started to... more
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      Gender StudiesQueer StudiesMiddle East StudiesGender and Sexuality
3. Ndzovu, Hassan J., (2016): ‘Un-natural’, ‘un-African’, and ‘un-Islamic: The Three Pronged Onslaught Undermining Homosexuals Freedom in Kenya. In: Religion and the Politicization of Homosexuality in Africa, Eds. Adriaan van klinken and... more
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      Religion and HomosexualityHomosexuality and IslamHomosexuality among African communities
Dans une société mondialisée et globalisée, le conflit entre la culture traditionnelle, dans la majorité de cas liée aux religions, et la modernité, qui semble éloigner les pratiques traditionnelles des celles qui sont quotidiennes est... more
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      Islamic LawReligion and SexualityIslamic StudiesMigration Studies