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De ophef over het boek dat islamitische basisscholen gebruiken voor lessen over seksuele voorlichting, laat de spanning zien tussen tolerantie voor religie en voor homoseksualiteit, schrijft Jan Waszink.
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      MulticulturalismOrthodox ChristianityIslam and the WestReligious Toleration
Galt der Hof jahrelang als überschätzte, vollständig erforschte Institution, so ist er unter den Vorzeichen einer erneuerten Politik- und Kulturgeschichte zuletzt wieder in den Fokus der Geschichtswissenschaft gerückt. Die... more
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      Intellectual HistoryCultural HistoryDiplomatic HistoryGender History
The formative period of Islam remains highly contested. From the beginning of modern scholarship on this formative period, scholars have questioned traditional Muslim accounts on early Islam. The scholarly fi xation is mirrored by... more
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      Islamic StudiesEarly Islamic HistoryQuranic ExegesisEarly and Classical Islamic History
There is only very limited evidence for the life of the sixteenth century English renegade and eunuch slave, Hassan Agha, whose birth name was Samson Rowlie. Until now, he has been known from a single letter written in 1586, supplemented... more
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      Early Modern HistoryHistory of SlaveryMediterranean StudiesAnglo-Ottoman Relations
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      Iranian StudiesIranian HistorySports and GenderGender and Sport
In his 2006 article in the Journal of the Islamic Medical Association of North America (JIMA), Dr. Ahmed qualified the predominant psychiatric view on " homosexuality " by recourse to opinions prevalent within reparative therapy circles.... more
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      Homosexuality, Islam and Gender IdentityHomosexuality and IslamGender and Sexuality In IslamIslam and Same Sex Marriage
This lesson plan is intended for a college undergraduate audience. The objective of this lesson is to shed light on emerging Islamic scholarship that affirms Muslim same-sex unions in contrast to the neo-traditional stance on the... more
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      Homosexuality, Islam and Gender IdentityHomosexuality and IslamGender and Sexuality In IslamIslam and LGBT
Commentary on the hifz furuj (protection of private parts) verse and derived juristic principle (the default status of accessing the female pudenda is prohibition). Orienting the discourse to that of a legal contract where the principle... more
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      Homosexuality, Islam and Gender IdentityHomosexuality and IslamIslam and Same Sex Marriage Sexual Diversity and Islam
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      Arabic PoetryArabic Language and LinguisticsRace and RacismHistory of Slavery
Reformist authors in the West, most notably Scott Kugle, have called Islam’s prohibition of liwāṭ (sodomy) and other same-sex behavior into question. Kugle’s “Sexuality, Diversity, and Ethics in the Agenda of Progressive Muslims”... more
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      Homosexuality, Islam and Gender IdentityHomosexuality and IslamQuran and Tafsir Studies
This essay is an examination of classical jurists' legal determinations pertaining to liwāṭ (sodomy) and siḥāq (tribadism), both of which have been little studied in their legal context. In exploring jurists' logic and legal... more
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      Queer StudiesSexualityGender and SexualityIslamic Studies
"The first theoretical part of the paper will be devoted to a critical reflection on what analytical categories we could use when dealing with “homosexuality” in the Middle East. In the second part of the article will look at the... more
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      Islamic LawGender StudiesSexualityGender and Sexuality
The objective of this paper was to streamline the case for Muslim same-sex unions that was comprehensively made in Jahangir and Abdullatif (2016). Additionally, we try to address same-sex unions on the basis of non-binary gender, gender... more
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      Homosexuality, Islam and Gender IdentityHomosexuality and IslamGender and Sexuality In IslamIslam and Same Sex Marriage
Book Chapter in Samar Habib (ed), Islam and Homosexuality, Praeger
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      Homosexuality, Islam and Gender IdentityHomosexuality and IslamGender and Sexuality In IslamIslam and Same Sex Marriage
Altogether, with its emic perspective, the book provides an extensive reference source on the inner-Islamic discussion for gay and lesbian Muslims and can be used as a strong base for an argumentation that situates same-sex unions within... more
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      Homosexuality, Islam and Gender IdentityHomosexuality and IslamIslam and Same Sex Marriage Sexual Diversity and Islam
In the backdrop of increased political and social visibility of LGBTQ Muslim groups, conservative Muslim scholars have begun to engage with progressive Muslim scholarship on homosexuality. Most recently, they have supported a rebuttal,... more
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      Homosexuality, Islam and Gender IdentityHomosexuality and IslamGender and Sexuality In IslamIslam and Same Sex Marriage
Homosexuality is one of the most controversial contemporary issues of our time. There are a lot of arguments on the issue. Different circles have different things to say about it; ranging from the scientist, to politicians, to the... more
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      Homosexuality and LiteratureHomosexualityChurch and HomosexualityHomosexuality in Media Studies
En este trabajo se va a tratar el tema de la homosexualidad en el mundo árabe e islámico, dedicando una especial atención al Líbano, país objeto de estudio. Para poder desarrollar el tema han sido consultadas numerosas investigaciones... more
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      LebanonHomosexualidadHomosexuality, Islam and Gender IdentitySocio-Anthropologie Du Corps, Islam, Homosexualité
Artikel ini menguji argumen-argumen psikologis dan teologis yang dijadikan pijakan untuk menganggap orientasi seksual non-hetero sebagai normal dan legal. Argumen kenormalan yang didasarkan pada keputusan APA mendeklasifikasi... more
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      Islamic StudiesHomosexuality, Islam and Gender Identity
This book deals with Homosexuality, Transidentity, and Islam. It is a study of Scripture Confronting the Politics of Gender and Sexuality
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      Gender StudiesHistory of Homosexuality in Islamic Society (from the medieval era to present day)Homosexuality, Islam and Gender IdentityHomosexuality and Islam
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      Islamic StudiesIranian CinemaCinemaHomosexuality
Although most traditional Muslim scholars condemn same-sex desires and acts, revisionist Muslim scholars have offered a more tolerant approach on this issue over the last two decades. Building on an essentialist approach to same-sex... more
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      Homosexuality, Islam and Gender Identity Sexual Diversity and Islam
Introductory courses dealing with sex, gender and sexuality are usually quite biased, going as far as to deny the reality of biology. Drawing on the Catholic tradition (Aquinas), this article presents an accessible argument aimed at... more
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      Discourse AnalysisReligionComparative ReligionHistory
On mesure rétrospectivement l’ampleur du glissement des mentalités en rappelant qu’il y a à peine trente à quarante ans l’islam était perçu, connu et pratiqué comme la religion la plus « gay friendly » du monde des monothéismes, suscitant... more
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      HomosexualityIslamic TheologyHomosexuality, Islam and Gender IdentityAttitudes Towards Homosexuality
Es ist vom Gesandten Allahs nicht erwiesen, dass er bei Analverkehr ein Urteil sprach oder die Betroffenen steinigte. Frühe Überlieferungen, die mannmännliche anale Penetration verurteilen, gehen auf den Prophetengefährten ibn Abbas... more
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      SexualityIslamic StudiesGender and IslamHomosexuality, Islam and Gender Identity
Throughout the world, Muslims explore ways to be gay and still be part of the Muslim community. Although prohibitive Islamic attitudes towards homosexuality may seem to make this difficult, these are not shared by all Muslims. There is... more
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    • Homosexuality, Islam and Gender Identity
Please note, I have withdrawn this research paper from the MENACS conference at the University of Sussex on 27th - 28th April 2017.
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      Ottoman HistoryEarly Modern HistoryAnglo-Ottoman RelationsOttoman and England
Why do more men than women vote for populist radical-right (PRR) parties? And do more men than women still vote for the PRR? Can attitudes regarding gender and gender equality explain these differences (if they exist)? These are the... more
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      Political SociologyGender StudiesPolitical BehaviorVoting Behavior
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      Jewish StudiesPersian LiteratureJewish MysticismPersian Language
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      Medieval HistoryGender HistoryMedieval StudiesGender and Sexuality
Liebster Sascha(Beck) Habibi = Geliebter, Liebling, mein Süßester (Xylitol - Gewöhnlicher Zuckeraustauschstoff oder Wundermittel auf academia(punkt)edu) (und auch für alle Anderen), hier meinem Auszug vom Academia-Text "Homosexualität... more
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      Queer StudiesHistory of Homosexuality in Islamic Society (from the medieval era to present day)Homosexuality, Islam and Gender IdentityHomosexuality in Islam
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      American HistoryHomeland SecurityIslamic StudiesIslam
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      Islamic LawIslamic StudiesHomosexuality and LiteratureHomosexuality, Islam and Gender Identity
A survey of the role of Arabs in Islamic history, and their description and role in Islamic canon and eschatology.  It is an unintended of Arab 'privilege' or 'primacy' in Islam.
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      Race and RacismCritical Race TheoryRace and EthnicityQur'anic Studies
Salah satu satu soalan yang sering diajukan ialah bagaimanakah kita harus bersikap terhadap golongan LGBT (Lesbian Gay Biseksual Transeksual) apabila mereka mulai menuntut ‘kebebasan’. Untuk pejuang hak asasi manusia yang beragama Islam... more
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      HistorySocial WorkWomen's StudiesHuman Rights
El objetivo del presente artículo es analizar la casuística homoerótica y pederasta en el islam clásico, a través de la antología poética Basṭ al-a‘ḏār ‘an ḥubb al-‘iḏār [Exposición de los pretextos sobre el amor de los aladares] del... more
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      Ottoman HistorySexualityOttoman StudiesHomosexuality, Islam and Gender Identity
The experience of gender transition can be a deeply troublesome and religiously fraught experience. Often, the individual who discloses gender diversity becomes ostracized from religious elements in their families. Both Christianity and... more
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      Transgender StudiesInterfaith DialogueGender and religionHomosexuality, Islam and Gender Identity
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      Gender StudiesWomen's StudiesMiddle East StudiesTransgender Studies
Islamic reactions to some modern surgery
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      Islamic LawIslamic Contemporary StudiesIslamic StudiesWomen and Gender Issues in Islam
According to Henry Corbin, in Islamic philosophy, “divine language" is seen as an inexhaustible creative power that ensures nature’s ever-changing configuration. In this essay, I claim that American poet Kazim Ali’s compositions show us... more
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      Comparative ReligionPsychoanalysisRomanticismQueer Theory
The struggle of Muslim homosexuals in Pakistan, South Asia, or as expatriates is not just about LGBTQ rights but part of the larger fight for inclusion and pluralism within Islam. My essay published in The Boston Globe Ideas section (July... more
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      Film StudiesLiterature and cinemaSouth Asian StudiesSouth Asia
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      TransnationalismWomen and Gender Issues in IslamMateriality (Anthropology)Gender and Islam
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      Islamic LawConstitutional LawGender StudiesTurkey
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      Islamic LawIslamic StudiesHomosexuality, Islam and Gender Identity
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      Islamic LawMuslim Family LawMamluk StudiesMysticism
Interviu/ Alina Isac Alak, islamolog: " Interzicerea niqabului în școli pedepsește direct nu musulmanii reali, ci, paradoxal, mai delicat și dificil de controlat, musulmanul imaginar " Alina Isac Alak este doctor în filosofie, islamolog... more
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      Gender StudiesGenderGender EqualityGender Discourse
Why is it that religion and homosexuality are being so often rhetorically linked in public discourse? Is it just same-sex sexuality has often been condemned on religious ground? Why then have they? How does the religious diversifaction of... more
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      ReligionBuddhismComparative ReligionHistory of Religion
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      Discourse AnalysisGender StudiesWomen's StudiesLanguage and Gender