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Introduction et traduction en français de l’Histoire des Mongols de Jean de Plancarpin, accompagnée d’une traduction de documents ayant trait au voyage dans l’empire mongol de Jean de Plancarpin (lettres et privilèges missionnaires... more
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      AnthropologyHistory of ChristianityEurasian NomadsSilk Road
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      HistoryMedieval HistoryHistory of higher educationHistory of the Papacy
A Short Account of Napoleon's Attitude to Religion
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      French Revolution and NapoleonOrthodox ChristianityCoronationsHistory of the Papacy
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      CrusadesPapacy (Medieval Church History)Frederic II.History of Crusades
A Fraknói Kutatócsoport hív és vár minden érdeklődőt Giampiero Brunelli: La santa impresa. Le crociate del papa in Ungheria (1595-1601) című kötetének budapesti bemutatójára! A kötetről beszélgetnek: Giampiero Brunelli, Domokos György,... more
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      History of HungaryEarly Modern Hungarian HistoryPapal DiplomacyHistory of the Papacy
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      Papacy (Early Modern and Modern Church History)History of the PapacyPapacy and CardinalsHenri IV, King of France
Verbete do Dicionário "Cem Fragmentos biográficos: a Idade Média em trajetórias", organizado por Guilherme Queiroz de Souza e Renata Cristina de Sousa Nascimento (Editora Tempestiva, 2020).
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      High Middle AgesMedieval HistoryMedieval StudiesPapacy (Medieval Church History)
SPECIALE UMANESIMO – VI Centenario Bartolomeo Platina (1421-1481) - - - - Pope Joan and the Persistence of Myths: Pietro Ratto’s book "Le pagine... more
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      ReligionRenaissance HumanismHistoriographyPapacy (Medieval Church History)
Le cardinal Eudes de Châteauroux (1190 ?-1273) a laissé près de douze cents sermons, encore largement inédits. Certains d’entre eux possèdent des rubriques très précises, montrant les liens étroits qu’entretenait ce fameux prédicateur... more
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      Biblical ExegesisSermon StudiesHistory of the PapacyCapetian Kings
Publié dans : Archives de l'Eglise de France, "Bulletin de l'Association des Archivistes de l'Eglise de France", n. 90, 2e semestre 2018, p. 31-36.
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      ReligionHistoryReligion and PoliticsContemporary History
This article analyses the debates about mixed marriages held within the Roman Curia (and especially the Roman Inquisition) between the sixteenth and the eighteenth centuries, integrating these debates with the normative and prescriptive... more
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      HistoryEuropean HistoryCultural HistoryCanon Law
FROM: Analecta Romana Instituti Danici, XXVIII (2001)
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      HistoryEuropean HistoryMedieval HistoryMedieval Studies
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      European HistoryCrusadesHistory of CrusadesLate Medieval History: Military Orders, Crusades, Ecclesiastical History
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      History of ArchivesHistory of the PapacyMedieval NotariesHistory of Notaries
Magyarország és a római Szentszék (Források és távlatok). Tanulmányok Erdő bíboros tiszteletére (CVH I/8), szerk. TUSOR PÉTER, Budapest–Róma 2012. p. 466
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      Papacy (Medieval Church History)Papal HistoryPapal DiplomacyCatholic Church History
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      Catholic Church HistoryHistory of the Papacy
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      Church HistoryHistoria de EspañaChurch and StateHistory of the Papacy
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      Medieval Church HistoryHistory of the Papacy
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      HistoryAncient HistoryPhilosophyPhilosophy Of Religion
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      HistoryRenaissance HistoryViolenceEarly Modern History
Alberico Gentili (San Ginesio 1552 - Londra 1608) studia presso l’Università di Perugia dove si laurea in diritto civile il 23 settembre 1572. Nel 1580 è costretto a fuggire dall’Italia, per motivi religiosi, per giungere a Londra in... more
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      HistoryModern HistoryIntellectual HistoryCultural History
The Popes in Caserta in the Modern and Contemporary Age
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      ReligionHistoryModern HistoryItalian (European History)
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      Catholic TheologyHistory of the PapacyHistory of the Catholic Church
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      AtheismSoviet HistoryMissiologyCommunism
Il mio ebook sull'attentato al Papa, costruito sulla tesi del complotto sovietico
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      Contemporary HistoryHistory of Roman CatholicismJohn Paul II/Karol WojtylaSecret Services
The consensus on Pope Honorius III (1216–27) is that he was a conciliatory politician who lacked the harder edge possessed by his immediate predecessor and successor. Yet, using overlooked evidence regarding the role of Honorius in... more
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      Diplomatic HistoryHigh Middle AgesLate Middle AgesMedieval History
Il pontificato di Benedetto XV si situa in un punto cruciale della storia mitteleuropea perché papa Della Chiesa dovette misurarsi con il definitivo tramonto della secolare monarchia asburgica cui seguì la fondazione della prima... more
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      First World WarCatholic Church HistoryHistory of the PapacyPope Benedict XV
Late Medieval Papal Legation is a result of long term study of papal legates in the late medieval period. Even though this crucial institution of the reform papacy of the eleventh, twelfth and thirteenth centuries kept its standards as... more
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      European HistoryCanon LawMedieval HistoryMedieval Studies
To a large degree, the Bible and the Church have been lumped together in people’s minds and the frustration that some have felt with the actual “institutions of Christianity” have made them question and throw out the church, the Bible,... more
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      ChristianityHistory of ChristianityEarly ChristianityPapacy (Medieval Church History)
Here is a draft translation of the letter that started it all! This letter is the immediate cause of the breakdown of relations between Rome and Constantinople.
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      Gregorian ReformByzantine StudiesByzantine HistoryChurch History
In Living under the Evil Pope, Martina Mampieri presents the Hebrew Chronicle of Pope Paul IV, written in the second half of the sixteenth century by the Italian Jewish moneylender Benjamin Neḥemiah ben Elnathan (alias Guglielmo di... more
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      Cultural HistoryCultural StudiesJewish StudiesEarly Modern History
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      Medieval HistoryMedieval StudiesPolitical ScienceBiblical Studies
Oi Christianoi - Sezione medievale, n. 1 ----- Attraverso una indagine sulle donne, con le quali Gregorio Magno entrò in contatto durante il suo lungo pontificato, viene recuperata la sfaccettata realtà femminile del tempo. Più che la sua... more
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      Cultural HistoryWomen's StudiesMedieval HistoryWomen's History
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      Thomas AquinasCardinal CajetanPapal InfallibilityPapacy (Early Modern and Modern Church History)
Breaking the limits. The current changes of papacy in historical context This study deals with several phenomena of the pontificate of Pope Francis in its historical context. It reflects some major recent works on the topic and discusses... more
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      GlobalizationGlobalisation and cultural changeHistory of Roman CatholicismHistory of Mentality
In 1300 Boniface VIII inaugurated, with the bull Antoquorum habet, a new event in the history of the Church: the Jubilee. In this book is analyzed the history of the Jbilee, focusing on the first one and offering some unknown documents... more
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      HistoryMedieval LiteratureMedieval HistoryMedieval Studies
(Please see disclaimer on first page) I argue that Christ established a successional and infallible apostolic teaching authority. In other words, an infallible magisterium. I present 10 arguments total, dividing each into three... more
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      ChristianityEpistemologyTheologyNew Testament
Estudio en profundidad sobre como debe entenderse la actual vacancia de la Sede Apostolica y que debe hacerse al respecto.
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      Medieval Church HistoryPapacy (Medieval Church History)Investiture ControversyHistory of the Papacy
Primo volume della prima traduzione italiana della celebre storia di Roma di F. Gregorovius (dall'inizio del V secolo d.C. alle premesse dell'invasione longobarda).
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      Medieval HistoryPapacy (Medieval Church History)History of RomeMiddle Ages
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      Church HistoryHistory of the Papacy
tesi di laurea in storia medievale poi pubblicata
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      Medieval HistoryHistory of the PapacyHistory of the Church
In the 1580s, the Jesuit priest Alessandro Valignano sent four young pupils from the seminary at Arima to tour Europe, in a mission that has since been referred to as the ‘Tensho embassy’ — without a doubt a remarkable episode in the... more
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      HistoryEarly Modern HistoryEarly Modern (Japanese History)Early Modern Europe
Joannes Leo Africanus, (c. 1494 – c. 1554?) (or al-Hasan ibn Muhammad al-Wazzan al-Fasi, Arabic:حسن ابن محمد الوزان الفاسي) was an Andalusian Amazigh Moorish diplomat and author who is best known for his book Descrittione dell’Africa... more
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      Modern LanguagesReligionHistoryAncient History
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      HistoryMedieval HistoryMedieval StudiesCrusades
40 essays by Ronnie Hsia, Ulrich Leinsle, Marius Reiser, Thomas Marschler, Trent Pomplun, Jean-Louis Quantin, William O'Brien SJ, Stefania Tutino, Carl Trueman, Andreas Beck, Willem van Asselt, Eric Carlsson, Stephen Hampton, Benjamin... more
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      ReligionChristianityNew Religious MovementsComparative Religion
Philippine Catholicism is usually seen as a variant of a non-European Christianity, which was formerly introduced by Spanish missionaries and colonizers into the Philippine Archipelago. Philippine passion rituals, especially... more
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      Cultural HistoryComparative HistoryRitualHistory of Roman Catholicism
ABSTRACT Purpose: The purpose of this exploratory study is to highlight mateology as both a force to strengthen entrepreneurial intensity (EI) and a useful new theoretical perspective for understanding the roots of dependency as it... more
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      EntrepreneurshipMarketingHistoryMusic History
Details concerning how the Apostolic See is governed upon the death or valid resignation of the Roman Pontiff
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      Catholic LiturgyHistory of the Papacy
The next Geo-political earthquake is the unavoidable abolition of the Papacy itself. The Roman Catholic Church created the papacy, and the Roman Catholic Church can abolish it. And, it will. Soon. The next Pope after octogenarian Francis... more
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      Philosophy Of ReligionPhilosophy Of LawMoral PhilosophyPapacy (Early Modern and Modern Church History)