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With a Rough Tongue: Anthropology of Soviet Political Poster

File too big, so there are two additional ones - for a title and for the last chapter written by Anton Nesterov
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      Historical AnthropologySoviet Visual CultureHistory of Soviet propagandaRussian and Soviet art and culture
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      Russian StudiesSoviet RegimeSoviet HistorySubjectivities
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      Visual propagandaHistory of Soviet propaganda
Истории, которые рассказывало советское кино, зачастую были построены по принципу матрешки: незамысловатый внешний сюжет, лирический, развлекательный или героический, мог скрывать за собой самые разные месседжи — от утверждения... more
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      Soviet FilmSoviet Visual CulturePost-Soviet Literature and FilmHistory of Soviet propaganda
Премия Просветитель
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      SociologyRussian StudiesRussian LiteratureAnthropology
Origins of a Genre: What Made Soviet "School Film" possible
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      History of Soviet propagandaSoviet school film
Soviet ‘school film’: birth of a genre (Советское школьное кино: рождение жанра / Острова утопии: педагогическое и социальное проектирование послевоенной школы (1940‒1990-е). М.: Новое литературное обозрение, 2015. С. 549‒596). This... more
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      Soviet HistorySocial and Cultural AnthropologySoviet FilmCulture in the Soviet Union
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      PropagandaModern ArtTypographyPoster Art
Public statements of different Russian historian, journalists and politologists showcase that they often support the persecution of other historians and the limitation of an access to archival files of Soviet special services and army.... more
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      CensorshipSoviet HistoryPropagandaArchives
ABSTRACT Raymond Williams (1921 – 1988), one of the founders of Birmingham School of Cultural Studies, is known not only in Britain but in many other countries as an effective intellectual and social critic. His extensive studies focus on... more
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      Political communicationHistory Of PropagandaSociology of CommunicationHistory of Soviet propaganda
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      Military HistoryPropagandaHistoriographySecond World War
The 2d part of the article about the conflict of interests among those historians, journalists and politologists who support persecution of independent historians and the limitation of an access to archival files of Soviet special... more
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      Russian StudiesCensorshipSoviet HistoryPropaganda
Throughout the Second World War, the Allies and Axis both relied on propaganda to control and manipulate their populations. The most common visual propaganda were the ubiquitous posters that were produced by the thousands in each country.... more
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      PropagandaSecond World WarNazi PropagandaHistory of Soviet propaganda
15 June 2022, 2022 '‘The future is certain, it’s the past that keeps changing’: The transformation of Soviet propaganda during WWII' History of War Seminar Series, All Souls College, Oxford Universty, UK Even though swiftness... more
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      Propaganda Systems In MediaWorld War IIStalin and StalinismSlavophiles
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      Visual StudiesVisual propagandaCaricature (Visual Studies)Humor
on anti-semitism in International Brigades during the Civil War in Spain
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      Jewish StudiesAnti-SemitismSoviet Union (History)Spanish Civil War
Поздне-советская субъектность
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      Political SociologyRussian StudiesAnthropologyPolitical Philosophy
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      Critical TheoryDiscourse AnalysisHistoryCultural History
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      Soviet HistoryRussian HistorySoviet Union (History)Cinema
«Россия-Матушка» – один из наиболее известных символов русскости в России и за рубежом. Будучи важным концептом русского национализма, он выполняет функцию «символического пограничника» между Россией и Западом. В монографии исследуется... more
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      Soviet HistoryRussian NationalismMasculinityPolitical symbols
Historiography During the Soviet Nation and State Building Process The concepts of nation and state embody in themselves both normality and artificiality. It is firmly established by historical experience that the human, as the subject of... more
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      Intellectual HistoryEthnohistorySociologyPolitical Sociology
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      Soviet HistoryHolocaust StudiesAnne FrankHistory of Soviet propaganda
SOVYETLER BİRLİĞİ'NDE PROPAGANDA VE AJİT-TRENLER  Burcu ÖZDEMİR a Öz 1917 yılındaki Ekim devriminin başarı ile sonuçlanması, Geçici Hükümet döneminin karmaşa ve belirsizliklerine son verdi ve Bolşevikleri iktidarın tek sahibi haline... more
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      Soviet HistoryHistory of Soviet propaganda
Two Initiations of a Humble Soviet Hero: ‘Alone’ by Grigory Kozintsev and Leonid Trauberg
Неприкосновенный запас, № 123 (1/2019). С. 161-183.
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      Visual AnthropologySoviet FilmHistory of Soviet propagandaSoviet school film
After World War II, Soviet institutions organized many exhibitions of the American artist Rockwell Kent that bypassed the U.S. government. Promotion of Kent's work in the USSR was an exclusively Soviet enterprise. This article sheds new... more
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      Visual propagandaArt HistoryCold War and CultureCultural Cold War
In this book, Timothy Snyder (Professor of History at Yale University) shows how the rhetoric of US President Donald J. Trump channels the propaganda of the infamous dictators of the twentieth century. Snyder is an expert on... more
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      PropagandaCritical ThinkingFascismTotalitarianism
"How the Steel was Tempered" by Nikolay Ostrovsky, one of the corner stones of Soviet school schedule, as a successful propaganda project of the early Stalin's period.
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      Soviet literatureHistory of Soviet propagandaSoviet PropagandaLiterary Projects
The paper deals with George Y. Shevelov's essays published in Kharkiv periodicals (namely in the newspaper "Nova Ukrajina" and journal "Ukrajinskij Zasiv") in the years of the German occupation of the city (1941-1943). Later on the... more
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      Journalism HistoryHistory of Soviet propagandaGeorge Y. ShevelovKharkov history
O carte despre bomboanele sovietice și cariera lor politică.

A book about soviet candies and their political career.
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      Soviet, post-Soviet, Russian politicsHistory of Soviet propagandaUrssSoviet Political History
Опубликовано в: / Published in: "От Бунина до Пастернака: Русская литература в зарубежном восприятии: К юбилеям присуждения Нобелевской премии русским писателям (Международная научная конференция, Москва, 16-19 ноября 2009 г.). М.:... more
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      Russian StudiesRussian LiteratureSoviet HistoryRussian History
The paper researches the contribution of the first women working in the cinema of the Central Asian region in the late 1920-1930s, to trace their interpretation of the problem of the emancipation of the... more
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      Film StudiesCentral Asia (History)Central Eurasian StudiesCinema
Для советских людей обвал советской системы стал одновременно абсолютной неожиданностью и чем-то вполне закономерным. Это драматическое событие обнажило необычный парадокс: несмотря на то, что большинство людей воспринимало советскую... more
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      Discourse AnalysisCultural HistoryCultural StudiesPolitical Sociology
It can not be overlooked that sports, in its journey in the last century, exhibits an important institutionalism in the creation of country's image and the state of life. Sport as a social phenomenon, is... more
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      Sociology of SportSoviet HistorySport PolicyHIstory of Sport
In this meditation, Anya Bernstein and Alexei Yurchak discuss Yurchak's essay, " The canon and the mushroom: Lenin, sacredness, and Soviet collapse, " which is published in the current issue. They elaborate on some points in the essay... more
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      ReligionSociologyPolitical SociologySociology of Religion
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      Military HistoryHistory and MemoryWorld War IRussian History
Apogee and Break-up of the Thaw Mobilization Project in "Ilyitch Gate" by M. Khutsiyev and "Three Days of Viktor Tchernyshov" by M. Ossepyan «Застава Ильича» (1963) Марлена Хуциева справедливо считается одной из вершин оттепельного... more
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      Soviet FilmSoviet Visual CultureThaw-era Soviet UnionHistory of Soviet propaganda
This article examines the process of establishing the image of ancient slave rebellion leader Spartacus in the early Soviet era, with a focus on the 1920s and 1930s. Although the image of Spartacus in Soviet historiography has been... more
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      Cultural HistorySoviet HistoryOnomasticsSports History
in "The Scaffolding of Sovereignty: Global and Historical Perspectives on a History of a Concept." Zvi Ben-Dor Benite,‎ Stefanos Geroulanos,‎ Nicole Jerr, eds. Columbia University Press, 2017: 246-274.
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      History of Science and TechnologyBiochemistryMedical SociologyRussian Studies
Zur Sprache des Sowjetsystems (eine linguistische Sicht) Das offizielle Idiom der Sowjetmacht, hier " Newspeak " genannt, war keineswegs ein zufälliges Cluster heterogener stilistischer Merkmale, sondern ein konsequent auf eine... more
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      Political Discourse AnalysisHistory of Soviet propagandaNewspeak
Brawny male workers vs. bulging bourgeois men. Working-class mothers burdened by the hardship of poverty and childcare vs. elegant upper-class women enjoying a lifestyle of privilege. Such juxtaposed images of workers and the rich were... more
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      Visual propagandaCaricature (Visual Studies)Visual CultureCommunism
“Other People's Letters: The Boundaries Between the Public and the Private in School-Themed Films of the 1960ies”, deals with the films that use a school plot to explore a social behaviour model imposed by the ruling ideology;... more
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      Social and Cultural AnthropologySoviet FilmThaw-era Soviet UnionBoundaries of Private and Public
In July 1941, the Soviet Union was in mortal danger. Imperiled by the Nazi invasion and facing catastrophic losses, Stalin called on the Soviet people to “subordinate everything to the needs of the front.” Kazakhstan answered that call.... more
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      Race and EthnicityCentral Asian StudiesCentral Asia (History)World War II
From Utopia to Arcadia: Migrations of Pigeons and Pigeon-Fanciers in Soviet Cinema
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      Visual AnthropologySoviet FilmLeisure StudiesHistory of Soviet propaganda
ÖZET 1920'lerde İngiltere, Fransa ve İtalya gibi ortak düşman olan Batı Avrupa devletlerine karşı ittifak yapan Türkiye Cumhuriyeti ve Sovyet Rusya arasında siyasi, askeri, ekonomik ve kültürel ilişkiler kurulmuştur. Sovyet teşkilatı... more
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      Turkish CinemaTurkish TheatreHistory of Soviet propagandaTurkish-Soviet Relations (1917-1991)
Studiare e comprendere a fondo in che modo e attraverso quali politiche tre regimi autoritari, qualisono stati fascismo, nazismo e stalinismo, siano stati in grado di bilanciare in campocinematografico una duplice esigenza: propagandare... more
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      HistoryFascismCinemaHistory Of Propaganda
Referring to the preparation of Soviet diplomacy for the 3rd session of the UN General Assembly, this article examines the process behind the development of the political line of the Soviet delegation, as well as the principles of... more
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      United NationsStalin and StalinismCold War historyHistory of Soviet propaganda
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      Visual StudiesMedia StudiesMedieval StudiesSoviet Film
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      ReligionEthnohistoryEthnic StudiesRussian Studies
Антирелигиозная пропаганда была одним из важных направлений идеологической политики раннего советского периода, и для её воплощения использовалось множество инструментов, в том числе сатира. Священная история, являющаяся основой... more
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      Soviet HistoryHistoriographyHumor/SatireSoviet Visual Culture
Анекдоты и "веселые рассказы" о Красной армии: комическая ситуация и комический сюжет (JOKES, SATIRE AND HUMOROUS SHORT STORIES ABOUT THE SOVIET RED ARMY: COMIC SITUATIONS AND COMIC NARRATIVES). Опубликовано в: | Published in: Сюжетология... more
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      Russian StudiesRussian LiteratureSoviet HistoryHumor