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      RhetoricHistory of ReligionPreachingSeventeenth Century
The object of the interest of the author of the article is the problem of relations betweenpreaching and the late-baroque religious poetry. On the example of a few Wacław Potocki’s(1621-1696) works from the collection ‘Ogród nie plewiony’... more
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      Baroque Art and LiteraturePolish LiteratureHistory of PreachingWacław Potocki
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      Polish LiteratureHistory of PreachingBaroque Preaching
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      Restoration (Stone-Campbell) MovementStone-Campbell MovementWomen PreachersHistory of Preaching
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      TheologyPreachingBaptist TheologyPastoral Leadership
This paper focuses on how Philip Melanchthon organized his theology of preaching in the Apology of the Augsburg Confession, the very first defense of the early church reformers’ approach to doctrine against formal papal criticism as... more
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      Early Modern HistoryPreachingEarly Modern Christian TheologyRepentance
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      History of PreachingAfrican Christian Preaching
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    • History of Preaching
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      Baptist preachingHistory of PreachingAfrican Christian Preaching
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      History of PreachingAfrican PreachingAlexander Maclaren
Este trabalho procura examinar a jornada homilética de Jonathan Edwards, investigando o lugar da beleza em sua vida e, especialmente, em seus sermões. Considerando o maior exercício de seu ministério (a pregação) é examinado, de maneira... more
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      PreachingHomileticsJonathan EdwardsHistory of Preaching
In this book Steve Johnstone brings together the Reformed doctrines of Covenant Theology and the subject of evangelism. How should the covenants of Scripture, and their insights into God's single plan of redemption throughout history,... more
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      Abrahamic ReligionsChristianityTheologyChristian Education
The essay explores the dramatic and performative dimension of the Forty Hours Devotion – one of the most important liturgical services of the Counter-Reformation - promoted by Capuchin Friars Minor between the sixteenth and seventeenth... more
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      PreachingCapuchinsHistory of DevotionHistory of the Franciscan Order
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      History of SlaveryHistory of SacramentsBaptismEarly modern Ottoman History
Jonathan Edwards’ metanarrative of God’s Work of Redemption opens up a way of understanding God’s work through all times, places, and traditions which suggests that we may be able to greet all persons as persons of great value, while... more
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      Jonathan EdwardsHistory of Preaching
Cardinal John Henry Newman is remembered as one of the greatest preachers of the 19th century. His influence is unrivaled as he drew enormous crowds to hear his Sunday afternoon sermons at St. Mary’s at Oxford. Yet many historical... more
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      Practical theologyPreachingChurch HistoryAnglican Church History
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      Medieval HistoryMedieval StudiesMedieval Church HistoryMoral Theology
This paper studies the interaction between clerical and lay English Catholics on the Continent in the seventeenth and early eighteenth centuries. In contrast with Protestant exiles, who established separate exile churches, Catholic... more
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      HistoryEuropean HistoryCultural HistoryHagiography
The paper describes the manuscript of sermons collection The Melody of Saint Casimir by Antoni Węgrzynowicz. Only the dedication letter and the letter To the Reader are written by Węgrzynowicz’s hand. This manuscript is probably a copy of... more
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      PreachingHistory of PreachingBaroque PreachingAntoni Węgrzynowicz
The thirteenth century was a crucial period of reform in the English church, during which the church's renewal initiatives transformed the laity. The vibrant lay religious culture of late-medieval England cannot be understood without... more
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      Historical GeographyMedieval Church HistoryFranciscan StudiesHistory of Roman Catholicism
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      History of PreachingHistory of the Order of Preachers (Dominicans)
This parish talk Introduces Patriarch John Chrysostom's exciting life story in Early Byzantium and explores the extraordinary treasury of wisdom in his sermons.
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      Early ChurchPreachingJohn ChrysostomByzantium
Some pastors preach the Word as if their sole responsibility is to explain the original meaning of the text. However, if you examine the greatest sermon Jesus ever preached, the Sermon on the Mount, you will see that He considered... more
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      Teaching and LearningTeacher EducationPractical theologyLearning and Teaching
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      PreachingEarly Modern SermonsBaroque SermonsFrench preaching in the Early Modern era
Esta obra busca situar a Juan de Ávila en su propio tiempo. Predicador del evangelio, maestro y acompañante espiritual, humanista, reformador, fundador de centros educativos, inspirador de la renovación sacerdotal de su época, admirado y... more
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      Modern HistoryEarly Modern HistoryCatholic ReformChurch History
Рассмотрены взгляды на античную философию свт. Димитрия Ростовского, выдающегося проповедника, литератора и церковного деятеля Русской церкви конца XVIIначала XVIII в. На материале рукописных проповедей выделены три основные точки зрения... more
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      Orthodox TheologyHesychasmHistory of PreachingSt. Dimitry of Rostov
Predigt und Bibelstudium gelten als jene beiden Charakteristika, die den Ordo Praedicatorum zu allen Zeiten auszeichneten und von denen her er sich identifiziert. Das vom 27. bis 29. Oktober 2016 in Wien stattgefundene 3. Isnard... more
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      Medieval PreachingHistory of Biblical Exegesis and InterpretationDominican OrderHistory of Preaching
Durante la segunda mitad del siglo XV y el primer tercio del XVI se atestigua en el contexto hispánico un importante fenómeno de mujeres autoras muy relevante en el campo espiritual. Esta renovación solió entenderse en clave de reforma... more
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      Cultural HistoryGender StudiesSecular HumanismHistory of Ideas
This essay argues that close examination of the pertinent evidence does not support the ubiquitous assumption that sermons were a common feature of Second Temple synagogue services. (So much for all those 'sermons' in the NT!) However,... more
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      Jewish StudiesJewish HistorySecond Temple JudaismSynagogues
Cet article met en lumière la tension, à l'oeuvre dans les oraisons funèbres catholiques du XVIIe siècle français (Fléchier, Bossuet, Bourdaloue, Fromentières, G. de Roquette, J.B. de Beauvais, G. Buhot, P. de Fénolliet...), entre l'idéal... more
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      Death StudiesPreachingFuneral PracticesAnthropology of Death
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      History of ChristianityPreachingHomileticsAfrican Christianity
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      History of PreachingHistory of the Bulgarian Language
À travers l’examen des références à l’antiquité gréco-latine chez Bossuet, cet article se propose d’interroger leur rôle et leur statut dans l’éloquence de la chaire du siècle de Louis XIV. Or cette intertextualité problématique se... more
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      PreachingIntertextualityEarly Modern SermonsBaroque Sermons
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      FearHistory Of EmotionsReligion and Popular CultureHistory of Preaching
The study explores the original preaching programme created by the bishop of the Unity of the Czech Brethren Jan Augusta. It deals with his recently discovered postil entitled Summovník [Summarium], finished in 1557 and printed in 1570,... more
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      TheologyPractical theologyReformation HistoryReformation Studies
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      PreachingEarly Modern SermonsBaroque SermonsEthos
Il programma di riforma della società cristiana, la cui attuazione caratterizza il pontificato di Innocenzo III (1198-1216), emerge con chiarezza in alcuni inediti sermoni ad crucesignatos tramandati nel ms. Paris, BNF, n.a. lat. 999, ed... more
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      Medieval HistoryMedieval StudiesMedieval TheologyMedieval Church History
The Homilies were originally published in 1547, to help reform and renew the Church of England in the biblical faith of the Reformation. They unfold the doctrines of scripture, sin, salvation, and Christian living with clarity and verve.... more
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      PreachingAnglicanism (Anglicanism)EvangelicalismAnglican Church History
These are the proofs of the article, "Reform, Hagiography, and Sanctity: Bonaventure's Sermons on the Saints" in Ordo et Sanctitatis: The Franciscan Spiritual Journey in Theology and Hagiography, eds. Michael F. Cusato, Timothy J.... more
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      Medieval HistoryMedieval TheologyMedieval theology (Medieval Studies)Franciscan Studies
The purpose of this paper is to present a study of "Martin Luther as Preacher." After a brief biographical sketch of the significant events in Luther's life, the paper explores Luther's approach to preaching in general. The paper... more
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      LutherLutheranismPreachingMartin Luther
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      Australian HistoryAustralian religious historyPublic DiscourseAustralian intellectual history
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      Early Modern Church HistoryChristian SpiritualityNew Zealand church historyHistory of Preaching
Several decades of cultural and inter-disciplinary scholarship have yielded, and continue to yield, new insights into the diversity of religious experience in Europe from the fifteenth through the seventeenth centuries. Revisionist... more
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      ReligionHistoryArt TheoryPreaching
"L’étude du lien qu’entretient la pratique rhétorique de Bossuet prédicateur avec la « rhétorique des peintures » euphorique et efflorescente étudiée, notamment, par Marc Fumaroli, invite à s’interroger sur la dette de Bossuet à l’égard... more
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      PreachingJesuit historyVisual Rhetoric of ReligionEarly Modern Sermons
Il saggio intende indagare il rapporto tra la singolare militia templare e il loro più influente sostenitore, Bernardo di Clairvaux (1090-1153). L’abate cistercense è passato alla storia come l’artefice del loro successo, protagonista... more
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      Medieval HistoryMedieval TheologyMedieval Church HistoryHistory of Crusades
Given that most scholars focus on St. Augustine's larger treatises, this article explores how the African Bishop preached to an audience of fishermen and farmers in rural North Africa. This article emphasizes how St. Augustine... more
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      Augustine of HippoSaint AugustineHistory of Preaching
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      Reformation StudiesTübingenHistory of Preaching
In this précis, I first briefly summarize "On Preaching" (or "Book IV" of "On Christian Doctrine"). Then I give a longer synopsis of key terms and quotations—especially Augustine’s treatment of the offices (instruct, please, and persuade)... more
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      PreachingMedieval PreachingSaint AugustineHistory of Preaching
RESUMO A pregação de Jesus era fundamentalmente o anúncio do Reino de Deus. Suas exortações, parábolas, profecias e mesmo as bem-aventuranças, eram centradas e direcionadas no Reino de Deus, buscando explicá-lo, anunciá-lo ou mesmo... more
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      New TestamentEschatologyKingdom of GodEstudos do Novo Testamento
The given study focuses on two cases of how excerpts from Robert Holcot’sOP (ca.1290–1349) works (In Librum Sapientiae and Moralizationum Historiarum) spread in the 17th-century Orthodox literatury. The English Dominican was one of the... more
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      Russian StudiesRhetoricUkrainian StudiesEmblematic studies