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      Polish-Jewish literatureHistory and Culture of Polish JewsPolish-Jewish Periodical Press
This text by Ewa Toniak is the first attempt to reconstruct the biogra- phy of a contemporary Polish sculptor and architect from an assimi- lated Jewish family – Ryszard Moszkowski (1906–1945). The author primarily follows the fate of the... more
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      HolocaustHistory and Culture of Polish JewsRyszard MoszkowskiRóża Etkin
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      Jewish StudiesPolish LiteraturePolish StudiesModern Jewish History
The aim of the article is to present the initiating of the ghetto benches at Polish universities in comparison to the situation of Jewish students which changed after 1935. Since then, there has been unprecedented student occurrences that... more
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      Jewish StudiesPolish HistoryJewish HistoryAntisemitism/Racisms
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      Modern Jewish HistoryJews in PolandPolish JewsHistory and Culture of Polish Jews
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      Holocaust LiteratureHolocaustPolish JewsPolish-Jewish literature
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      Jewish HistoryAntisemitismHistory of AntisemitismJewish Museums
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      Gender HistoryPolish HistoryEastern European and Russian Jewish HistoryJewish History
The interview with Antony Polonsky focuses on the history of Polish-Jewish studies as a research field, analyzed from the time of its initiation at the turn of the 1980s until year 2014. Antony Polonsky is the chief historian of the main... more
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      Jewish StudiesJewish HistoryHistory of AntisemitismJewish Museums
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      NazismPolish JewsForced LaborHistory and Culture of Polish Jews
DISSERTATION ABSTRACT Charismatic Leadership and Appeal in Early Hasidism Barry J. Hammer This dissertation... more
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      Jewish StudiesLeadershipJewish MysticismTransformational Leadership
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      Jewish StudiesJewish MysticismJewish HistoryEthnopoetics
Synagogues with a broadened entrance front were numerous in the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth from the early eighteenth century. This type originated in wooden construction: the first masonry synagogue of similar massing was built only... more
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      Jewish StudiesJewish HistoryArchitectural HistoryJewish Thought
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      Jewish StudiesEthnomusicologyEthnochoreologyTraditional Music
Keywords: Warsaw cabaret, Second Polish Republic, Jews in Polish Popular Culture, Jews in Warsaw Ghetto, Fryderyk Jarosy, Stefania Grodzienska, Jerzy Jurandot
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      Performing ArtsMusical TheatrePerformance StudiesPolish History
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      Polish LiteraturePolish StudiesPolish JewryPolish-Jewish literature
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      Jewish HistoryAntisemitismHistory of AntisemitismJewish Museums
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      Eastern European StudiesEastern European and Russian Jewish HistoryJewish HistoryHistory of Universities
Wspomnienia Abrahama Podliszewskiego, zatytułowane „Z pamiętników podróży 1907 r. (Palestyna przed laty dwudziestu)”, to książka nie tylko interesująca, lecz także niezwykle cenna, ponieważ przedstawia nowoczesną społeczność żydowską w... more
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      Israel/PalestineZionismIsrael and ZionismJews in Poland
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      History of the Polish-Lithuanian CommonwealthJews in PolandHistory and Culture of Polish Jews
W latach 80. XIX w. rozpoczęła się wielka emigracja Żydów z Europy Środkowej i Wschodniej. Z samego Imperium Rosyjskiego, wówczas państwa z największą liczbą ludności żydowskiej na świecie, do 1914 r. wyemigrowało 2 mln Żydów, spośród... more
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      Jewish StudiesEastern European and Russian Jewish HistoryJewish HistoryModern Jewish History
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      Eastern European StudiesPolish HistoryHolocaust StudiesHistory of the Jews
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      Migration StudiesAntisemitismPolish JewsHistory of Antisemitism
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      HistoryPolish HistorySocial HistoryChildren and Youth
Summary of A. Grabski (ed.), "The Pogroms of Jews in the Polish Lands ...", vol. IV,  Warsaw 2019.
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      HolocaustAntisemitismHistory and Culture of Polish JewsKielce pogrom 1946
The article is a case study of the tragic December 1929 death of Tsukunft member Szyja Grinwald and of the trial of the suspected assassin. The analysis is based first and foremost on press reports due to the overwhelming influence of the... more
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      Eastern European StudiesPolish HistoryPolitical Violence and TerrorismEastern European and Russian Jewish History
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      Polandhistory of PolandSlaughterSlaughtering
Стаття про доробок польсько-литовського художника єврейського походження Мойсея (Мойша) Лейбовського. В статті зібрані усі матеріали, які стосуються творчості цього художника, який мало знаний в Україні. До 2018 року вважалось, що його... more
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      Material culture created by, for and about JewsJews in PolandPolish Art and ArchitectureRadziwiłł
August Grabski, Piotr Kendziorek – The Return of „Left Anti-Semitism” in Poland?, [in:]  A. Grabski (ed.), Żydzi a lewica. Zbiór studiów historycznych,  ŻIH, Warszawa 2007.
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      Polish HistoryPolish StudiesPolish JewryPolish-Jewish Relations
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      Jewish StudiesPolish StudiesModern Jewish HistoryPolish Jews
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      Modern HistoryPolish HistoryCold WarEastern European and Russian Jewish History
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      Jewish HistoryAntisemitismHistory of AntisemitismJewish Museums
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      Eastern European StudiesGerman HistoryEastern European and Russian Jewish HistoryEastern European history
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      Jewish liturgical musicJewish MusicPolish JewsCentral-European Jewish Culture
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      Jewish StudiesPolish HistoryAntisemitism (Prejudice)Jewish History
W artykule autor zajmuje się kwestią funkcjonowania we współczesnych interpretacjach zaginionego w czasie wojny dzieła Brunona Schulza pt. Mesjasz. Utwór ten jawi się dziś jako opus magnum drohobyckiego pisarza, dzieło tyleż rzeczywiste,... more
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      Contemporary Polish LiteraturePolish LiteraturePolish StudiesBruno Schulz
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      Urban HistoryExhibition, Museum, Expositions and Worlds FairsMunicipalitiesPoznań
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      Jewish HistoryAntisemitismHistory of AntisemitismJewish Museums
The attire of the Jews of central and eastern Europe was depicted in paintings, caricatures and photographs and was described in Jewish and non-Jewish texts in the course of several centuries. At the same time, the diversity of the... more
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      Cultural HistoryCultural StudiesVisual StudiesJewish Studies
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      Jewish HistoryAntisemitismHistory of AntisemitismJewish Museums
Naródu żydowski – wersja polska. Kilka uwag o literaturze. Wydaje się, że – poza najpoważnieszjymi pracami autorstwa Eugenii Prokop-Janiec zbyt mało jeszcze uwagi poświęcono tej części dziedzictwa kulturowego, którą można uznać za... more
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      Polish LiteraturePolish StudiesPolish JewryPolish Jews
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      Jewish StudiesPolish HistoryEastern European and Russian Jewish HistoryJewish History
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      HistoriographyPolish JewsPolish-Jewish RelationsHistory and Culture of Polish Jews
The article about the role of the Hungarian aristocracy helping Polish refugees in Hungary during WWII - Węgiersko-Polski Komitet Opieki nad Uchodźcami (węg. Magyar-Lengyel Menekültügyi Bizottság).
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      BiographyWomenHistory of the JewsGenealogia
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      Polish HistoryEastern European and Russian Jewish HistoryJewish HistoryHolocaust Studies
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      ViolenceFearJewish HistoryCollective Violence