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Abstract: Heian Period Women’s Literature: The thesis is built on the following chapters: 1) Introduction 2) Heian Period History 3) The Aristocrat Women in Heian Period 4) Marriage and Family System in Heian Period 5) The History of the... more
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      Japanese StudiesJapanese LiteratureJapanese Language And CultureJapanese history - Nara and Heian periods
This essay explores the social, political and psychological difficulties encountered by Murasaki and the Akashi lady in Murasaki Shikibu's The Tale of Genji. It argues that the challenges faced by the female characters in the novel are... more
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      Japanese StudiesGender StudiesJapanese LiteratureLiterature
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      Japanese StudiesJapanese LiteratureJapanese Language And CultureJapanese Literature and Culture
Resumen Este artículo tiene como objetivo examinar de forma sucinta la historia de la literatura femenina japonesa desde el periodo clásico, conocido como era Heian (794–1185), hasta el periodo Moderno, cuyo final aproximado se da en la... more
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      Japanese LiteratureModern Japanese LiteratureWomen's Writing (Literature)Meiji Japan
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      Genji StudiesGenji MonogatariMurasaki ShikibuHeian Literature
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      Medieval Japanese LiteratureHeian LiteratureHeian and Kamakura Period HandscrollsKamakura literature
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      Japanese StudiesBuddhist StudiesShingonKukai
Una sintetica panoramica dell'analisi critica degli ultimi decenni del mononoke nel Genji Monogatari con un focus in particolare sulla tesi femminista di Doris Bargen e sulle contestazioni che le sono state fatte.
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      Japanese StudiesJapanese LiteratureGhostsSpirit Possession (Anthropology)
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      Film StudiesGenji StudiesGenji MonogatariMurasaki Shikibu
In this paper, I extend Malonfalean’s close reading by focusing on how Boku and Watashi struggle against the entropy around them brought about by hyper-reality. I highlight this struggle in two ways, both of which will explain how Boku... more
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      HyperrealityHaruki MurakamiPostmodernism, Haruki MurakamiGenji Monogatari
This paper discusses the emergence of Heian literary figures Hikaru Genji and Ariwara no Narihira as cultural and romantic heroes. It explores ideas of courtliness, spirituality/religion, and morality in relation to their actions, in an... more
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      ReligionJapanese StudiesComparative LiteratureJapanese Literature
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      Japanese Literature and CultureHeian Literature
This paper discusses the significance of Enchi Fumiko’s use of intertextuality in Masks, examining how her allusions to The Tale of Genji relate to the novel’s representations of modern Japanese women.
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      Comparative LiteratureGender StudiesJapanese LiteratureLiterature
This is a translation of the epitaph as it appears in the collection of Kukai's prose, poems, and prayers known as the Henjō hakki seireishū (or shōryōshū), (遍照発揮性霊集, Collected Works Divining the Spiritual Nature of Henjō, i.e., Kūkai),... more
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      Japanese StudiesBuddhist StudiesShingonKukai
The Tale of Genji (Genji Monogatari) is written during the Heian-period (794-1185) by the court lady Murasaki Shikibu and is considered one of the earliest novels in the world. Originally written in classical Japanese, its first English... more
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      Japanese StudiesGender StudiesTranslation StudiesGender History
“Like Water Foam”: the Introduction of Buddhist Expressions in Heian Literature With a comparative approach between kanshi and waka, I intend to address the problem of the import of Buddhist terms and expressions in Japanese poetry.... more
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      BuddhismJapanese LiteraturePoetryHeian Literature
Each subsequent generation in Genji monogatari proceeds with yet more realism and often yet more tragedy. The misty nostalgia toward the past in the earliest chapters gradually fades in favor of unrelenting clarity, each theme repeated... more
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      Mirror NeuronsParent Child RelationshipsFamily ResemblanceResemblance
Silenziose. Obbedienti. Nascoste nell’ombra. Questa è l’immagine che ci viene alla mente quando pensiamo alle donne del periodo Heian. Ma era davvero così? Il periodo Heian è conosciuto anche come l’epoca d’oro della letteratura classica... more
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      Japanese StudiesJapanese LiteratureJapanSpirit Possession (Anthropology)
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      Japanese StudiesPre-Modern JapanJapanJapanese Culture
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      Literary TheoryHeian LiteratureHeian Japanese Women's Writing
This is an annotated translation of the 103rd entry in the Henjō hokki shōryōshū (or seireishū), which is the second entry in scroll 10 of that document: "Dedication of the memorial image commemorating the late Venerable Master Gonzō,... more
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      Japanese StudiesBuddhist StudiesShingonKukai
[Thesis in Brazilian Portuguese] This research concerns the novel Namamiko Monogatari なまみこ物語, “A Tale of False Fortunes” (1965), written by Japanese writer Enchi Fumiko (1905–1986). Aiming at improving the visibility of the author and her... more
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      Translation StudiesJapanese LiteratureWomen's LiteratureTranslation
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      Heian LiteratureHeian Japanese Women's Writing
A common refrain in criticism of the eleventh-century work The Pillow Book is that Sei Shōnagon had nothing but disaparaging words to say about the lower classes. This study re-examines this idea through an in-depth review of the... more
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      Japanese LiteratureJapanese Language And CultureJapanese history - Nara and Heian periodsSei Shonagon
Ceremony for the establishment of the Shugei Shuchiin School, with preface (綜藝種智 院式幷序). "Shugei Shuchiin" is the Institution for Cultivating Knowledge of a Broad Weaving of Arts. This an annotated translation entry 102 in the Henjō Hakki... more
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      Japanese StudiesBuddhist StudiesShingonKukai
In the following article, the author proposes a comparative analysis of the two masterpieces of Old Japanese («Genji monogatari» by Murasaki Shikibu) and Italian literature («Il Cortegiano» by Baldassare de Castiglione), in the context of... more
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      Chivalry (Medieval Studies)Courtly CultureGenji MonogatariHeian Literature
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      Heian Literatureclassical Japanese literatureHeian Japanese Women's WritingJapanese Diaries
A Bridge between Chinese and Japanese Poetry Sugawara no Michizane’s kanshi Studies in wakan hikaku bungaku (Sino-Japanese comparative literature) have grown considerably in Japan during the last 50 years, but among scholars of different... more
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      Japanese LiteratureHeian Literatureclassical Japanese poetryKanshi
The paper argues that the well-established distinction between "formal" / "public" (hare) and "informal" / "private" (ke) poetry in waka studies not only fails to describe adequately the styles it purports to illustrate but actively... more
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      Japanese LiteratureJapanese HistoryJapanese history - Nara and Heian periodsPre-Modern Japan
(*pdf file contains preview of the essay. You can purchase the magazine via Subaru's page) エセン・エシン,「イスタンブールの紫式部と平安京のエシン」、 すばる文芸誌7月号、pp.204-205, 2014年7月 (日本語のエッセイ) Esen, Esin, “Isutanburu no Murasaki Shikibu, Heian-kyō no Esin... more
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      Japanese StudiesJapanese LiteratureJapanese Language And CultureLiterature
The article discusses on specific text-image interrelations in Senmen Hokekyō sasshi (Fan-shaped album of the Hokekyō Sutra), a XIIth century work restored in Shitennōji temple, Osaka. The album is famous not only because of its uncommon... more
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      Heian LiteratureJapanese painting and calligraphy
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      Japanese history - Nara and Heian periodsHeian LiteratureHeian Japanese Women's Writing
The Kara monogatari, compiled by Fujiwara no Shigenori (1135–1187), is a collection of twenty-seven secular anecdotes from Chinese literary and historical sources, written in the vernacular of the time, and traditionally classified in the... more
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      Heian LiteratureChinese sources translated in Japanese
This is a draft translation of the first fascicle of Kukai's Himitsu Mandala Jujushinron, Treatise on the Mysterious Mandala of the Ten Abodes of Mind.
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      Japanese StudiesBuddhist PhilosophyJapanese ReligionsJapanese history - Nara and Heian periods
Skripta je namijenjena studentima Japanologije koji polažu kolegij "Uvod u japansku književnost 2" te pokriva razdoblje Heian. U skripti su dane osnovne informacije vezane za kulturnu klimu razdoblja, karakteristike književnih žanrova i... more
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    • Heian Literature
本論は、ハンガリーにおける百人一首の翻訳の歴史を論じたものである。和歌は俳 句に較べてハンガリーにおける認知度は低いが、それでも20世紀初頭には、日本文 学の紹介の中で文学史的な知識としていくつかの和歌がハンガリー語に訳されてい た。百人一首の全訳はようやく21世紀に入って登場する。それとは別にハンガリー 語訳の特徴は、日本語からの直接訳ではなく、英語やドイツ語に訳されたものを利用 しての間接訳(中間言語訳)だということである。最近になって大阪大学の学生によ... more
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      HungarianTranslationHeian Literatureハンガリー語
"The Tale of Genji" ("Genji monogatari", Japanese: 源氏物語), written by Murasaki Shikibu in the beginning of 11th century, is considered to be the first novel in the world. It also remains a particularly abundant source of knowledge about... more
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      Japanese LiteraturePopular CultureGenji MonogatariMurasaki Shikibu
Table of Contents IntroductionXI Part I Frederick II, Saga and Uda1 Law reforms with Frederick II and Saga6 The state academy 9 The private relationship between ruler and officials, and the shōden system in Japan15 The... more
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      World LiteraturesPre-Modern Japanese LiteratureWorld LiteratureTranslation
"Language: Turkish This paper aims to give a detailed explanation to Turkish readers of the Turkish translation of The diary of Lady Murasaki. The paper is built on the following titles: 1) Heian Period History 2) Social Structure 3)... more
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      Japanese StudiesJapanese LiteratureJapanese Language And CultureJapanese Literature and Culture
This translates the 112 classical Chinese titles in the 10-scroll collection of Kūkai’s poems, works of prose, prayers, dedications, birthday wishes, appeals for funding, etc., gathered by his disciple Shinzai under the title Henjō Hakki... more
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      Buddhist StudiesJapanese history - Nara and Heian periodsShingonKukai
日本史の分野では平仮名が平安時代の女性によって作られたと思いがちだが、実際には平仮名の台頭と女は関係がない(Yoda, 2000)。女性が仮名を構築したというよりも、仮名は平安時代に変化した政治からの影響と、サンスクリット語で書いたお経を読むために構築された。このエッセイでは仮名の神話を暴き、仮名が登場した歴史的なコンテキストと仮名の言語学的な機能を検討する。
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      Japanese StudiesJapanese LiteratureJapanese HistoryJapanese
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      Sei ShonagonHeian LiteratureHeian Japanese Women's WritingAncient Japanese Literature
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      Tang DynastyMedieval Japanese LiteratureHeian LiteratureJapanese Diaries
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      Japanese history - Nara and Heian periodsJapanese folkloreHeian Literatureclassical Japanese literature