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Consider the distinct journeys of Patient X and Patient Y who are on the brink of death with only one solution that can save their lives: an organ transplant. Patient X works two jobs to provide for her five children, maintain her... more
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      Health SciencesHealth EquityOrgan Donation and TransplantationHealth and Social Care
Health inequalities and inequities in healthcare are among the most significant problems in health systems and in today’s societies as a whole. They exist between and within countries, even in the most developed. Clarification of the... more
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      Health SciencesHealth InequalitiesHealth inequities
The state of Maharashtra has registered a growth of more than 7.5% to 8% in the recent past establishing itself as a strong growth driver for the country. The performance of the State of Maharashtra in on economic parameters has been... more
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    • Health inequities
Thailand's public health system is lauded globally for its broad access and coverage. However, significant gaps in health outcomes persist for diverse highland Indigenous and ethnic minority communities that have historically resided... more
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      Southeast Asian StudiesIndigenous PeoplesEthnic minority groupsHealth inequities
Inequalities exist between healthcare systems in Brazil. Understanding patient‐reported outcomes provide valuable information to guide health services and clinical practice. We aimed to characterize distress in cancer patients treated at... more
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      Public HealthPsychological distressHealth inequities
One of the most significant questions in the theory of health inequalities and inequity concerns their identification and measurement in relation to the leading causes. The results have to assure evidence based foundation for health... more
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      Health InequalitiesHealth inequities
Въведение: Равнопоставеността в достъпа до здравни услуги зависи от това, доколко гражданите трябва да заплащат директно за тях. Целта на изследването е да се анализира финансовата тежест на здравните разходи върху домакинствата в... more
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      Health ExpendituresHealth inequities
Introduction: Health and health-related behaviours in childhood, adolescence and youth are crucial for health and behavioural patterns in adulthood. The purpose of this study was to examine the levels, distribution and socio-demographic... more
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      Health PsychologyHealth SciencesHealth PromotionYouth Studies
The region can be considered as a factor influencing health inequalities because it creates the context for work, education and income of individuals. The aim of the study is to analyse the importance of the region and regional... more
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    • Health inequities
Health and health-related behaviours in childhood, adolescence and youth are crucial for health and behavioural patterns in adulthood. The purpose of this study was to examine the levels, distribution and socio-demographic determinants of... more
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      Health PsychologyHealth SciencesHealth PromotionMental Health
The COVID-19 pandemic has shed light on the norms, patterns, and power structures in the United States that privilege certain groups of people over others. This manuscript describes COVID-19 as an unprecedented catalyst for social... more
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      Social Determinants of HealthHealth inequitiesCOVID-19 PANDEMIC
Background: Despite decades of evidence gathering and calls for action, few countries have systematically attenuated health inequities (HI) through action on the social determinants of health (SDH). This is at least partly because doing... more
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      Health InequalitiesSocial Determinants of HealthAgenda SettingAgenda-setting
blog post on olfactory disparities in Bong Joon-ho's Parasite
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      GeographyFilm AnalysisEnvironmental JusticeAtmosphere
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      EthicsSocial JusticeHealth EquityHealth inequities
The Research Centers in Minority Institu­tions (RCMI) program was established by the US Congress to support the develop­ment of biomedical research infrastructure at minority-serving institutions granting doctoral degrees in the health... more
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      Political ScienceWorkforce DiversityTranslational ResearchMedicine
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      Health BehaviorHealth Behaviour ChangeDietEnergy Metabolism
The adoption of the WHO Global Code of Practice on the International Recruitment of Health Personnel in May, 2010, ostensibly heralded a new era of accountability in the migration of health-care workers.1 Global health advocates lauded... more
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      Health InequalitiesMigrationGlobal HealthHealthcare workers
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      PsychologyCognitive ScienceSocial Determinants of HealthHealth inequities
Social epidemiology, medical sociology and other social sciences are systematically identifying and mapping out the specific causal pathways that demonstrate what oppressed people feel and know as lived experience-that violations of... more
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      Health InequalitiesPublic Health EthicsDiscriminationSociology of Emotions
Renata Schiavo, Gretchen Van Wye & Erma Manoncourt (2022) COVID-19 and health inequities: the case for embracing complexity and investing in equity- and community-driven approaches to communication, Journal of Communication in Healthcare,... more
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      Social ChangeCommunicationHealth CommunicationCommunity Engagement & Participation
Schiavo, Renata, Oledibe, Naomi, Faroul, Latisha and Health Equity Initiative (2018). Engaging New Allies in the Health Equity Movement: Highlights and Recommendations from the 2018 Summit Innovation Think Tanks. June 2018. New York, NY:... more
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      Social SciencesHuman RightsPovertyCommunity Development
Background: A devastating drought is ravaging Africa, with Ethiopia being the worst-hit country. Ethiopia’s economy is predominantly reliant on rain-fed farming and livestock. The agriculture sector contributes up to 85% of the country’s... more
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      Community InterventionsPublic Health PolicySocial Determinants of HealthPopulation Health
Здравните неравенства и неравнопоставеността в здравеопазването са едни от най-значимите съвременни проблеми на здравните системи и обществата в цяла Европа. В тази връзка изключително значение придобива политиката по разпределение на... more
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      Health InequalitiesSocial Inequalities in HealthHealth inequitiesDistribution of Resources
Epidemiological evidence on the social determinants of health inequity is well-advanced, but considerably less attention has been given to evaluating the impact of public policies addressing those social determinants. Methodological... more
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      Program EvaluationMethodologyMonitoring And EvaluationGlobal Health
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      PsychologyCognitive ScienceSocial Determinants of HealthHealth inequities
What do we mean by health? Why are billions of people still affected by disease? How do we promote well-being? I’ve tried to answer these questions in my latest paper. The research challenges the current neo-liberal framework of health... more
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      PovertyCritical PedagogyPaulo FreireHealth
Summary. Indonesia’s infant mortality rates are among the highest in South-East Asia, and there are substantial variations between its sub-national regions. This qualitative study aims to explore early mortality-related health service... more
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      Child healthHealth InequalitiesIndonesiaHealth
Au Québec, la prévention des maladies chroniques par la promotion des saines habitudes de vie est partie intégrante d’un discours bien implanté lorsqu’il est question de vieillir en santé. Cet article vise l’amorce d’une réflexion... more
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      AgingPublic HealthHealth inequitiesPublic Policy
On 8 October 2014, Liberian citizen Thomas Eric Duncan, died from the Ebola Virus Disease (EVD) in Dallas, Texas. Following his untimely death, concerns about the spread of Ebola in the United States reached a fever pitch, and the word... more
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      Health InequalitiesDiscriminationHealth DisparitiesRacial Inequalities and Policy
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    • Health inequities
The article is aimed to assess trends in wealth-related inequalities in coverage of reproductive, maternal, neonatal and child health (RMNCH) interventions using delivery channels framework in Indian context, at national level as well as... more
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      Maternal and Child HealthHealth inequities
Individuals' actions are blamed for being at highest risk for ill health, even when their choices have been constrained by public policies and corporate practices. Whereas, there is a relationship between lifestyle and health inequities... more
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      Non-communicable diseasesAccess to Health CareHealth inequities
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      SociologyHealth PromotionParticipatory Action ResearchPolitical Science
Thailand’s public health system is lauded globally for its broad access and coverage. However, significant gaps in health outcomes persist for diverse highland Indigenous and ethnic minority communities that have historically resided... more
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      Southeast Asian StudiesHealth inequalityHealth Care Service Access and UtilizationUnesco
Thailand’s public health system is lauded globally for its broad access and coverage. However, significant gaps in health outcomes persist for diverse highland Indigenous and ethnic minority communities that have historically resided... more
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      Southeast Asian StudiesHealth inequalityHealth Care Service Access and UtilizationUnesco
Въведение: Населеното място и регионът формират контекста за възможностите за работа, образование и доходи на индивидите. Регионът може да се разглежда и като детерминант на здравето, както и на здравните неравенства. Целта на настоящото... more
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      Health inequitiesSocial Inequality In Health
Background: In all European countries, an important policy objective is the equity of access to health care. The factors that affect access to health care can differ as the demand-and supply-side factors. Moreover, there are many tools to... more
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      Health inequitiesSocial Inequality In Health
This study analyzes the consistency of the Brazilian national information systems on mortality (SIM) and live births (SINASC) as data sources for evaluating health inequalities according to race/color. Infant mortality rates (IMRs) were... more
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      Race and EthnicityBrazilHealth EquityEthnicity And Health
Background: Tackling inequalities in overweight, obesity and related determinants has become a top priority for the European research and policy agendas. Although it has been established that such inequalities accumulate from early... more
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      Health Behaviour ChangeChildhood Obesity PreventionHealth inequitiesLifestyle and dietary determinants of obesity and the metabolic syndrome
ABSTRACT: In this article I discuss how World Café Dialogues can be used to unveil structural and cultural violence that drive the behaviors that maintain end-of-life care inequalities, especially among minorities, in acute healthcare... more
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      Peace and Conflict StudiesDeathDeath StudiesEnd Of Life Studies
With dilapidated public hospitals, poor-quality public healthcare, widespread corruption, unaffordable private care, and inadequate healthcare coverage, the status of healthcare in Egypt gradually became a major reason for social and... more
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      Sociology of ExpertiseMedical EthicsHealth JusticeEgypt
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      BusinessLeadershipPolitical SciencePublic Relations
Health impacts of poor environmental quality have been identified in studies around the world and in Canada. While many of the studies have identified associations between air pollution and mortality or morbidity, few have focused on the... more
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      Environmental HealthEnvironmental MonitoringAir Pollution and Health EffectsMedicine
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      Environmental HealthEnvironmental MonitoringAir Pollution and Health EffectsMedicine
... they were not paid a regular wage, the miners preferred to maximize their working hours and increase their chances of getting Tanzanite stones. ... Life in a refugee camp The United Republic of Tanzania is a union between the former... more
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      GeographyHealth inequities
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      Health BehaviorHealth Behaviour ChangeDietEnergy Metabolism
Course Description: • What does sociology teach us about health and health care? Who pays for, affords, and accesses health care? • Does the COVID19 Pandemic affect the rich and poor in the same way? Can all countries afford the vaccines?... more
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      Medical SociologySocial Determinants of HealthSociology of Mental Health & IllnessPublic Health
In principle, pharmaceutical producers lack the incentives to develop orphan drugs, i.e. medicines intended to treat rare diseases. Regulation (EC) n. 141/2000 addresses the issue, providing orphan drug producers with accelerated... more
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      Public HealthTort LawLaw and Health PolicyEU Competition Law