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      PhilologyGender StudiesMythologyClassics
The grammatical feminine gender was developed by Indo-European in relatively recent times, and was superimposed on an older system of two genders (animate / inanimate). The virtual totality of Indo-Europeanists would agree with this... more
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      Sex and GenderHistorical LinguisticsLanguage and GenderAncient Indo-European Languages
Continuation of the Indo-European table containing about 2,000 Etruscan words and a comparison to Sanskrit, Avestan, Persian, Slavic, Romanian, Greek, Albanian, Latin, Italian, French, Celtic, English cognates.
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      Historical LinguisticsIndo-european language reconstructionAncient Indo-European LanguagesIndo-European Studies
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      Ancient HistoryNear Eastern ArchaeologyNear Eastern StudiesAnatolian Studies
Hattic basic lexicon is compared with neighboring language families (Indo-European, Hurro-Urartian and Semitic). The result is compatible with an Indo-European origin of the majority of Hattic basic lexicon, complemented by a set of... more
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      Indo-European StudiesAkkadianComparative SemiticsHurrian
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      Ancient HistoryArchaeologyEgyptologyNear Eastern Archaeology
An etymological dictionary of the Hattian language revealing a number of possible Sino-Caucasian cognations and some contact words. With various extra-linguistic excursuses and the criticism of the traditional West Caucasian attribution... more
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      HatticHattianNorth-West Caucasian languagesSino-Caucasian
It is argued here that the Minoan language of second-millennium B.C. Crete stands a good chance of being descended from the language that was imported into Crete by the earliest farmers that colonized the Island in the 7th millennium B.C.... more
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      Neolithic EuropeHatticSumerian LanguageMinoan Crete
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      Languages and LinguisticsHistorical LinguisticsHatticCeltic
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      PhilologyClassical ArchaeologyAnthropologyAnthropological Linguistics
In his book "Common West Caucasian" (Leiden, 1996), the author touches upon the problem of the external relations of Common West Caucasian, namely, with the long extinct Hattic language of ancient Asia Minor (early second millennium B.C.).
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      Historical LinguisticsHatticHattianHattic Language
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      HistoryCultural HistoryCultural GeographyHistorical Geography
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      HistoryAncient HistoryAfrican StudiesArchaeology
book in print.
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      ReligionAncient HistoryCultural HistoryEgyptology
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      Contact LinguisticsHistorical LinguisticsLuwianLanguage Typology
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      Ancient Egyptian ReligionHistorical GeographyNear Eastern ArchaeologyHistorical Sociology
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      LanguagesSociologyCultural StudiesAnthropology
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      Ancient Egyptian ReligionAncient HistoryEgyptologyNear Eastern Archaeology
In Keftiw/Minoan incantation against samuna ubuqi disease from London Medical Papyrus there three verbs: sabujajəjədʒa (a verb of movement), humakatu/humakātu, pawrəj/paurəj (supposedly verbs of oral/mental activity). The structure of... more
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      HatticMinoan Civilisationegyptian and aegean archaeology, trade, KeftiuMinoan Crete
In 2019,  I made an update about the name Labarna in  my article : Why did Labarna become a tabarna in the kingdom of Hatti?
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      Historical AnthropologyHistorical LinguisticsAssyriologyAnatolian Studies
Menganalisis suatu novel merupakan langkah yang baik untuk mengetahui isi novel secara mendalam dan detail
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    • Hattic
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      ReligionLanguages and LinguisticsHistorical LinguisticsNear Eastern Studies
In the late 80s and early 90s, Colin Renfrew presented his Anatolian hypothesis. According to him, the agrarian revolution begun in Anatolia, and from there, it spread out in Europe. He supposed that these farmers were carriers of the... more
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      Greek LanguageNeolithic ArchaeologyAnatolian LanguagesAbkhazia
A brief sketch of the Hattic language for a Russian linguistic encyclopaedic series. In Russian.
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The Harappan seals contain several linguistic symbols which have not been properly understood so far.Through my works especially- Indus script decipherment breakthrough, PaNameTa-the troy tower weight and measure system of Harappa, The... more
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      HistoryAncient HistoryArchaeologyEgyptology
The audience of News and Notes are the sponsors and members of the Oriental Institute. My article highlights research of Hittitologists at the Oriental Institute (faculty and former students) in a hopefully accessible manner.
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      Anatolian StudiesHittitologyAnatolian LanguagesHittite
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      Ancient HistoryHistorical LinguisticsAssyriologyAnatolian Studies
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      PhilologyReligionMythology And FolklorePsychology
Names of gods point to the origin of their images
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      Ancient Egyptian ReligionEgyptologyGreek LiteratureCeltic Studies
PUBLISHER'S DESCRIPTION: "The Oxford Handbook of Ancient Anatolia is a unique blend of comprehensive overviews on archaeological, philological, linguistic, and historical issues at the forefront of Anatolian scholarship in the 21st... more
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      Near Eastern ArchaeologyAssyriologyAnatolian StudiesMediterranean prehistory
Hattic is poorly attested and understood. What little we know about its basic lexicon is summarized in this Excel file, whose source is O. Soysal's "Hattischer Wortschatz in hetitischer Textüberlieferung" (Brill 2004). This file is... more
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      HatticHattianHattic LanguageHattic, Hattian
Hattic, possibly a language of West Caucasian Dolmen culture, had not only Dene-Basque/Sino-Caucasian but also Afro-Asiatic lexical and grammatical elements
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      Anatolian StudiesAnatolian ArchaeologyAnatolian HistoryAfro-Asiatic Linguistics
Hattic or Hattian is an ancient cuneiform language spoken in the Central Anatolia at the beginning of the 2nd millennium B.C. and in all likelihood earlier, whose corpus is rather small. Along with the well-known set of Hattic loanwords... more
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Hattic, possibly a language of West Caucasian Dolmen culture, might be Sino-Caucasian/Dene-Basque, related to the Pre-Maikop and other R1b cultures from Yelshan to Yamna of post-Zarzian origin. However, the closest Yenisseian relations of... more
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      EtymologyLanguages of the CaucasusAfro-Asiatic LinguisticsCaucasus
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      Historical LinguisticsHatticCelticIndo-European
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      Historical LinguisticsLinguisticsGreek ArchaeologyHattic
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      HittitologyLanguages of the CaucasusHittiteHattic
Das Patriarchat in 3 Teilen: 1. Über die Hethiter, 2. Texte aus dem Alten Testament und 3. Texte aus dem Neuen Testament. Es geht um die Gleichwertigkeit der Archetypen der Grossen Mutter und des Grossen Vaters und deren patriarchalen... more
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      New TestamentOld Testament TheologyOld TestamentHittite
The purpose of this monograph is to provide an introduction to the Hattic language in Greek. Hattic or Hattili, was a pre-historic language spoken in central Anatolia prior to and during the first centuries of establishment of the Hittite... more
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      Anatolian StudiesAnatolian HistoryCappadocian LanguageHattic
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      Critical TheoryHistoryLanguage EducationLanguages and Linguistics
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      PhilologyClassical ArchaeologyAnthropological LinguisticsMythology
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      Historical LinguisticsHistorical SyntaxSyntaxLanguage Typology
The article attempts to present the ethnic composition of the central regions of the Armenian Highland in the 2nd-1st millennia BC, based on the data from Armenian ethnogonic tradition and onomastic material of the ancient written... more
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      Armenian StudiesAnatolian LanguagesHittiteArmenian History
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      Mythology And FolkloreClassical ArchaeologyNear Eastern ArchaeologyAnthropological Linguistics
The talk is an overview of the data, genetic, archaeological and linguistic, which support the Paleolithic Continuity Refugium Theory (PCRT) of European prehistory. More specifically, based on the findings of genetics (studies of... more
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      History of LinguisticsEuropean HistoryGeneticsPaleobiology
Arab linguistic tradition; Afro-Asiatic connections of Hattic
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      Anatolian StudiesArabic Language and LinguisticsArabic SociolinguisticsAfro-Asiatic Linguistics
First of all, it is risky that to try to tie between Hattian and as a 'remote' culture of Northwestern Caucasian language that we have not original and sufficient data. It should be considered following points before: Features in detail... more
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      Asian StudiesNear Eastern ArchaeologySoutheast Asian StudiesNear Eastern Studies
Manuscript of the keynote address was presented on the international conference “The Middle East: Language, Literature and History” dedicated to the 125th anniversary of the prominent orientalist Joseph Orbeli (1887-1961) was held in... more
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      ReligionIslamic LawJewish StudiesLanguage Education
This update of includes a new source: Oğuz Soysal - Zu den rezenten Studien im Hattischen: eine Zwischenbilanz - in: Archivum Anatolicum 12/2-2018, p. 157-178... more
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      HatticHattianHattic LanguageHattic, Hattian