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¿De que manera ecologica y sustentable cultivar más vegetales en el menor espacio posible?
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      Huertos FamiliaresAgricultura ecologicaHORTICULTURACultivos Biointensivos.
Estudou-se a seletividade dos inseticidas acefato, deltametrina, dimetoato, metamidofós, paratiom metílico e pirimicarbe a ninfas de último estádio de Myzus persicae (Sulzer) (Homoptera: Aphididae), em relação a adultos, ninfas de... more
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In Northeastern Brazil, the sweet potato is cultivated in small farms, in a family farming systems, constituting themselves an alternative way for the generation of food, employment and income. This study aimed to assess the effect of... more
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Resumo O objetivo deste trabalho foi verificar a sensibilidade dos parâmetros fornecidos pela análise computadorizada de imagens de plântulas para detectar a redução do vigor de sementes de tomate durante o armazenamento, comparado a... more
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      Horticultureseed Science and TechnologySementesHORTICULTURA
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      Mineral NutritionRandomized Block designHORTICULTURAGrain Yield
The present study was carried out to investigate the effects of pre-harvest aminoethoxyvinylglycine (AVG, 250 mgL −1) and zinc (0.3% ZnSO 4) treatments on pre-harvest fruit drops, internal ethylene concentration (IEC), fruit weight, color... more
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      HorticultureAntioxidantsPlant Growth RegulatorsHorticultural Sciences
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      AgronomyAgricultureAGRONOMIASoil Fertility and Plant Nutrition
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      Mineral NutritionRandomized Block designHORTICULTURADry Matter
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      Organic agricultureEnergy ConversionCrop ProductionOrganic production
Este livro traz possíveis apontamentos de novas tecnologias em horticultura e apresenta panoramas de técnicas de manejo, colheita e pós-colheita de hortaliças. Tudo isso num mercado cada vez mais dinâmico e com demandas crescentes para... more
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In the present study, twelve varieties of CHRYSANTHEMUM collected from the National Botanical Research Institute, Lucknow were evaluated under irrigated condition at Main Experiment Station, NDUA&T, Kumarganj, Faizabad during winter... more
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      HorticultureHorticultural BiotechnologyPostharvest HorticultureHotel Management
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      AgronomyHorticultureCrop genetic diversityCrop Physiology
rangkuman seluruh materi teknologi produksi tanaman hortikultura UTS  universitas brawijaya fakltas pertanian
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      Agricultural EngineeringInformation TechnologyTechnologyAgronomy
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      FloriculturaViverosHORTICULTURABiblioteca virtual
Plante seu alimento =)
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      HorticultureSustainable agricultureHORTICULTURA
El argumento de este artículo es que mientras hay paisajes valorados por su vistosidad, existen otros a los cuales debería enfocarse la mirada científica y gubernamental para reconocer entre otros valores, cómo es que contribuyen a... more
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      HorticultureAgricultura de huertosHUERTOS FAMILIARES YUCATÁNHORTICULTURA
Esta investigación demuestra el papel determinante del conocimiento ancestral y tradicional en la sustentabilidad de los sistemas hortícolas familiares campesinos. Se desarrolló un estudio de caso con agricultores de la parroquia de San... more
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This study presents a comprehensive paleoenvironmental reconstruction of the Byzantine and Early Islamic western Negev Desert communities during the 4th-8th centuries CE. The study is based on 33 pollen samples and hundreds of charcoal... more
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      HorticulturePalynologyByzantine StudiesCharcoal analysis (Archaeology)
A field experiment was conducted in wheat during rabi season 2011-12 on sandy loam soil at.P.).The experiment was conducted in R.B.D with three replications comprising ten treatments of weed management, clodinafop 60 g a.i ha-1 ,... more
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Este informe fue escrito de una forma sencilla, pues solo se tomó en cuenta aspectos muy importantes que se llevan a cabo en una empresa hortícola. Se agradece a la empresa hortícola de la forma mas afable posible, y que se menciona en... more
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Stem rust disease caused by Puccinia graminis f. sp tritici is a major challenge to wheat (Triticum aestivum) production in Kenya and other wheat growing countries of Africa and Asia. The current study aimed at evaluating sixty four wheat... more
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      AgronomyHorticulturePlant BiologyResistance (Social)
Con fines prácticos, en el presente texto nos referiremos a la región “Minera noroccidente”, al territorio que comprendió los Reales de Minas de Bolaños, Jalisco, Zacatecas y Guanajuato, que corresponde a sitios que han sido destacados... more
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      Arqueología histórica- MineríaHORTICULTURAMarco De Modos De Vida Sustentables
The study was aimed to assess the effect of methyl jasmonate (MeJA) and modified atmosphere packaging (MAP) on postharvest biochemical changes and quality loss in medlar fruit (Mespilus germanica cv. 'İstanbul'). Fruit were kept at 0 ±... more
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      Food ScienceHorticultureFood and NutritionFood Science and Technology
Background: AVG is an organic ethylene inhibitor. AVG treatments retarded the ripening process, increased fruit sizes and delayed loss of post-harvest fruit flesh firmness by inhibiting ethylene. MeJA is a natural plant growth regulator... more
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      HorticultureAntioxidantsAnthocyaninsHorticultural Sciences
A field experiment was conducted to study the effect of different nutrient combination and sources on mungbean (VignaradiataL. Wilczek) in sandy loam soil at, during kharifseason of 2012. The experiment was laid out in Randomized Block... more
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      AgronomyCrop ScienceAGRONOMIAHorticultural Sciences
Fruit peel coloring is one of the most important measures of commercial values in various citrus fruits. It is well documented that a gaseous plant hormone, ethylene, regulates the peel color changes associated with fruit ripening. To... more
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      Agricultural EngineeringBiochemistryBotanyFood Science
Pomegranate (Punica granatum L.) is a newly introduced as alternate commercial fruit crop against Nagpur mandarin in Satpura plateau region of M.P. In this situation, there are three flowering seasons, viz., January-February (Ambia bahar)... more
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      Horticulture, fruit cultureHORTICULTURA
A produção de couves em geral tem sido severamente impactada pela doença conhecida como hérnia das crucíferas. Este problema se agrava pelas dificuldades encontradas pelos produtores para conseguir manter a produção de brássicas em áreas... more
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      OlericultureBrassicaceaeFitopatologiaBrassica oleracea
En consonancia con los cambios en el modelo productivo a nivel regional y con las tensiones y controversias que atraviesan la actividad hortícola en las áreas de interfaz urbano-rural de Mar del Plata (Partido de General Pueyrredon,... more
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Lettuce plants, cv. Vera, were grown under five salinity levels in a hydroponical experimental set-up using a 0.15 m deep sand growing bed. A standard nutrient solution was used, with the following composition, in mmol L-1: 16.9 NO3-; 2.0... more
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      Experimental DesignPlant growthLactuca SativaHORTICULTURA
I am soliciting the chapters on all aspects of Horticultural Science (fruit, vegetable, flower, spices, medicinal and aromatic plants, mushroom, gardening, etc) to included in the book series Innovations in Horticultural Science being... more
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      HorticultureOrganic agricultureFood and NutritionVegetable Science
BACKGROUND: A study was conducted to determine the effects of modified-atmosphere packaging (MAP) treatments on fruit quality attributes and bioactive compounds of cornelian cherry fruits (Cornus mas L.) harvested at two different... more
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      HorticulturePostharvest HorticulturePostharvest Physiology of Fruits and VegetablesFruit Science
The effects of pre-harvest GA 3 treatments at different concentrations (0, 30 and 60 mg L −1) on fruit quality attributes [geometric mean diameter, flesh firmness, hue angle, fruit removal force (FRF), soluble solids content (SSC) and... more
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      HorticultureAntioxidantsColorPlant Growth Regulators
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Se evaluó la producción de plántula de chile manzano (Capsicum pubescens) bajo un sistema protegido (invernadero) utilizando 3 mezclas de sustratos, las mezclas se hicieron a partir de abono de monte, perlita y humus de lombriz. El... more
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Con fines prácticos, en el presente texto nos referiremos a la región “Minera noroccidente”, al territorio que comprendió los Reales de Minas de Bolaños, Jalisco, Zacatecas y Guanajuato, que corresponde a sitios que han sido destacados... more
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      Arqueología históricaMineríaHORTICULTURAMarco De Modos De Vida Sustentables
Recently, thermal properties of the landscaped rooftops and walls have attracted the interest of researchers because of the potential to minimize energy consumption in urban areas and to aid summer-time thermal control. For this reason... more
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      Environmental EngineeringAgricultural EngineeringBotanyLandscape Ecology
With the growing demand for ecological products new technologies are required for organic cultivation systems in order to provide a sustainable growth of this activity. This experiment evaluated the performance of vegetable cultivars and... more
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El artículo se divide en dos partes. En la primera de ellas se expone la categoría analítica de “pueblo huertero” y las discusiones en las que se inserta. En la segunda parte, se presentan tres casos en los cuales se encuentran las... more
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      HorticultureGarden HistoryHuertos FamiliaresAgricultura de huertos
La ciudad de Zacatecas se consolidó durante la época novohispana como una de las más importantes ciudades mineras de La Nueva España, no obstante, para que la industria minera se desarrollara se ejecutaron algunas estrategias que... more
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      Urban PlanningEtnohistoriaHORTICULTURA
Una guía muy útil para aprender a producir nuestros alimentos, entre otras cosas.
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The world population continues to expand at about 80 million people per year and it will reach at 10 billion in 2060 from the 7 billion at present. This is a big challenge for food security. To overcome this challenge, the food production... more
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      AgronomyFood ScienceHorticultureOrganic agriculture
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El Alto Valle de Río Negro y Neuquén, Norpatagonia Argentina, se desarrolla sobre la cuenca de los ríos, Limay, Neuquén y Río Negro. A lo largo de 200 km del valle, se disponen alternadamente centros urbanos, periurbanos y rurales... more
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The estimation of genetic variability in a germplasm bank is important not only for the conservation of the genetic resources, but also for applications in plant breeding. The genetic divergence among 78 tomato accessions was studied,... more
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      Plant BreedingCluster AnalysisTomatoMolecular Marker
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      Organic agricultureHORTICULTURA