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      FanonFrantz FanonFrantz Fanon (Literature)Black Skins, White Masks
Si l’histoire des intellectuels français a fait l’objet de plusieurs colloques, expositions et livres, la question de l’opposition à la colonisation française en Algérie et à la guerre d’indépendance est moins étudiée. Ce colloque se veut... more
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      Algerian warNew LeftAlgerian War (History)Albert Camus
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      Italian (European History)Algerian warAlgerian War (History)Frantz Fanon
This paper deals with the history of the production of cables for the transport energy and telecommunications Pirelli. This aspect of the Italian business history is hitherto little studied, although of great importance for the history of... more
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      Modern Italian HistoryIndustrial HistoryBusiness HistoryRubber Industry
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      Italian colonialismItalo-Ethiopian War(Italian) Colonialism and PostcolonialismGillo Pontecorvo
"Giovanni Pirelli intellettuale del Novecento" (ISEC-Mimesis edizioni, 2016) a cura di Mariamargherita Scotti ESTRATTO: - Indice - Prefazione di Giorgio Bigatti (Fondazione ISEC) - Premessa di Maurizio Savoja (Soprintendenza archivistica... more
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    • Giovanni Pirelli
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      Partito Socialista ItalianoItalian intellectualsIntellettuali italianiRaniero Panzieri
"Giovanni Pirelli intellettuale del Novecento" (ISEC-Mimesis edizioni, 2016) a cura di Mariamargherita Scotti

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    • Giovanni Pirelli
Giovanni Pirelli (1918-1973), noto per lo più come erede “ribelle” di una delle più importanti dinastie industriali d’Italia e come curatore, insieme a Piero Malvezzi, dei fortunati volumi di Lettere di condannati a morte della Resistenza... more
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      Diary StudiesItalo CalvinoFrantz FanonPersonal Archives
This book provides an innovative cultural history of Italian colonialism and its impact on twentieth-century ideas of empire and anti-colonialism. In October 1935, Mussoliniʼs army attacked Ethiopia, defying the League of Nations and... more
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      Italian StudiesPostcolonial StudiesItalian Cultural StudiesPan Africanism
In this paper, I examine the unpublished Second World War diaries of Giovanni Pirelli—heir to the helm of the Pirelli tire company—for their account of how the war and fall of Fascism may have catalyzed his dissociation from his family,... more
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      FascismSecond World WarBiography and Life-WritingGiovanni Pirelli
This paper illuminates the transformation of Giovanni Pirelli from convinced fascist to partisan and anti-colonial activist and explores the significance and fruits of Pirelli’s friendship with Frantz Fanon, specifically the Centro... more
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      Italian StudiesPostcolonial StudiesFrantz FanonAnti-Colonialism
Frutto di un lavoro più che decennale, questa biografia di godibilissima lettura segna un punto di svolta nella conoscenza della traiettoria umana e politica di Giovanni Pirelli. Come ogni indagine davvero innovatrice, il libro sollecita... more
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      History and MemoryAlgerian warNew LeftOccupation and Resistance in WW2
On the fiftieth anniversary of the iconic date of 1968, the legacy and memory of the global sixties is acknowledged largely with reference to developments in a few places in Europe and the United States. Dozens of important movements of... more
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      Political Violence and TerrorismHistory of Political ViolenceAlgerian warPolitical Violence
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      FanonFrantz FanonLuigi NonoDizionario Biografico Italiani
My translation of Giovanni Pirelli's "Nota biografica" on Frantz Fanon in FANON: OPERE SCELTE, ed. Giovanni Pirelli, Torino: Einaudi 1971. (See eprint link for paper.)
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      Italian StudiesFrantz FanonPostcolonial and Anticolonial StudiesGiovanni Pirelli
Un fil rouge che lega le guerriglie latinoamericane, i movimenti di liberazione africani, l'antifascismo terzomondista e le battaglie per i diritti dei popoli attraversa la storia mondiale del Novecento
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      AfricaFrantz FanonAmérica LatinaLelio Basso
Fondazione ISEC vi invita alla Libreria Utopia (Milano) per un dialogo sul volume ‘Giovanni Pirelli intellettuale del Novecento’ (ISEC-Mimesis edizioni, 2016) a cura di MARIAMARGHERITA SCOTTI: GIOVANNI SCIROCCO (Università degli studi di... more
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    • Giovanni Pirelli