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One Belt One Road China project geopolitics impact - Conference Oct. 10, 2018
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      China's foreign policyGeopolitcs and GeostrategyThe Rise of ChinaGeoploitics
El proceso de la Certificación de drogas como variable dependiente de la Guerra de las drogas y su desarrollo/evolución como dispositivo de control de drogas en el marco de las relaciones internacionales hegemónicas de los EE.UU. sobre... more
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      International RelationsColombiaDrugs and drug cultureGeoploitics
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      Development StudiesForeign Policy AnalysisSecuritySouth Asia
Dr. Ts. Batbayar's latest work "Mongolia and Major Powers 1950-2000" Volume 2 was just published in Ulaanbaatar by the Institute of History and Ethnology, Mongolian Academy of Sciences. The book covers the period of 1950-2000 when the... more
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      International RelationsNational IdentityGeoploitics
La región de Medio Oriente es reconocida a nivel global por sus reservas comprobadas de Petróleo, especialmente en los países ubicados la zona del golfo pérsico. Actualmente, asistimos a una competencia económica por ganar influencia y... more
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      International RelationsMiddle East PoliticsOil Natural Gas Energy GeopoliticsGeoploitics
Статья посвящена Сэму Хьюстону – американскому политику, главнокомандующему армией Техаса и президенту Техаса и его вкладу в становление независимой Техасской республики от войны за независимость Техаса от Мексики до его вхождения в... more
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      HistoryGeographyCritical GeopoliticsNineteenth Century Studies
Borders are spaces, geographical datum in which politics become explicit. This not only manifests in their spatial organization but also —and primarily— through the transactions, exchanges, blockages and movements that in their quotidian... more
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      HaitiDominican RepublicCaribbeanBorders and Frontiers
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Author analyzed transformation of the geopolitical status of Donbass. Its natural result is the appearance of the Donetsk People's Republic on the political map of the world. It is noted that Donbass is a geopolitical field where there is... more
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      Eastern European StudiesForeign Policy AnalysisPolitical ScienceForeign Policy
Le syndrome d'épuisement professionnel est un état d'épuisement total lié aux conditions de travail et au stress du travail. Des recherches récentes suggèrent que le burnout peut être lié potentiellement à une perte de sens au travail et... more
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Статията разглежда въпроса за това, доколко е било дипломатически възможно поддържането на относително нормални двустранни контакти между две напълно различни като социално-политическа система и пространствено влияние държави, каквито са... more
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      International RelationsForeign Policy AnalysisGeoploiticsEast West relations
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      HistoryMilitary HistoryCroatian HistoryGeopolitcs and Geostrategy
“Congress of Vienna 2015” will include a discussion of security issues in Europe. This note challenges the participants in the Congress to explore shared interests and mutual benefits - and an ambitious paradigm shift to a new overall... more
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      Russian Foreign PolicyNATO-Russian RelationsGeoploitics
Why has it become so fashionable in Europe to think in terms of " geopolitics " ? Why is this tendency dangerous , and how do we defy it? As we face the disintegration of the European system built on the Helsinki Accords and the specter... more
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      Human GeographyEuropean StudiesInternational RelationsInternational Relations Theory