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Dans les années 1970, l'internationalisation des entreprises a pris de l'ampleur, de même que leur recours à la sous-traitance dans des pays où une réglementation sociale n'était pas bien définie. Cette double évolution a amené les... more
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      ISO 26000RSEONUGRI
The exact contribution of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) to a company as well as to its stakeholders should be measurable in order to be evaluated correctly. The difficult task of measuring the results of CSR has been a matter of... more
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      Performance MeasurementBalanced ScorecardGRICorporate Social Responsibility (CSR)
BACKGROUND: In today's world of increased awareness regarding the concepts of corporate social responsibility (CSR) and corporate governance (CG), many firms in the developed countries consider noncompliance with CSR and CG standards as... more
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      Corporate GovernanceCorporate Governance & Corporate ResponsibilityDisclosureCorporate Governnace Disclosure in the Annual reports
Este trabajo es un análisis comparado entre los indicadores que evalúan la responsabilidad social corporativa y los indicadores de evaluación de la reputación. Los referentes para el análisis son la guía GRI y el monitor de reputación... more
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      Corporate Social ResponsibilityCorporate ReputationEvaluation IndicatorsGRI
Este trabajo afronta la relación existente entre la RSC y la reputación corporativa desde el punto de vista de la comunicación. Para analizar esta relación, nos apoyaremos en el ranking de reputación Merco (líder en España). En primer... more
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      Responsabilidad Social CorporativaEvaluation IndicatorsGRIGobierno corporativo
Gunumuzde, paydaslar sirketlerden finansal bilgilerin yani sira, finansal olmayan bilgileri de raporlamalarini beklemektedir. Bu sebeple, isletmelerin finansal olmayan bilgilerini raporlayabilmesi icin, uluslararasi anlamda kabul edilen... more
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      Kurumsal Sosyal SorumlulukGRIKurumsal SürdürülebilirlikKurumsal Raporlama
Companies innovate towards sustainability because this may allow them to improve both their socio-environmental and economic performance. Firms that lead the way evolve towards a sustainable business model. However, small and large... more
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Purpose This study aims to investigate the adoption and diffusion of Global Reporting Initiative (GRI)-based sustainability reporting practices within the global financial services sector. Design/methodology/approach The approach draws on... more
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      Social ContagionSustainability ReportingDiffusionFinancial Services