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Le 3 septembre 1783, le Traité de Paris clôt la guerre de l'Indépendance étatsunienne. Les Treize Colonies échappent au joug britannique alors que la vieille Province de Québec et la Nouvelle-Ecosse conservent leur statut colonial. Or... more
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      Québec HistoryTransnational HistoryAmerican RevolutionNew York State history
In the early twentieth century, French-Canadians and Franco-Americans represented a large ethnic enclave within the city of Salem, Massachusetts. From 1840 to the early twentieth century, they came to the city seeking industrial jobs and... more
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      History and MemoryNew England (History)U.S. Immigrant HistorySalem, Massachusetts History
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      HistoryAmerican HistoryForestryCanadian History
Gilles Deleuze and Félix Guattari, the most famous French readers of Jack Kerouac, used his works to theorize their key concept of deterritorialization. Québécois readers, on the other hand, pursued the reterritorialization of Kerouac by... more
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      Gilles Deleuze and Felix GuattariQuébec StudiesJack KerouacFrancophonies nord-américaines
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      Decorative ArtsAmerican Art PotteryFranco-American RelationsFranco-American Studies
"The outmigration of Canadians prior to the Civil War was noticed by such prominent observers as Lord Durham, the Governor General of Canada, and Henry David Thoreau. It received little sustained attention however. In the 1870s, the... more
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      Québec HistoryNew York historyImmigration HistoryU.S. Ethnic Studies
"Good luck finding a French Canadian who has no personal connection to the grande saignée, the wave of emigration that afflicted Canada from 1840 to the Great Depression. "I, for one, could mention my own great-, great-, great-,... more
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      Québec HistoryCommunity-Engaged ScholarshipNorth American Immigration HistoryFrench Canadian History
"One of my most challenging moments as a teacher occurred ten years ago, when, as a fresh-faced teaching assistant at Brock University, I was leading a seminar on the Holocaust. Among my students was an Indigenous girl who eagerly raised... more
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      Race and EthnicityWhiteness StudiesEthnicityCritical Whiteness Studies
"One hundred years ago, following a nationwide recession, the owners of granite quarries and finishing shops in the Barre area gave workers an ultimatum. If the unions did not accept a drastic wage cut, the industry would implement an... more
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      Immigration HistoryLabor History and StudiesQuébec StudiesNew England (History)
"Please indulge my truisms for a moment—and entertain a post which, in true scholarly spirit, offers more questions than answers. "To say that the Great Republic is a big country—physically—usually means something very abstract, except... more
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      American HistoryImmigration HistoryNorth American Immigration HistoryFrench Canadians
De l'éditeur : Au dix-neuvième siècle et au début du siècle suivant, des centaines de milliers de personnes quittent le Québec pour s’établir aux États-Unis. Elles cherchent alors à implanter la vie sociale et leurs institutions... more
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      Ethnic StudiesAmerican PoliticsQuébec HistoryImmigration History
Ulysse de Joyce a cent ans. Ce roman hors normes a paru en volume le 2 février 1922, grâce aux bons soins d'une éditrice vaillante sinon téméraire, Sylvia Beach, à l'enseigne de Shakespeare and Company, au 12 rue de l'Odéon, à Paris. Les... more
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      Irish LiteratureJames JoyceGenetic Criticism (Genetic Criticism)Francophone Literature
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      American HistoryForestryCanadian HistoryRural History
"There is something decidedly poetic about Aroostook and Coös, something that speaks of the landscape and its first inhabitants, that we do not have in the bureaucratic county names of Clinton and Franklin—meant to impose a national idea... more
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      Québec HistoryImmigration HistoryQuébec StudiesNew England (History)
"As promised last week, this post begins a month-long journey into the pages of Le Forum, a product of the FAROG and later the Franco-American Centre in Orono, Maine. Again, a word of caution is in order: this is only one of many sources... more
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      Québec HistoryMaineFrench CanadiansFrancophonies nord-américaines
"This addition to the Bibliography of Franco-American Life, Language, and History (2018) requires little introduction. This is not a second edition, although one may in time become necessary. Instead, this booklet represents an effort to... more
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      New York historyImmigration HistoryAcadian HistoryQuébec Studies
Calixa Lavallée was the composer of O Canada and the first Canadian-born musician to achieve an international reputation. He was also a long-time resident of the United States. He set off on the first of his many travels at the age of 16,... more
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      American HistoryCanadian StudiesPianoCanadian History
Book Review full text version here, published in the Portland Press Herald, January 11, 2020, "Maine Voices: ‘Olive, Again’ makes it OK to hate French-Canadians again"... more
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      Franco-American StudiesFranco-american Cultural Relations
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      Francophonies nord-américainesFranco-American StudiesFranco Americans
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      Art NouveauRookwood PotteryAmerican Art PotteryFranco-American Relations
Profile from Juliana L'Heureux, Franco-American News and Culture (BDN), February 2022
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      Acadian HistoryNorth American Immigration HistoryVermont historyAcadian Studies
La 1e partie de cet article a été publiée dans les Mémoires, vol. 69, n°4, cahier 298 et a valu à son auteur le Prix Mémoires 2019; il introduit la famille Mailloux - Grenet et les effets de la Conquête sur cette parenté et ses alliances.... more
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      American Revolutionary WarFrench CanadiansFranco-American StudiesFranco Americans
Exploring Women’s Testimony: Genocide, War, Revolution, the Holocaust and Human Rights
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      Franco-American StudiesFranco-American Literature
"The Franco-American past is rich, complex, diverse, and geographically broad. Historians are constantly trying to do justice to that richness—to build upon what we know and reconstruct as finely as possible the world of French-Canadian... more
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      Immigration HistoryNew England (History)U.S. Political HistoryNorth American Immigration History
Policymakers are, as a rule, more concerned with people crossing into their jurisdiction than with those who leave. Historians easily fall into the same pattern in their respective areas of study, but scholars focused on the history of... more
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      Québec HistoryQuébec StudiesNew England (History)Canada-US relations
Back from the Québec vacation. For me, Québec always represents a coming-of age-experience. It is also important for me to be at peace with who I am. Or, to know yourself well enough so that it cannot be so shaken by someone who does... more
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      Franco-American StudiesFranco AmericansFranco-American Literature
Drawing evidence from militant ethnic newspapers, historians have long known of conflictual relations between Irish Americans and the French Canadians of New England in the nineteenth century. Alternative sources now bring greater clarity... more
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      History of Roman CatholicismImmigration HistoryLabor History and StudiesNew England (History)
"In early nineteenth-century Michigan, a Chippewa couple adopted four-year-old Leah Campeau, whom they had found wandering alone in the wilderness. After the War of 1812, Campeau, raised as an Indigenous girl under the name Neamata, fell... more
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      Ethnic StudiesAmerican Theatre of the 20th CenturyHollywoodCinema Studies
"While at the Quebec Studies colloquium at Bishop’s University, last spring, I introduced part of my research on French Canadians and Franco-Americans in geographical margins—areas usually overlooked by scholars. What do we really know... more
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      Québec HistoryImmigration HistoryQuébec StudiesNew England (History)
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      American HistoryAmerican StudiesFrench LiteratureCritical Realism
This conference is part of a much larger project, funded by the University of Western Ontario’s Academic Development Fund, which aimed to set up a research component, an international conference, as well as a website for the journal... more
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      Literary TheoryFranco-American Studies
"For generations, it was common to hear the most fatalistic in Quebec claim, “on est né pour un p’tit pain.” In other words, French Canadians were to settle for a simple life—without wealth or status—built around moral virtues. "As in... more
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      Québec HistoryAcculturationQuébec StudiesNorth American Immigration History
"Scholars of varied fields have done a great deal to help us better understand the course of Franco life since 1945. Yves Roby’s Histoire d’un rêve brisé? contains excellent chapters on this period; Alexandre Patenaude’s dissertation... more
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      Québec HistoryQuébec StudiesUnited States since 1945Postwar America
"As previously noted on this blog, the first efforts to halt French-Canadian emigration to the United States were made not during the deluge of the 1880s, nor even in the immediate aftermath of the U.S. Civil War. As early as the 1840s,... more
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      Canadian HistoryQuébec HistoryCanadian Political HistoryImmigration History
"C’est par une sombre et froide journée de décembre que nous avons fait halte à Mountain View. Avec l’aide d’un bénévole qui tient aux affaires du cimetière, mon épouse et moi avions découvert le lieu d’inhumation de Jerry, un homme... more
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      Immigration HistoryNew England (History)Borderlands HistoryVermont history
A physician by training, Prosper Bender (1844-1917) achieved prominence through his written work on French Canadians. In the 1870s, he joined the flourishing literary scene of Quebec City, a period that culminated with his Literary... more
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      Canadian HistoryHomeopathyQuébec StudiesIntercultural dialogue
"What do you call a gathering of Franco-Americans and friends of Franco-Americans? If you are in central Maine, it’s a Rassemblement, and you are sure to see it happen every spring. The latest installment of the Rassemblement, an annual... more
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      Cultural HeritageHistory of the State of MaineEthnic HistoryFrench Canadians
"By no means were French Canadians a “quiet presence” in New England cities at the end of the nineteenth century. By 1900, the French-Canadian population of Fall River and Lowell, Massachusetts, had grown to 33,000 and 24,800 residents... more
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      American CatholicismImmigrationQuébec HistoryNorth American Immigration History
Since the season of color and lights is upon us once again (didn't I just put away those Christmas decorations?) I thought I'd discuss the phenomenon of COLOR. Namely, color as I experienced it most recently during my summer vacation... more
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      Franco-American RelationsFranco-American StudiesFranco-american Cultural RelationsFranco-American Artistic Relations
"It has become a rite of passage for any scholar of Franco-American history to address the report issued by the Massachusetts Bureau of Labor Statistics in 1881. The Bureau was one of many publicly-funded agencies created in the late... more
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      Québec HistoryLabor History (U.S. history)Immigration HistoryNew England (History)
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      French StudiesImmigration HistorySocial HistoryFrancophonie
"Last week’s blog post quoted Grégoire Chabot on a hypothetical Franco-American “hall of fame.” Chabot seemed to find few worthy models. Yet, surely, if Francos are to recognize the accomplishments of their community, they ought to find... more
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      Ethnic StudiesQuébec HistoryFrancophone LiteratureFrench Canadians
"Charles Edmond Rouleau attributed a litany of moral failings to expatriated French Canadians—they were lazy but also greedy, improvident and very often intemperate, they betrayed their homeland and their faith. As the nineteenth century... more
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      20th century (History)AcculturationEthnic HistoryAssimilation
"I salute your interest in this language that bring us together—not merely today, I hope, but throughout the year. Thank you especially to Sam Park, who made this event possible and who kindly invited me. I appreciate the opportunity to... more
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      FrancophonieFrench and Francophone StudiesFrancophonies nord-américainesFranco-American Studies
"Much has been made of unconventional Franco-American experiences and stories, on this blog. (See here, here, and here, for instance.) Franco-Americans living in rural parts of New England and New York State are perpetually in the shadow... more
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      Québec HistoryU.S.-Mexican WarNorth American Immigration HistoryFrench Canadian History
Full text: For months in 1922, a strike paralyzed Barre’s granite quarries and sheds. This was neither the first nor last strike to hit Vermont’s granite center; it is... more
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      U.S. historyQuébec HistoryLabor History (U.S. history)Oral history
The age of nationalities and nationalism associated with nineteenth-century Europe also found expression in North America in the same period: French Canadians developed a national consciousness charged with a religious and providential... more
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      U.S. historyHistory of Roman CatholicismImmigration HistoryNativism
TIAMSA is excited to announce its second Live Book Discussion on Saturday 15 May 2021: The Journal of a Transatlantic Art Dealer: Rene Gimpel 1918-1939 by Diana J. Kostyrko THE LEARNED Franco-American poet and critic, Édouard Roditi, a... more
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      Interwar period, 1919 - 1939Franco-American StudiesTransatlantic art dealershipsRene Gimpel
"This week, in connection with Quebec’s “national” holiday, la Saint-Jean-Baptiste, we see how budding Franco-American communities celebrated the day in nineteenth-century New England. Until the mass emigration of Catholics to the region,... more
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      Québec HistoryImmigration HistoryQuébec StudiesNorth American Immigration History
"Près de deux décennies après la parution de la synthèse magistrale d’Yves Roby, le chercheur indépendant David Vermette offre à son tour un survol de l’histoire franco-américaine. Cependant, Vermette ne prétend pas décrire in toto la vie... more
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      American HistoryQuébec HistoryImmigration HistoryNew England (History)