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This paper argues that the multisensory and synesthetic dream experiences depicted in William Shakespeare’s A Midsummer Night’s Dream (1595) and Francesco Colonna’s Hypnerotomachia Poliphili (1499) transcend the commonplace concern with... more
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      Cultural StudiesEnglish LiteratureLiteratureShakespeare
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      Book History (History)Francesco ColonnaHypnerotomachia PoliphiliPolifilo
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      HinduismRenaissance StudiesEsotericism (Anthropology)Initiation Practices (Anthropology)
Seconda edizione:
"Il Rinascimento italiano", fa parte di "La grande storia dell'arte", Milano 2015, vol. 1, cap. 8, pp. 208-223
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      VitruviusLeon Battista AlbertiFrancesco ColonnaHypnerotomachia Poliphili
Introduzione, Roberto Nicolai - Presentazione, Alessandro Zuccari - Arte e committenza a Roma e nel Lazio tra Umanesimo e Rinascimento maturo, Stefano Colonna - Palestrina nel Quattrocento. Riflessi dell’articolata cultura di un’epoca,... more
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      Art HistoryRenaissance StudiesRenaissance RomeFrancesco Colonna
A brief introduction to Thelema and an examination of the antecedents of Thelemic philosophy in the historical advancement of humanist religion.
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      Renaissance HumanismAlphonse Louis Constant (Eliphas Lévi)Augustine of HippoHumanism
Masters Thesis, McGill University, History and Theory Program in Architecture, with Alberto Pérez-Gómez as Supervisor. George Hersey (Yale University) as External Reader. A preliminary look at the Hypnerotomachia Poliphili (Venice 1499).... more
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      ArchitectureRenaissance StudiesRenaissance HumanismIncunabula
This essay discusses Hans Belting’s and Bernard Aikema’s recent studies on Giorgione’s Tempesta. The authors connect this enigmatic masterpiece with Jacopo Sannazaro’s Arcadia, the Renaissance notion of a Golden Age and the debate on the... more
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      SemioticsRenaissance StudiesRenaissance HumanismVisual Semiotics
A reasoned research about the woodprints illustrations of the "Hypnerotomachia poliphili" edited in 1499 by Aldo Manuzio
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      Francesco ColonnaSTORIA DELL'ARTERinascimentoXilografía
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      Renaissance HumanismItalian Renaissance ArtRenaissance literatureFrancesco Colonna
Sono state prese in esame le xilografie 49 e 50 dell’Hypnerotomachia Poliphili di Francesco Colonna, raffiguranti l’una il parto di Leda e la presentazione al padre delle due uova e l’altra l’oracolo di Apollo. Attraverso lo studio della... more
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      IconographyNeoplatonismChristian NeoplatonismFrancesco Colonna
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      Francesco ColonnaHypnerotomachia PoliphiliItalian GardensFlowers
L'uso delle tavole dell'HP in diverse pubblicazioni si basa sull'idea, ampiamente accettata, che il suo autore avrebbe potuto partecipare in un modo o nell'altro alla loro incisione. Nessuno studio lo dimostra, ma sembra che un certo... more
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      Renaissance HistoryRenaissance HumanismFrancesco ColonnaHypnerotomachia Poliphili
L'Hypnerotomachia Poliphili, pubblicato nel 1499, è considerato il primo libro illustrato. Il contributo critico è focalizzato sull'esegesi del testo narrativo, in particolare sullo stile espositivo e linguistico.E' integrato da analisi... more
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      IllustrationCount Giovanni Pico della MirandolaAllegory (Literature)Leonardo da Vinci
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      History of ReligionsSufismIslamWestern Esotericism (History)
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      Francesco ColonnaHypnerotomachia PoliphiliHieroglyphics in Italian Renaissance
[english] This contribution examines the highly important yet little studied personality of Giovanni Albino, secretary and librarian at the Aragon court, second to none except to the more famous Giovanni Gioviano Pontano. The analysis... more
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      Francesco ColonnaHypnerotomachia PoliphiliGentile Virginio OrsiniGiovanni Albino
The peculiar iconography of the winged horse surmounted by several puttos, as appears in the Hypnerotomachia Poliphili sixth woodcut, turns out to be unprecedented and enigmatic at a glance and it’s the result of the depth and complexity... more
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      IconographyArt HistoryRenaissance StudiesRenaissance Humanism
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      Art HistoryRenaissance StudiesRenaissance HumanismHistory of Collections
English version (for German version see below): Architecture and architectural space are topics that Victor Hugo dealt with both as a monument conservator and as a writer. Preservation of historical monuments and literature, it can be... more
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      ArchitectureThomas MannFrancesco ColonnaVictor Hugo
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      PlatoTitianFrancesco ColonnaCaritas
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      Italian StudiesItalian LiteratureLiminalityFrancesco Colonna
In Venice, in 1499, Aldo Manuzio the Elder gave the most important incunabulum of the Italian Renaissance to the press: the Hypnerotomachia Poliphili, accompanied by 171 woodcuts. Over the years, many studies have followed one another to... more
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      Art HistoryRenaissance StudiesRenaissance HumanismRenaissance Art
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      Renaissance StudiesRenaissance HumanismItalian Renaissance ArtFrancesco Colonna
This essay discusses Hans Belting’s and Bernard Aikema’s recent studies on Giorgione’s Tempesta. The authors connect this enigmatic masterpiece with Jacopo Sannazaro’s Arcadia, the Renaissance notion of a Golden Age and the debate on the... more
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      SemioticsRenaissance HumanismVisual SemioticsRenaissance History esp Venice, Veneto and empires
Brigitte Burrichter, Labirinti narrati e narrativa labirintica. Letteratura romanza del Medioevo e del Rinascimento Il testo di Brigitte Burrichter si profila come uno degli studi più innovativi e originali nel panorama della romanistica... more
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      European StudiesFrench LiteratureFrench StudiesItalian Studies
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      Renaissance HumanismFrancesco ColonnaHypnerotomachia PoliphiliRenaissance Italy
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      ArchitectureArchitectural HistoryArchitectural TheoryHistory of Architectural Representation
Francesco Colonna in the Hypnerotomachia Poliphili (in English “Poliphilo’s Strife of Love in a Dream”, a romance printed in Venice in 1499), gives a fresco of ancient culture through mythological stories connected to a tale revolves... more
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(it & en) I contenuti antiquariali prodotti dall'Accademia Romana di Pomponio Leto nel Quattrocento vengono rielaborati nel secolo successivo, in un nuovo contesto politico-culturale, dalla cerchia degli umanisti vicini al Polifilo, tra... more
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      Latin EpigraphyFrancesco ColonnaHypnerotomachia PoliphiliMichelangelo Buonarroti
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      TheologyRenaissance HistoryRenaissance StudiesRenaissance Humanism
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      Cultural StudiesEgyptologyPhilosophyIconography
The use of HP plates in various publications is based on the idea, widely accepted, that its author could have participated in one way or another in their engraving. There’s no evidence of that in any study, but there seems to have been... more
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      Leon Battista AlbertiFrancesco ColonnaHypnerotomachia PoliphiliAlchimia
Sono state prese in esame le xilografie 49 e 50 dell’Hypnerotomachia Poliphili di Francesco Colonna, raffiguranti l’una il parto di Leda e la presentazione al padre delle due uova e l’altra l’oracolo di Apollo. Attraverso lo studio della... more
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      NeoplatonismFrancesco ColonnaHypnerotomachia PoliphiliFrancesco Colonna romano signore di Palestrina
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      Francesco ColonnaHypnerotomachia PoliphiliVeneziaPalestrina
English version (for German version see below): The International Symposium “A Dialogue of the Arts” has a strong commitment to interdisciplinary, laying bear unusual or yet not discovered principles of order in art. The aspect of space... more
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      ArchitectureLiteratureThomas MannFrancesco Colonna
Francesco Colonna in the Hypnerotomachia Poliphili (in English “Poliphilo’s Strife of Love in a Dream”, a romance printed in Venice in 1499), gives a fresco of ancient culture through mythological stories connected to a tale revolves... more
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      NeoplatonismFrancesco ColonnaHypnerotomachia PoliphiliHelen of Troy
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      Renaissance StudiesItalian Renaissance ArtRenaissance RomeFrancesco Colonna