Recent papers in Foucault
This paper takes as its starting point Homi Bhabha's explanation of culture and diversity in his essay The Location of Culture (1994), in which he denotes cultural meaning as existing in a transitional space between clashing cultures and,... more
Enclosed is the syllabus and course notes from the upper division course I teach in PostModernism and Post-Marxist Critical Theory. It occurs to me that some of these essays--ranging from Horkheimer and Adorno, Baudrillard, Foucault, and... more
In the introduction to the volume, the editors explain the overarching aim of the volume and contextualize the main themes of its chapters. Even if the notions of biopolitics and biopower have played a crucial role in philosophy, the... more
“Power is war, the continuation of war by other means”: Foucault’s reversal of Clausewitz’s formula has become a staple of critical theory — but it remains highly problematic on a conceptual level. Elaborated during Foucault’s 1976... more
Tal como tendremos ocasión de revisar, son varios los autores que reconocen en la emoción del miedo uno de los aspectos que caracterizan y modelan nuestra contemporaneidad. Sin embargo, no es solamente tal prevalencia lo que nos interesa... more
Marx vislumbrou a ideia de simbiose entre atividade e produção do homem, mas o século XIX o fez canalizar o seu darwinismo e os seus conhecimentos de antropologia para a noção de trabalho. Não podia ser diferente. Assim, nos Manuscritos... more
Este trabalho se propõe a uma problematização de como se dá a deslegitimação de determinados modos de existência e as formas como certas identidades e orientações sexuais se tornam ilegítimas, inviabilizando, inclusive, a vida de... more
A case is made for the necessity of an inter-disciplinary treatment of the migration phenomenon. The paper addresses the relation between migration and security from a reconciliatory perspective after a brief analysis of the... more
Other bodies, other spaces is a fruit of the interactions between the Laboratory of Discourse Studies and the Body of the University of Southwest of state of Bahia - LABEDISCO / CNPq / UESB - and other research groups focusing on... more
This paper aims to evaluate the viability of 'democratizing' eLearning within the global neoliberal economy. 'Democratization' is examined through several focus areas, namely the digital divide, socioeconomic status,... more
El gobierno de las grandes corporaciones (gubernamentalidad corporativa), conformado históricamente, que fue transformando la sociedad en su conjunto, en un gobierno sobre todos los demás, induciendo el desarrollo de una serie de aparatos... more
[published in Routledge's "Philosophy and Method in the Social Sciences" series] This study starts from a simple premise: human practices are a fundamental constituent — arguably “the” fundamental constituent — of social reality. It... more
This paper conducts a comparative dispositif analysis of Joseph Conrad’s 1902 novella 'Heart of Darkness' and James Gray’s 2019 cinematic adaptation 'Ad Astra', in order to assess whether the imperial legacy implicit within the novella... more
From the perspective of the Foucaultian approach and using the archaeological and genealogical methodology, this paper describes the origins of the first monetary institutions which are those that have the greatest impact on the... more
En este artículo realizamos un análisis de la última parte de la obra de Gabriela Liffschitz. En ella, la escritora y fotógrafa argentina elabora poéticamente una experiencia de cáncer de mama. Aquí, creemos, en primer lugar, que la... more
Although the sympathetic depiction of Otherness in The Travels of Sir John Mandeville is acknowledged to be indicative of the writer's celebrated tolerance, few critics have ventured to explore how Mandeville creates it. Yet his... more
• Abstract: In this article I use Foucault's theory of power to explain children's presence on the streets. I argue that resistance to be subject of family power and to be subject of the power exercised in shelters or governmental... more
Both Foucault and Deleuze define ethics as a form of creative activity. Yet, given certain ontological features indicated by both thinkers, ethics must be more than just creative and critical activity. Forgoing a transcendent ground for... more
The vast majority of what has been written about the monetary system and its theories was developed when money was totally or partially backed by some type of merchandise. At present, commodity money no longer exists, only debt money.... more
In: Matraga, v. 22, n. 37, Rio de janeiro, 2015, p. 79-97. ISSN: 2446-6905. Resumo: O que é um autor? Essa questão foi posta em 1969 por Michel Foucault e permanece ainda hoje sem uma clara... more
Este artículo intenta pensar la relación del juego, el mito y la educación en el pensamiento filosófico griego antiguo. Una versión "pervertida" -en el mejor sentido deleuziano- de cómo las tradiciones antiguas, a partir de sus enseñanzas... more
In this essay, I take as a starting point Foucault's rejection of two different ways of thinking about the future, prophecy and utopianism, and use this rejection as a basis for the elaboration of a more detailed rejection of them,... more
Very brief analysis of childhood behavior shows that such combinations as histrionic play, bluff, playful threat, teasing play in response to threat, histrionic threat, and so on form together a single total complex of phenomena. And such... more
En la sociedad de la transparencia se pasa de un sujeto de control propio de las sociedades disciplinarias, a un sujeto de rendimiento (Han, 2010), cuyo lema es "yo puedo". A diferencia del modelo anterior, en el que predominaba el "no... more
El trabajo busca desarrollar y contraponer las formas de entender las topologías de la dominación social y de la configuración de las subjetividades por parte de Norbert Elías y Michael Foucault. Para ello, primero se presentará la... more
This chapter examines the conspiratorial actions that control the movement of female bodies throughout The Handmaid’s Tale and will contend that the ultimate conspiracy of the novel is one through which men’s cultural insecurities about... more
O presente artigo busca analisar de que modo os problemas da segurança e da economia das punições passam a ser centrais no cálculo político-econômico da racionalidade neoliberal. Como propõe Michel Foucault em seu curso Nascimento da... more
Welche gesellschaftspolitischen Interessen stehen hinter der prominenten Forderung »Integration durch Sprache«? Um diese Frage zu beantworten, zeigt Mi-Cha Flubacher die Entstehungsbedingungen und Konsequenzen dieses Diskurses in der... more
This study examines the power relations found in Greek director Yorgos Lanthimos’ films. Since 2005, Lanthimos has been making films that left his mark on art cinema. Despite the inevitable rise of the director – especially since Dogtooth... more
Nietzsche and Foucault offer radical articulations of the ‘death of God’ in its critical-negative import for religion. However, the resources their thought contains for the elaboration of a positive conception of the nature of religion... more
Even though the legitimizing intents of both the modern penitentiary and the archive—the latter understood as the physical deposit of memory—are radically different, could the principles central to their founding discourses and eventual... more
Compte-rendu de Simon Lemoine, Le sujet dans les dispositifs de pouvoir, Presses Universitaires de Rennes, Collection « Essais », 2013, 330 p., ISBN 978-2-7535-2741-6.
Michel Foucault's early writing on dreams and imagination is one of the often neglected aspects of his work. In this paper, I give an overview of his "Dreams, Imagination and Existence" essay, accompanied by a discussion of his writings... more
La recherche porte sur les différentes pratiques et perceptions des consommateurs, employés et managers par rapport à la double question de l'exclusivité/exclusion et de la démocratisation du luxe. Pour étudier l'inaccessibilité... more
If spirit is constituted through recognition, then the fact that recognition somehow depends on (first) nature – as I will argue in the first part of this paper – will have deep consequences on how we are to conceive the genesis and the... more
De « L'usage des plaisirs » à l'Herméneutique du sujet. ____________________________________________________ En ce sens, le sujet moral ne se réduit pas à une conscience morale.
From Foucault’s perspective, “power is woven into the very fabric of everyday social interaction” and it is further highlighted by social class which then makes measuring the exercise of power somewhat more difficult to measure because... more