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RESUMEN El mercado de la copia en el sector de la moda mueve en el mundo alrededor de 400.000 millones de dólares. Las creaciones o diseños de moda son copiados inmediatamente después de su lanzamiento al mercado. El objetivo de aquel que... more
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      Propiedad IntelectualFashion LawDerecho a la moda
La creatividad en la industria de la moda merece protección y uno de los vehículos más importantes son las marcas comerciales, pues es un activo intangible que permite distinguir productos y servicios. Es por ello que la tecnología es... more
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      TrademarksDomain NamesIntelectual PropertyFashion Law
O presente texto objetiva analisar e demonstrar a possibilidade de proteção do Direito da Moda, mais conhecido como Fashion Law, que ganha cada vez mais espaço no cenário nacional e mundial. Busca-se verificar a possibilidade de aplicação... more
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      Intellectual PropertyPropriedade IntelectualFashion LawDireitos Autorais
A indústria criativa do fashion design tem vivenciado mudanças significativas nos últimos anos. A sazonalidade intensa na incorporação da moda, o fácil acesso às tendências por meio das mídias sociais, os elevados custos sociais... more
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      Fashion designFashion TheoryDireito EconômicoDireito Penal
The article gives an overview of the main issues of Fashion Law, within the scope of Private Law, through the deductive-dialectical and comparative approach, presenting Brazilian and international business cases that involve this field.
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      Intellectual PropertyContract LawFashion Law
RESUMO Este artigo almeja ser uma contribuição a um novo ramo jurídico, o Fashion Law, que ainda é novidade em mui-tos lugares do mundo, inclusive no Brasil. A produção acadêmica sobre o tema até o momento, além de escassa, é... more
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      Sustainable FashionEnvironemntal StudiesFashion Law
Fashion is a massive industry that thrives in a competitive global environment despite minimal legal protections for its creative design. While many people dismiss fashion as trivial and ephemeral, its economic importance and cultural... more
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      LawComparative LawFashion designEuropean Law
This paper presents a brief study on position and color trademarks, through the analysis of the famous trademark infringement lawsuit proposed by Christian Louboutin against Yves Saint Laurent in order to protect his famous red soles. O... more
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      Intellectual PropertyTrademarksBrazilIntellectual Property Law
Structured on two theoretical questions and one product, this research proposal has two main objectives: (i) to analyze the effects that legal protection 1 of traditional cultural expressions and cultural goods will have on the fashion... more
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      Social EntrepreneurshipIntellectual Property LawTraditional CraftsIntellectual and cultural history
RESUMO O objetivo deste estudo é refletir sobre a importação paralela no contexto de globalização comercial à luz da jurisprudência. Para tanto, parte-se da análise de caso recente e se faz uma interpretação sistemática. Desta forma,... more
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      FashionFashion LawUnfair CompetitionConcorrência desleal
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      Propriedade IntelectualFashion LawDireito da Moda
Fashion is considered an element of "cultural identity". At the same time, it has always been a dynamic phenomenon in which different styles, designs and models converged, acting both as a source of attraction for designers as well as a... more
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    • Fashion Law
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      MarketingLawIntellectual PropertyFashion design
The aim of this thesis is to compare the legal systems of the U.S. and the Netherlands with respect to the possibilities of IP rights protection for fashion designs and to identify any possible inadequacies in their legal systems.... more
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      Intellectual Property LawFast FashionFashion Law
The essay focuses on fashion and will cover distinct areas. It will first address the birth of “made in Italy” in the field of fashion from an historical point of view. It will then analyze the measures that the Italian government has... more
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    • Fashion Law
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    • Fashion Law
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    • Fashion Law
The fashion industry is affected by an imbalance of power that goes beyond the outsourcing of part of the manufacture to developing countries. Said imbalance characterises the whole supply chain and hinders freedom of expression, freedom... more
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      ContractsIntellectual PropertyContract LawSocial Norms
RESUMO O presente artigo tem como objetivo discutir o paralelo entre a filosofia da moda e a teoria da Constituição, firmando uma base teórica para o estudo do direito da moda em uma perspectiva jusfilosófica e constitucional. Para tanto,... more
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      Fashion TheoryDireito ConstitucionalTeoria da ConstituiçãoFashion
Resumo: A tarefa de mensurar a escala global do tráfico de pessoas é árdua, mas estima-se, de acordo com a Organização Internacional do Trabalho (OIT), que mais de 2,4 milhões de pessoas são vítimas de trabalho análogo à escravidão... more
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      Children of Prison Inmates/People Smuggling/Trafficking in PersonsDireitos HumanosDireito Internacional dos Direitos HumanosFashion Law
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      Trademark LawFashion Law
My list of publications - November 2019
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      Comparative LawCivil LawQueer StudiesIntellectual Property
Merchandising in the fashion industry. El merchandising, como contrato, es un tipo de licencia por el cual un titular de bienes intangibles (derechos de imagen, de marca, de derecho de autor, de diseños), autoriza a un fabricante a... more
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      Intellectual PropertyMerchandisingFashion MerchandisingPropiedad Intelectual
Fashion is considered an element of “cultural identity”. At the same time, it has always been a dynamic phenomenon in which different styles, designs and models converged, acting both as a source of attraction for designers as well as a... more
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      SociologyLawsFashion Law
Trabajo publicado en la obra colectiva "Vinculación del derecho de la moda, regulación sanitaria y propiedad intelectual: aplicación práctica de casos cosméticos y perfumes" de ASIPI (Asociación Interamericana de Propiedad Intelectual),... more
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      PerfumeFashionFashion LawOlfato
The “fashion industry” can be thought of as one of the creative industries constituting the creative economy, since it features many important characteristics of traditional sectors of the cultural industries. These characteristics formed... more
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      Cultural DiversityFashion Law
Fashion is considered an element of “cultural identity”. At the same time, it has always been a dynamic phenomenon in which different styles, designs and models converged, acting both as a source of attraction for designers as well as a... more
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      SociologyFolkloreIntellectual PropertyCorporate Social Responsibility
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      Gender StudiesFashion designFashion TheoryHistory of Dress
Creative industries are industries focused on the creation and exploitation of intellectual property, including art, fashion design, and related creative services, such as advertisement and sales. During a trip to Burkina Faso in West... more
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      Intellectual PropertyCopyright and intellectual propertyTrends and issues in global fashion/ apparel industryPiracy
Conference at Juris Diversitas, Louisiana State University 2016
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      International LawFashionFashion LawModal Analysis Wing Workbench
Fashion is a three trillion dollar a year industry with a 100% participation rate. So how do companies like Louis Vuitton, Ralph Lauren, Gucci, and Christian Louboutin promote their brands globally while still protecting their designs?... more
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      Intellectual PropertyFashion designFashion TheoryFashion Photography
Resumo: A indústria da moda, mercado de grande importância para a economia brasileira, envolve a circulação de mercadorias decorrentes de um esforço intelectual e criativo peculiar. A moda surge da inovação, da distinção de estilos que... more
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      Propriedade IntelectualDireito AutoralFashion Law
This paper is  a guide to assist fashion brands in Nigeria be aware of certain legal issues that often arise in the fashion bussiness and also advocate for a stronger legal framework to assist businesses in this sector.
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      Cultural history of business, especially fashion and designFashion Lawfashion lawyer
The present article aims at a brief analysis of the litigious case Louboutin v. Yves Saint Laurent at the New York Court regarding the image rights of fashion in the digital age, as luxury brands of international respect under the legal... more
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      International LawIntellectual Property LawIndustrial Product DesignFashion Law
Association of Dress Historians conference, 12th July 2014, The Art Workers’ Guild, London
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      History of DressFashion Law
ABSTRACT: Fashion articles are largely copied by knockoffs and make alike industries, leading fashion originals industry to lose money. The fashion industry is constantly adapting itself to imitation and piracy. Copy affects high... more
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      Intellectual Property3D printingFashion Law
Affording more protections to fashion houses
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      Intellectual PropertyTrademark LawFashion Law
Kατά κανόνα, η ευθύνη από προσβολή πνευματικών δικαιωμάτων και διναοητικής ιδιοκτησίας γενικότερα αναζητείται από τους δικαιούχους στα πρόσωπα που βρίσκονται στην αρχή της αλυσίδας του εμπορίου "πειρατικών" παραποιημένων προϊόντων... more
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      Copyright and intellectual propertyCopyright LawFashion LawLaw for the fashion and textile industry