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Resumo: Este trabalho propõe uma sistemática para o registro e estudo taxonômico das expressões votivas, especialmente as derivadas do catolicismo. Considerando as práticas votivas como construções simbólicas que envolvem a consagração,... more
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      CatolicismoSantos PopularesEx VotosReligiosidade popular
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      Patrimonio CulturalHistóriaTradição Ancestral , Espiritualidade e História de PortugalPatrimónio Cultural Imaterial
The book is published at the initiative of Tignale Municipality (Brescia) to commemorate the 4th centenary of the cruel battle which took place on the 17th August 1617 in the mountains above. A day which was soon recorded in the majestic... more
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      Early Modern HistoryHistory of Political ViolenceVendetta (Early Modern History)History of Violence
This article analyzes the materialization of the religious imaginary through offers of thanks (ex-votos or ex-vows) and the manifestation of beliefs in powers superior to humans, responsible for the states of well-being and malaise. The... more
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      BeliefsEx VotosSpiritual/religious coping
Nesta tese analiso as relações engendradas por imagens de santos, ex-votos e outros objetos de devoção em situações nas quais os mesmos são mobilizados para outros fins que não o culto religioso. Além das trajetórias dos objetos em... more
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      Antropologia da ArteArte PopularEx VotosArte Brasileira
Votive objects or ex-votos are a broad category of material artifacts produced with the intention of being offered as acts of faith. Common across historical periods, religions, and cultures, they are presented as tokens of gratitude for... more
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      ReligionChristianityArt HistoryMaterial Culture Studies
The story of Zanzanù is symbolically the history of the birth of outlaw imagine in early modern age. Zanzanù firstly became a 'bandit' because he received a banishment penalty owing to the killing of a member of a rival family. But then,... more
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      Art HistoryPeace and Conflict StudiesViolenceEarly Modern History
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      ReligiãoEx Votosalminhas
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      Material CultureVotive GiftsSs. Annunziata, FirenzeVotive offerings
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      Mexican StudiesChicana/o StudiesFeminist SpiritualityPopular Culture and Religious Studies
ENGLISH: he 1631 eruption marked the beginning of the most recent eruptive cycle of the Neapolitan volcano, that ended three centuries later with the last effusive-explosive eruption of March 1944. The death toll from the catastrophic... more
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      ReligionSociology of ReligionPopular Culture and Religious StudiesFolk Religion
This book examines a type of object that was widespread and very popular in classical antiquity-votive offerings in the shape of parts of the human body. It collects examples from four principal areas and time periods: Classical Greece,... more
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      ArchaeologyClassicsArt HistoryVotives
The book is published at the initiative of Tignale Municipality (Brescia) to commemorate the 4th centenary of the cruel battle which took place on the 17th August 1617 in the mountains above. A day which was soon recorded in the majestic... more
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      HISTORY OF CRIME AND LAWBanditrySocial BanditryHistory of Crime and Punishment
Este artigo tenta trazer algumas contribuições para o estudo do corpus de inscrições de cura do santuário do deus Asclépio em Epidauro, na segunda metade do século IV a.C. Essas inscrições compuseram um tipo específico de literatura,... more
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      AsclepiusHealing and ReligionEx Votos
O texto tem como principal objetivo chamar a atenção para o potencial dos ex-votos enquanto fontes para o estudo da cultura material e da religiosidade. Por outro lado, pretende-se igualmente alertar para as diferenças entre os ex-votos... more
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      Material Culture StudiesPortuguese HistoryMaterial CultureReligiosity
Per la conoscenza delle pratiche religiose e del culto atestino dei Paleoveneti e delle tribù finitime in età preromana sono di grande importanza numerosi bronzetti ex voto provenienti dall’entroterra del Caput Adriae e dalle Alpi... more
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      Iron AgeEx VotosBronzez figurines
Reduced 1st page/last page of Studi veneziani publication (LXXXII, 2020). If you wish a Pdf copy, please contact me off-site.
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      PilgrimageRepublic of VeniceSanta Casa di LoretoEx Votos
Elucidation, updating and possible lines of research on terracotta busts of a goddess almost forty years from
their first catalogue
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      ArchaeologySardinia (Archaeology)Roman TerracottasEx Votos
Livro sobre a devoção ao Senhor Jesus dos Navegantes em Ílhavo. Identificação de património religioso identificativo desta devoção. Mediação patrimonial, edição da Paróquia de São Salvador de Ílhavo (nº depósito legal 262970/07.)
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      Religious StudiesTerra NovaPatrimónio religiosoIlhavo
Le Pays lorrain, 86e annee, v.70/4 (1989), pp. 225-32.
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      Stained GlassMedieval IconographyHistory of Stained GlassIconographic studies applied to stained glass
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      ReligionAncient HistoryCultural HistoryCultural Studies
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      Cultural StudiesEarly Modern HistoryPortuguese HistoryPopular Culture and Religious Studies
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      Ex VotosSybilsTitian's PietàImpruneta
Manuscript version of article published in Studi veneziani LXXXIII (2020)
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      PilgrimageRepublic of VeniceSanta Casa di LoretoEx Votos
Les tableaux votifs, dit pinakes en grec ancien, étaient parmi les offrandes les plus communes. Ils représentent des divinités, des scènes mythologiques et rituelles, ainsi que des dédicants. Quant à la représentation de pinakes sur les... more
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      Attic red-figure vasesGreek ArtEx Votos
La paraula bandoler sovint s’interpreta com a sinònim de lladre o saltejador de camins, però etimològicament parlant, designa a una persona que pertany a una facció o bàndol determinat. En el seu origen, les partides d’homes armats que... more
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      GavarresEx VotosMassís de les GavarresBandolerisme
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      HistoryRoman CatholicismTopographyMalta
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      Media ArchaeologyPortraitureJan Van EyckEx Votos
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      Cultural StudiesArt HistoryArtArt Theory
Appel à communications pour le colloque international de la Société Suisse d’Histoire Rurale (SSHR) "SANTÉ DES CORPS, SALUT DES ÂMES : SOINS ET RELIGION EN MILIEU RURAL (EUROPE OCCIDENTALE, XVE - XIXE SIÈCLES)" Université de Lausanne, 1er... more
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      History of ReligionPopular CultureRural HistorySpirituality
In the 1990s there was a growing and renewed interest on the practice of clothing images of saints after, as Richard Trexler put it, the negligence demonstrated towards it by art historians until then. In 2018, following the publication... more
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      TextilesHistory of SculptureSculptureJewelry
“Votive stories in post-Byzantine painting”, “Arte e Societa veneta, arte e societa greca. Il contributo veneziano nella formazione del gusto dei Greci (XV- XVII sec.)”, Venezia, 2-3 giugno 2000, A cura di Chryssa A. Maltezou, Venezia... more
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      Ionian IslandsVeneziaByzantine artEx Votos
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      EucharistPapal HistoryPapal DiplomacyChristianity and the Arts
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      Copies, Replicas, ReproductionsRaffaelloEx VotosNeoclassicism Painting
Un tournant épistémologique dans les sciences sociales tend actuellement à la reconnaissance du poids de la matérialité dans la culture. Plusieurs auteurs ont attiré l'attention sur ce point. L'un des plus reconnus dans le champ... more
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      Material Culture StudiesSocial and Cultural AnthropologyReligious StudiesEx Votos
O intuito do artigo é analisar alguns aspectos folkcomunicacionais dos ex-votos, em especial os bilhetes encontrados em salas de milagres dos santuários de Juazeiro do Norte, no Ceará. O trabalho parte de dados coletados no Projeto... more
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      CommunicationCiências da Informação e DocumentaçãoEx VotosFolkcommunication
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      Material Culture StudiesPopular Culture and Religious StudiesEx Votos
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      Medieval HistoryPilgrimageMedieval Church HistoryMedieval Art
El milagro es consustancial a la religion y se ha expresado a lo largo de la historia con diversos contenidos y significados. Formo parte indisociable de la sociedad andaluza del barroco, abrumada por las enfermedades y catastrofes, que... more
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Como se trata da entrada de um dicionário de História Religiosa, procura mostrar-se como também na prática religiosa cristã / católica a relação com a divindade (e os santos, seus interlocutores), em jeito de agradecimento e de invocação,... more
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      Philosophy Of ReligionRoman ReligionReligious StudiesEx Votos
En las últimas décadas los exvotos pictográficos han sufrido grandes transformaciones en su modo de producción, estructura material, composición, en sus formas pictóricas, maneras de narrar milagros, dirigirse a la divinidad y expresar... more
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      ImagenLa Virgen de GuadalupeEx VotosEXVOTOS
in Faith and Transformation. Votive Offering and Amulets from the Alexander Girard Collection, Santa Fè, Museum of International Folk Arts, 2007
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      Italian StudiesSocial and Cultural AnthropologyEx Votos
On the Medieval use of wax ex-votos as generic substitutes for human bodies and the analogical, and sometimes also mimetic, relationship they established with the individuals voting them.
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      History of Religion (Medieval Studies)Medieval ArtEx Votos
catalogue de l'exposition de 2006 sur les ex-votos et pratiques sociales des populations maritimes du diocèse de Vannes et du département du Morbihan ( 17e/20e siècles). Articles et notices des pièces exposées
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      Maritime HistoryBretagneAnthropology of ReligionEx Votos
Testo scritto insieme a Nello Pane, dedicato agli ex-voto pittorici marinari custoditi nella Cripta della Basilica di Sant'Antonino Abate, patrono di Sorrento (Napoli). Il libricino è stato pubblicato dal Centro Studi "Don Luigi Sturzo"... more
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      FolkloreVisual StudiesVisual AnthropologyPopular Culture
El milagro es consustancial a la religión y se ha expresado a lo largo de la historia con diversos contenidos y significados. Formó parte indisociable de la sociedad andaluza del barroco, abrumada por las enfermedades y catástrofes, que... more
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      AndalucíaBarrocoMilagrosEx Votos
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      MedalsMedaglieEx-VotoDevotional Jewellery
El milagro es consustancial a la religion y se ha expresado a lo largo de la historia con diversos contenidos y significados. Formo parte indisociable de la sociedad andaluza del barroco, abrumada por las enfermedades y catastrofes, que... more
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The sixteenth-century miracle-working icon of the Virgin Glykophilousa in the Serbian Orthodox monastery of Savina, modern Montenegro, has been the focus of cult and devotions for centuries. A compelling visual presence, it played... more
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      MulticulturalismIdentity (Culture)PalladiumEx Votos