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In Ether and Modernity: The Recalcitrance of an Epistemic Object in the Early Twentieth Century, ed. Jaume Navarro, 200-24.  Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2018.
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      Filippo Tommaso MarinettiHenri BergsonCubismTheosophy
This is the 100-page "Reintroduction" written for the new edition (2013) of my book The Fourth Dimension and Non-Euclidean Geometry in Modern Art (1983). It provides an update of material in the original book and extends its coverage to... more
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      Buckminster FullerCubismMarcel DuchampAlbert Einstein
In Visionary: On Hilma af Klint and the Spirit of Her Time, ed. Kurt Almqvist and Louise Belfrage, 71-91, 118-20. Stockholm: Axel and Margaret Ax:son Johnson Foundation, 2019. The footnotes for this essay were inadvertently not... more
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      Rudolf SteinerEmanuel SwedenborgSpiritualismTheosophy
The historical ether-drift experiments of Michelson-Morley, Dayton Miller and others yielded positive results for an ether wind and light-speed variations of 5 to 18 kilometers per second. Academic bias and erasure has misrepresented... more
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      Neutrino PhysicsÆther PhysicsCosmic RaysWilhelm Reich
In Repenser le médium, ed. Larisa Dryansky, Antonio Somaini, and Riccardo Venturi, 71-103.  Dijon: Les Presses du Réel, 2022
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      CubismTheosophyMarcel DuchampWassily Kandinsky
In Matta & The Fourth Dimension, 43-57.  Exhibition at the State Hermitage Museum, St. Petersburg, 2019.  Milan: Skira, 2019.
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      SurrealismBuckminster FullerMarcel DuchampPablo Picasso
In Energies in the Arts, ed.  Douglas Kahn, 127-70.  Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 2019.
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      Marcel DuchampNikola TeslaX RaysGustave Le Bon
In Okkultismus und Avant-garde: Von Munch bis Mondrian 1900-1915, 13-31. Exhibition catalog, Schirn Kunsthalle, Frankfurt, June 3-August 20, 1995.
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      OccultismFourth DimensionFrantisek KupkaUmberto Boccioni
In Celebrating Suprematism: New Approaches to theArt of Kazimir Malevich, ed. Christina Lodder, 44-80.  Leiden: Brill Publishers, 2018.
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      OccultismX RaysSuprematismFourth Dimension
In Carrefour Stieglitz, ed. Jay Bochner, 275-90. 
Colloque de Cerisy-la-Salle.  Rennes: Presses Universitaires de Rennes, 2013.
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      Claude BragdonAlfred StieglitzFourth DimensionX-Rays