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La característica general del common law frente a la imposibilidad sobrevenida de la prestación es, según la interpretación tradicional, el respeto formal y casi absoluto de la obligatoriedad del contrato. Este respeto se ha manifestado... more
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      Contract LawFrustration of ContractEnglish Common LawImposibility of performance
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      LesothoLaw of ContractRoman-Dutch LawEnglish Common Law
First, I examine the aspects of the political sovereignty on the Shakespearean stage. In the light of Walter Benjamin’s Origin of the German baroque drama (1928) and of Carl Schmitt’s answer to Benjamin in Hamlet or Hecuba (1956), I show... more
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      HobbesRenaissance PhilosophyCalvinismCastoriadis
The paper analyses the request of an Indian Parsi, living and working in the Republic of China, to the British consul in Peking to register his Chinese wife and their three children as British subjects in 1937. To a first marriage, that... more
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      International LawZoroastrianismParsisChina
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      LesothoLaw of ContractsRoman-Dutch LawEnglish Common Law
In the words of Shannon L. Alder, “the only chains you should wear in life are the chains of commitment,” 2 this paper also contributes towards the significance of commitment (or precisely speaking) the contract and laws of contract in an... more
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      Comparative LawContract LawComparative Private LawPakistani Law
The cure is simple pamphlet for those wishing to research on basic English law subjects and for students sitting in for examinations. It will be a real guide for lecturers wishing to make simple lecture notes and questions. It focuses on... more
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      English Common LawCyber and Digital Law
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      Law And Economics (Economics)Legal HistoryLaw and EconomicsCapital Punishment
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      Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR)English Common Law
Introduction to an edition of George Ruggle's  Cambridge comedy Ignoramus, one of the the most popular university plays ever written.
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      Neo-latin literatureEnglish Common LawGeorge RuggleNeo-latin Drama
This is my term paper for my English Common Law course from University of London through Coursera. UK laws which were found bothering and are needing attention, the author has chosen the UK Surrogacy law of 1985[1]. The law needs to be... more
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      United KingdomLaw reformEnglish Common LawEnglish common law and equity
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      Canon LawScots LawHistorical StudiesEnglish Common Law
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      Civil LawContractsContract LawContract Theory
Les trois quarts des plaideurs qui font appel au High Court de Londres ne sont pas domiciliés au Royaume-Uni. Le droit anglais étant le droit préféré pour les contrats de commerce international, le Droit Anglais Simple des Contrats est,... more
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      BusinessComparative LawContractsInternational Relations
The paper provides insight into the existence of codified private law in a Common law colony – Pakistan – outside the realm of Europe. As the Britain ruled the subcontinent for a long period of time, therefore, Pakistan continued to... more
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      Civil LawEuropean private lawPakistani LawIndian subcontinent
Seventeenth-century English jurist and legal historian John Selden integrated the three classic schools of jurisprudence -- natural law theory, legal positivism, and historical jurisprudence. He defined natural law as a set of fundamental... more
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      Jewish LawCanon LawLegal HistoryRoman Law
The existence of laws in every given society has as raison d'être the preservation of individual rights and freedoms and to encourage the peaceful coexistence between the government and the governed. The aim of this paper is to examine... more
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      LawCriminal LawCriminal ProcedureCivil Law
The given article represents a custom view on the collision between two fundamental human rights – the freedom of epxression and right to privacy. Such is reconcilled by means of adopting general rules in cases with similar circumstances... more
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      Human Rights LawHuman RightsMedia LawHistory of Law When John of Salisbury (ca. 1115-1180) decried the dishonesty of lawyers in his Policraticus, he targeted the... more
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      Legal HistoryEnglish legal historyAnglo-Norman ("Law French")Medieval Law
The commercial significance for party autonomy in contractual jurisdiction clauses in The Brussels I Regulation and its contrast with English common law.
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      European LawInternational LawBrussels I RegulationInternational jurisdiction
Mio articolo per il think tank Eurocomunicazione.
In occasione degli 800 anni della Magna Carta, uno sguardo al suo significato anche attuale.
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      Constitutional LawRule of LawHistory of LawCommon Law
The existence of laws in every given society has as raison d’etre the preservation of individual rights and freedoms and to encourage the peaceful coexistence between the government and the governed. The aim of this paper is to examine... more
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      LawCriminal LawCriminal ProcedureCivil Law
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      Critical TheoryJurisprudenceEpistemologyEmpiricism
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      LawCanon LawCivil LawGovernment
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      Gothic LiteratureWilliam BlakePolitical RightsMedieval Bestiaries
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      HistoryLawConstitutional LawBritish History