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      Social SciencesPolitical ScienceLiberalismPolitics
A reflection on the democratic path to socialism.
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      SocialismSocial DemocracyKeralaEduard Bernstein
El debate de las izquierdas antes de 1917. Revolución Industrial y mundo obrero. Rasgos generales. Los socialistas románticos: utopistas, filántropos y activistas. La propuesta dialéctica de Karl Marx (1818-1883). Las disputas entre... more
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      MarxismAnarchismHegelRosa Luxemburg
Nancy, éditions Arbre Bleu, 2022 ------- Célèbre pour avoir écrit les Réflexions sur la violence qui furent diversement interprétées, Georges Sorel (1847-1922) a pourtant produit une œuvre qui ne prête pas à ambiguïté sur le fond. Se... more
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      Social PsychologyPolitical PhilosophyPolitical TheoryMarxism
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      Intellectual HistoryMarxismHistory of Economic ThoughtHistory of Political Thought
This book presents six major texts and selected shorter writings by the social-democratic thinker and politician Eduard Bernstein, translated into English for the first time: Socialism Past and Present; The Social Doctrine of Anarchism;... more
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      History of IdeasIdeologyHistory of Political ThoughtSocialism
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      MarxismPolitical ScienceKarl MarxIdeologia
The following is the text of an article accepted for publication in Historical Research (27 October 2021). Please do not cite, copy, share, or distribute in any other way. The 1918-19 German Revolution forced an abrupt moment of decision... more
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      Intellectual HistoryHistory of IdeasGerman HistoryHistory of Political Thought
Introduction, Coordinates of Reform Socialism, Greece 1906-1936 1 Chapter 1, The Formation of Alexandre Papanastassiou Chapter 2, The Sociologists’ Group 81 d. Greece, 1906-1908 e. The Sociological Society f. The Socialist... more
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      HistorySocial SciencesRepublicanismFascism
To be Marxist at the turn of the twentieth century was highly contested. During this crisis of Marxism, identity politics were acute, exemplified by the private and public debate between Eduard Bernstein and Karl Kautsky. With Bernstein’s... more
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      Intellectual HistoryMarxismMichel FoucaultArchaeology of Knowledge
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      MarxismAntisemitismGerman-Jewish StudiesGerman social-democracy
Eduard Bernstein, 19. yüzyıl'ın ikinci yarısında ağırlıklı olarak Marksizm'in etkisi altında olan sosyalist ideolojiyi, Hegel'den devralınan diyalektik yöntem ve determinist tarih kuramından yalıtarak Kant'ın eleştirel felsefesi ve... more
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      LiberalismSocialismKant & neo-KantianismSocial Democracy
Et si Eduard Bernstein, grand militant de la deuxième internationale, intime et exécuteur testamentaire d’Engels, Député SPD, père intellectuel de la révision du marxisme, constituait une figure on ne peut plus actuelle pour penser une... more
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      Political TheorySocialismDemocratic SocialismSPD
'Radicalism' and 'extremism' have been defined in generally negative terms throughout the social and human sciences (e.g., in terms of intolerance or violence). We will make progress in our comprehension of moderation once we have a more... more
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      IdeologyPolitical Extremism/Radicalism/PopulismGenre TheoryMarxism (Political Science)
Esta tese pretende analisar a associação entre desenvolvimento, evolução e progresso na visão de mundo forjada em torno da social-democracia alemã, na virada do século XIX para o século XX. Nesse período, diversos grupos travavam embates... more
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      Walter BenjaminSocialismSocial DemocracyGerman social-democracy
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      Social MovementsMarxismGerman HistoryRosa Luxemburg
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      Karl MarxFriedrich EngelsEduard Bernsteinκληρονομικό δίκαιο
La dénomination de « social-traître », instaurée par Vladimir Lénine comme clef de lecture avec la naissance de l’Internationale Communiste en 1919, a connu un grand succès durant le XXe siècle. Si cette notion peut être vue comme la... more
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      Political PhilosophyMarxismFriedrich EngelsPhilosophie politique
It is difficult not to ask oneself what exactly happened between now and twenty-five years ago. The years after the fall of the USSR were times of great optimism for proponents of constitutional democracy, of a Third Way between market... more
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      MarxismPolitical Extremism/Radicalism/PopulismPostmodernismLibertarianism
The following is the text of an article accepted for publication in History of Political Thought (7 April 2021). Please do not cite, copy, share, or distribute in any other way. In the early twentieth century, several strands of... more
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      NationalismSocialismInternationalismSocial Democracy
Die zwei prominenten sozialdemokratischen Denker und engen Freunde, der orthodoxe Marxist Karl Kautsky und der Revisionist Eduard Bernstein, standen aufgrund ihres Streits in der „Revisionismusdebatte“ zwischen der Jahrhundertwende und... more
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      MarxismSocialismKarl MarxZionism
Kant, bir 18. yüzyıl filozofu olmasına karşın, görüşleri kendi döneminde olduğu kadar sonraki yüzyıllarda da yankı uyandırmış ve birçok kişiye ilham kaynağı olmuştur. Kant’ın ahlak felsefesi üzerinden yürüttüğü... more
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      MarxismPhilosophy of Karl MarxMoral PhilosophyKant & neo-Kantianism
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      MarxismRosa LuxemburgSocialismKarl Marx
This book presents three later works by the German social-democratic thinker and politician Eduard Bernstein, translated into English in full for the first time: Social Democracy and International Politics: Social Democracy and the... more
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      History of IdeasHistory of Political Thought20th century (History)Socialism
In the early twentieth century, European Social Democracy was confronted with newly-salient problems of foreign and international policy thanks to rising tensions between the European 'great powers'. Eduard Bernstein, founder of... more
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      MilitarismColonialismForeign PolicyDiplomacy
An analysis on the various forms of ideological revisionism denounced  in Lenin's seminal work "What is to be done?' and the physical end result of implementing such ideas as praxis in various socialist groups throughout the 20th century.
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      IdealismPolitical Violence and TerrorismRussian RevolutionSocialism
Recension de la traduction en français de Saggi di critica del marxismo, Palerme, 1903.
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      MarxismMarxismoGeorges SorelMarxisme
This book presents two major texts and selected shorter writings by the social-democratic thinker and politician Eduard Bernstein, translated into English in full for the first time: The German Revolution: A History of the Emergence and... more
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      History of IdeasGerman HistoryIdeologyHistory of Political Thought
Eduard Bernstein was born in 1850 in Schöneberg, the second child of a Jewish locomotive driver from Danzig (Gdańsk). A gifted student from an early age, he attended Gymnasium until forced to leave at 16 due to his family’s poor financial... more
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      Political TheoryMarxismSocialismSocial Democracy
in Internationale wissenschaftliche Korespondenz zur Geschichte der deutschen Arbeiterbewegung (IWK), 36, 2, June 2000, pp.251-252
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      German HistoryGerman social-democracyImperial GermanyTheories of Socialism
Intelektuálním pandánem, komplementem reformního komunismu byl revizionistický marxismus. Lze proto analogicky konstatovat, že « blbost », abych se vyjádřil jako Zdeněk Mlynář, mnoha (nejen) českých intelektuálů té doby byla ideologie... more
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      Czech HistoryIdeologyCommunismVáclav Havel
in Andrew Bonnell, Gregory Munro and Martin Travers, eds., Power, Conscience, and Opposition. Essays in German History in Honour of John A. Moses, Peter Lang: New York and Berne, 1996, pp.143-162.
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      Labour historyGerman social-democracyImperial GermanyEduard Bernstein
A victory for Syriza holds the potential to not only reverse the failed and barbaric policies of austerity but also to reassert the primacy of politics.
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      Political SociologyEuropean StudiesEuropean integrationPolitical Parties
SUMMARY To be Marxist at the turn of the twentieth century was highly contested. During this crisis of Marxism, identity politics were acute, exemplified by the private and public debate between Eduard Bernstein and Karl Kautsky. With... more
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      Intellectual HistorySociologyPhilosophyMarxism
Recension de Horst Heimann, Hendrik Küpper, Klaus-Jürgen Scherer (Hg.), Geistige Erneuerung links der Mitte. Der Demokratische Sozialismus Eduard Bernsteins, « Schriftenreihe der Hochschulinitiative Demokratischer Sozialismus », Bd.... more
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      MarxismSPDEduard Bernstein
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      Political PhilosophyPolitical TheoryMarxismErnesto Laclau and Chantal Mouffe
Il 6 gennaio 1850 nacque a Berlino Eduard Bernstein in una famiglia ebrea il cui padre era un macchinista ferroviere. La loro condizione economica era soddisfacente per i tempi e tuttavia non priva di rinunce e momenti difficili.... more
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      Political EconomyMarxismLiberalismSocialism