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The article tells of the arrowheads from burial complexes at the Pokrovka burial grounds (6th – 2nd cc. BC) which are situated in the Ilek left bank region of the South Urals. The author suggests a typology for the items based on the... more
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      Burial mounds (Archaeology)ArrowheadsEarly NomadsRelative Chronological
Among all the hoards consisting the ceremonial akinakai, defining swords and daggers of Iranian origin), the assemblage of items discovered in 1882 near the Vettersfelde village (Poland) is the most reliable. Judging by the plots... more
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      Scythian archaeologyAncient Greek and Roman ArtAncient GreeceEarly European Nomads
Topal Denis, “Scythian blade weaponry of 7th–4th centuries BC (South-western part of Eastern Europe)”. For the scientific degree: PhD in History, Kishinev, 2018. Structure of the paper: Introduction, four chapters, general conclusions and... more
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      Eurasian NomadsNomadismScythian archaeologyAncient Warfare
There are presented some new and previously unknown findings of akinakai from the territory of the Republic of Moldova in this article. These akinakai belong to Scythian culture and could be attributed to Kelermes type. The chronological... more
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      Eurasian NomadsScythian archaeologyAncient WarfareEarly Iron Age
The paper is an attempt to reveal the structure of the distribution of swords and daggers of Scythian period in Carpathian-Dniester region from the chronological, functional, cultural, landscape and contextual points of view. The Scythian... more
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      Iron Age (Archaeology)Scythian archaeologyAncient WarfareIron Age
Bronze cauldrons of the Scythian time are a rather rare find in the Northern Black Sea region, especially on its western borders. Therefore, those few items found on the territory of the Republic of Moldova occupy a worthy place in the... more
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      Scythian archaeologyEarly Iron AgeHallstattEarly European Nomads
The article is devoted to the weapons complex of the ancient nomads of Tien Shan region in Early Saka period (VIII — early half of VI centuries BC). Distance weapon presented by the bows of typical "Scythian" type played an important role... more
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      Central AsiaSakas & TochariansAncient NomadsEarly Nomads
Swords and daggers of the Scythian period, known under the generalizing term such as “akinakai” are characterized by encyclopedias and dictionaries as short swords of the Iranian peoples. Indeed, this definition is relevant for most of... more
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      Eurasian NomadsNomadic PeoplesNomadismScythian archaeology
In the spring of 1972 as a result of construction work in the Pîrjolteni village (Călărași district, Republic of Moldova) was occasionally discovered a cremation with a various grave goods represented by the ceramic items, elements of... more
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      Iron Age (Archaeology)Scythian archaeologyAncient WarfareIron Age
Topal Denis, “Scythian blade weaponry of 7th–4th centuries BC (South-western part of Eastern Europe)”. For the scientific degree: PhD in History, Kishinev, 2018. Structure of the paper: Introduction, four chapters, general conclusions and... more
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      Eurasian NomadsNomadismScythian archaeologyAncient Warfare
There are known at least 69 swords decorated with precious metals from 52 locations of Eurasia in 8th–4th centuries BC. The ceremonial swords and daggers are usually longer (than ordinary items) and older (than the rest of the grave... more
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      Eurasian NomadsScythian archaeologyEarly European NomadsScythians
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      Economic HistoryEconomicsCentral Asian StudiesEurasian Nomads
The overwhelming majority of finds of ceremonialswords and daggers (i.e. decorated with gold and put in the special context) of the Iranian world are associated with aristocratic burial complexes, including “stray finds”, which, probably,... more
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      Eurasian NomadsScythian archaeologyEarly Iron AgeEarly European Nomads
The paper provides a rationale for the specific features of the economic and cultural type of the Andronovo culture population in Baraba, Novosibirsk and Tomsk Ob River region, Kuznetsk Hollow, Achinsk–Mariinsk forest-steppe and Middle... more
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      ArchaeologySettlementsEarly NomadsDwellings
In 1894, an iron dagger was discovered in the vicinity of Vršac in Serbia and later given to the City Museum. Afterwards, this dagger had been repeatedly entered in various archaeological publications illustrating the different cultural... more
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      Iron Age (Archaeology)Scythian archaeologyEuropean ArchaeologyAncient Warfare
Статья посвящена публикации материалов раскопок курганного могильника Рахат на территории Семиречья (Республика Казахстан). В первую очередь публикуются захоронения, относящиеся к эпохе ранних кочевников. В ходе их раскопок был получен... more
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      Central Asian StudiesEurasian NomadsCentral AsiaEarly Iron Age
Китайские лаки из могильника cкифской эпохи Чинета II (Алтай) В статье описываются и анализируются фрагменты лаковых покрытий, обнаруженные в курганах пазырыкской куль-туры № 21 и 31 могильника Чинета II в Северо-Западном Алтае. С учетом... more
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      Pazyryk CultureAltaiFunerary ritesEarly Nomads
Издание освещает самый ранний период истории кочевников центральной части степной Евразии – формирование и развитие сакских культур Южного Зауралья, Северного и Центрального Казахстана в VIII–VI вв. до н. э. Рассматриваются... more
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      Early NomadsЮжное ЗауральеЦентральный КазахстанСеверный Казахстан
Статья посвящена публикации материалов раскопок двух курганов эпохи ранних кочевников из Хайбуллинского района Республики Башкортостан. В кургане 1 исследовано 2 погребения. В первом из них захоронены сложенные в груду кости взрослого... more
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      Material CultureBeadsCeramicsBarrows
Семёнов Вл.А., Килуновская М.Е., Леус П.М. Художественное Литьё Эпохи Ранних Кочевников Тувы // Тува - в беге времени. Каталог выставки. М., 2014. Semenov Vl.A., Kilunovskaya M.E., Leus P.M. Art of Bronze Casting of the Early Nomads in... more
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      Scythian archaeologyXiongnu archaelogyBronze CastingEarly Steppe Nomadic peoples migrations and social life
The archaeological landscape of the Lower Danube was changing with the importance of the Danube itself, which either became, or a cultural watershed, or an artery, connecting the ancient communities. In the Early Iron Age, it seems that... more
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      Eurasian NomadsScythian archaeologyAncient WarfareIron Age
Topal Denis, “Scythian blade weaponry of 7th–4th centuries BC (South-western part of Eastern Europe)”. For the scientific degree: PhD in History, Kishinev, 2018. Structure of the paper: Introduction, four chapters, general conclusions and... more
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      Eurasian NomadsScythian archaeologyAncient WarfareScythians
In this monograph are published materials of two pre-Scythian burials (No. 1 and No. 3) of the barrow No. III near Slobodzeya. The main burial (No. 3) was the burial of the armed rider in the soil pit with burnt-tent construction. Among... more
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      Funerary ArchaeologyFuneral PracticesEarly Iron AgeBlack Sea Region Archaeology
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      FolkloreRock Art (Archaeology)ShamanismReligion and ritual in prehistory
В статье рассматривается 20 погребений ранних кочевников Южного Урала, в которых захоронены человеческие пары — взрослые мужчина и женщина. Расположение покойных в них можно отнести к двум основным типам —... more
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      Funeral Ritesпогребальный обрядEarly NomadsSouthern Urals
Статья посвящена уздечному набору, украшенному плоскими металлическими бляхами в виде рыб, обнаруженному во впускном погребении кургана № 4 могильника Сара. Публикуются все предметы погребального инвентаря, включающие, помимо уздечного... more
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      ChronologyAnimal StyleEarly NomadsSouthern Urals
During the early 1st millennium BCE, the Early Nomads of Central Asia utilised an iconographic repertoire of wild animals, including raptors, to decorate personal objects that is considered to belong to the so-called Scytho-Siberian... more
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      Prehistoric ArtPrehistoric Rock ArtPetroglyphsrock art of Central Asia
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      Rock Art (Archaeology)Eurasian NomadsPrehistoric ArtHistory of Kazakhstan