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The so-called "voluntary simplifiers" or "downshifters" promote a new lifestyle in reaction to the consumerism and exploitation of post-industrial societies. They advocate alternative lifestyle choices in a number of areas, in the pursuit... more
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    • Downshifting
The efficiency improvements achieved by adding idealized, top-mounted, down-conversion (DC) and luminescent down-shifting (LDS) layers to a commercial grade silicon solar cell are studied. A comparison is then made to silicon nanocrystals... more
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      PhotovoltaicsSiliconSolar PVDownshifting
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      Organizational ChangeChange ManagementMinimalismDeGrowth
“Downshifting”, reducing work hours, thereby income, to increase leisure time, offers a possible individual-level solution to the stress many experience from long working hours and work intensification. Recently, some have argued that an... more
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      GenderLeisureSustainable ConsumptionDownshifting
Урбанизационные процессы в России на современном этапе рассматриваются как исключительно однонаправленная тенденция перманентного роста крупных городов, сокращения малых и оттока населения из сельской местности. При этом упускаются из... more
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El diseño de transporte de los países desarrollados, tanto académico como industrial, convive con paradojas relacionadas con los problemas de movilidad presentados en la mayoría de megaciudades del mundo, especialmente las... more
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      EntrepreneurshipSocial EntrepreneurshipMobility/MobilitiesTransportation Studies
La añoranza por la vida en el campo viene de antiguo. El bucolismo, que surgió como género literario, ha acabado por conformar una actitud vital. La “búsqueda de campo” y el “hastío de ciudad” son tendencias naturales del hombre. Varias... more
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      Bucolic PoetryGreek Lyric PoetryVergilTheocritus (Classics)
Обсуждаются психологический, экономический, политический, философский и социологический подходы к исследованию феномена дауншифтинга. В рамках психологического подхода проанализированы сущностные и причинные аспекты данного явления.... more
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      StressSocial statusCareerBurnout
The paper deals with conceptual elaboration and empirical verification of the hypothesis of the new post-urban life activity forms existing and developing in the Russian society which are formed on the basis of industrial and urban... more
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      Rural-urban migrationUrbanismUrban and rural development planningDownshifting
Migration to areas of high amenity is often motivated by lifestyle choices (sometimes referred to as the sea-change or tree-change phenomenon) and can include a desire to exchange the stress of career and work in the city for a slower... more
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      Residential RelocationSense of CommunityRelocationSea-change/Tree-change phenomenon/experience
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      UtopianismVoluntary SimplicityMass mediaUtopia
Предметом статьи является один из современных социальных феноменов — потребительский ретретизм, или «уход» от стиля жизни, считающегося «нормальным» в обществе потребления. На основе анализа западных и отечественных публикаций... more
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      Case Study ResearchConsumer CulturePractices of Simple LivingDownshifting
¿En dónde se cruza la inseguridad e ilegalidad que vivimos en las calles latinoamericanas y las narrativas adoptadas en el estilo de vida y las aulas de clase de nuestros espacios académicos? La narrativa del éxito hace parte esencial... more
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      EducationDesign educationNarrativeNarrative and Design
The economic restructuring and corporate downsizing that has come to define the contemporary working world has made contingent, part-time, and temporary work a part of the American social landscape. In this chapter, life-style migrants... more
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      SociologySelf and IdentityEthnographySpace and Place
AbstractThese research notes explore the political potential of online storytelling for the incipient downshifting movement in Romania. Qualitative content analysis techniques are used on a series of articles published in December... more
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      SociologyUtopianismVoluntary SimplicityMass media
This article looks at a relatively new phenomenon for Bulgaria – “downshifting” as it is practised in two Bulgarian eco communities. Like similar movements in western countries, in the past several years also in Bulgaria young, well... more
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      Gender StudiesPost-Socialist SocietiesPost-SocialismEthnicity and National Identity