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La contribution importante de l'un des spécialistes principaux du Saussurismo contemporain qui nous apporte des commentaires critiques à propos de l'influence du Cours de linguistique générale au XXe siècle, et en particulier les... more
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      Ferdinand de SaussureSaussure, language, langueManuscritos de Ferdinand de SaussureDe Saussure
Our approach to translation is based on Eugenio Coseriu’s linguistic theory and on the American cognitive view of extralinguistic semantics. In order to illustrate the translation from Romanian into French of metaphors used in spoken... more
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      Translation StudiesLanguages and LinguisticsSemanticsCognitive Semantics
Znameniti švicarski lingvist Ferdinand de Saussure umro je 22. februara 1913. godine. Budući da se 2013. navršilo jedno stoljeće od njegove smrti – i to stoljeće u kome je razvoj lingvistike umnogome bio obilježen De Saussureovim učenjem... more
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      History of LinguisticsHistory of Linguistic ThoughtFerdinand de SaussureSaussure
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      Michel FoucaultWittgensteinButlerHabermas
Pentru a pune bazele lingvisticii integrale, Eugeniu Coşeriu propune, cum se ştie, o modificare radicală a perspectivei asupra limbajului, respectiv explorarea întregului câmp fenomenal al "faptelor" lingvistice din punctul de vedere al... more
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      SemanticsCognitive SemanticsConceptual Metaphor TheoryCorpus Linguistics
"ABSTRACT: This study assumes the subject's pursuit of meaning is generally incapacitating and should be suspended. It aims to demonstrate how such a suspension is theoretically accomplished by utilizing Lacan's formulae of... more
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      Discourse AnalysisHistory of LinguisticsPhilologyPsychoanalysis
Semiotics (sometimes spelled “semeiotic”) is the name first given by John Locke, and later reprised by Charles S. Peirce, for the “doctrine of signs,” or the study of how some things can stand for other things to still other things. This... more
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      Critical TheoryPhilologySemioticsLanguages
This paper presents the results of a study in the field of speech linguistics, which studies linguistic phenomena starting from the activity of speaking, not from language. From the perspective of the three linguistic levels proposed by... more
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      Languages and LinguisticsConceptual Metaphor TheoryCorpus LinguisticsMetaphor
Ongoing discussion of this paper here: Philosophy – whether traditional or contemporary – has nothing to say about the human metaphysical predicament, and cannot even offer a basic... more
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      Critical TheoryReligionBuddhismHinduism
Saussure’s lifetime goal was to define the scientific criteria for linguistics, the study of languages. In light of this, this paper looks at Saussure’s discussion of analogy as the source for the various aspects of his theory about the... more
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      History of LinguisticsAnthropologyHumanitiesHistorical Linguistics
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      Maurice BlanchotSigmund FreudJacques DerridaGeorges Bataille
In 1916, three years after the death of Ferdinand de Saussure, the Cours de linguistique générale (CLG) was published in Geneva. This foundational work marked the beginning of a discipline that has profoundly influenced the development of... more
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      SemioticsLanguagesProgramming LanguagesAnthropology
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      Languages and LinguisticsSubjectivity In DiscourseFerdinand de SaussureSubjectivity
Jakob Brücker (1696- 1770), “Historia critica philosophiae a mundi incunabulis ad nostram usque aetatem deducta” (Leipzig 1742-1744) adlı kitabında felsefenin başlangıcını “beşik”e (daha doğrusu ilk insanın kundaklanmasına) kadar götürür.... more
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      SemioticsPeirceCassirerCharles S. Peirce
Le Cours de linguistique générale (CLG) de Ferdinand de Saussure (1857-1913), publié en 1916, est à l'origine d'une vaste vague structuraliste en sciences humaines. L'édition posthume, réalisée par Charles Bally et Albert Sechehaye, est... more
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      History of LinguisticsLanguages and LinguisticsHistorical LinguisticsHistoriography
Volume 34, numéro 1-2-3, 2014, p. 3-38 Le Cours de linguistique générale 100 ans après / The Course in General Linguistics 100 Years Later Sous la direction de Michel Arrivé et Estanislao Sofia... more
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      Languages and LinguisticsHistorical LinguisticsApplied LinguisticsComparative Linguistics
L’idée de cet ouvrage est née au sein de l’équipe « Génétique et théories linguistiques » de l’Institut des Textes et Manuscrits Modernes (ITEM), qui travaille sur des fonds de manuscrits de linguistes dans le but d’expliciter et/ou... more
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      Languages and LinguisticsHistoriographyGenetic Criticism (Genetic Criticism)Linguistics
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      Ferdinand de SaussureSaussureSaussure, language, langueManuscritos de Ferdinand de Saussure
No projeto teórico de Saussure, a linguagem é abordada a partir de óticas distintas, embora seus objetos de investigação estabeleçam uma relação entre si. Por isso a análise dos materiais que apresentam a trajetória de elaboração da... more
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      EpistemologyFerdinand de SaussureDocumentsépistémologie
A recent article in this journal caught my attention, and prompted me to voice reservations I initially had reservations about voicing...
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      Historical LinguisticsGreek LanguageFerdinand de SaussureAncient Greek Language
Conferencia impartida dentro del "Curso del diseño gráfico"
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      SemioticsSystemic Functional LinguisticsCognitive LinguisticsLinguistics
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      Jacques LacanStructuralism/Post-StructuralismLinguisticsClaude Lévi-Strauss
In 1916, three years after the death of Ferdinand de Saussure, the Cours de linguistique générale (CLG) was published in Geneva. This foundational work marked the beginning of a discipline that has profoundly influenced the development of... more
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      AnthropologyHumanitiesDigital HumanitiesContact Linguistics
This study demonstrates how semiotics, which constitutes the “linguistic turn ” in human sciences, is a powerful tool for revealing concealed meanings in Internet marketing. Semiotics deals with symbols in the form of text and pictures,... more
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      Critical TheorySemioticsOnline MarketingCultural Differences