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      Canon LawConstitutional LawLaw and ReligionSources of Law
Usvajanje Zakona o međunarodnom privatnom pravu (listopad 2017.) dugo je očekivano u široj zainteresiranoj stručnoj i znanstvenoj javnosti. Novi ZMPP zamijenit će Zakon o rješavanju sukoba zakona s propisima drugih zemalja u određenim... more
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      Private International LawCodificationCroatian Law
U rimskoj pravnoj tradiciji, ali i suvremenim građanskopravnim sustavima pojmom commorientes (komorijenti, suumirući) označavaju se osobe umrle u istoj nesreći ili drugoj opasnosti, nalazeći se međusobno u pravnom položaju relevantnom za... more
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      Roman LawEuropean Legal HistoryEuropean private lawCivil Code
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      Canon LawRoman LawSources of LawMedieval Canon & Roman Law
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      Comparative Constitutional LawConstitutional CourtsConstitutional AdjudicationCroatian Law
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      Canon LawRoman LawSources of LawEcclesiastical Law
<b>Croatian Abstract:</b> Republika Hrvatska je u proteklih godinu dana donijela niz mjera s ciljem borbe protiv COVID-19 pandemije. Velik broj hrvatskih anti-COVID mjera utjecao je na funkcioniranje unutarnjeg tržišta... more
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      European StudiesLawEuropean LawPolitical Science
A paper from the book Nobody’s Perfect. Comparative Essays on Appeals and other Means of Recourse against Judicial Decisions in Civil Matters, A. Uzelac and C.H. van Rhee (eds.), Cambridge - Antwerp - Portland: Intersentia, 2014, pp.... more
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      Comparative Civil ProcedureCivil ProcedureCroatian Law
The coordinated approach in the application of the MPR along with the existing instruments of European PIL aimed at simplification of procedures will obviously bring certain challenges to the courts dealing with matrimonial property in... more
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      Private International LawEU LawMatrimonial Property LawLegal Practice
Croatian Abstract: Republika Hrvatska je u proteklih godinu dana donijela niz mjera s ciljem borbe protiv COVID-19 pandemije. Velik broj hrvatskih anti-COVID mjera utjecao je na funkcioniranje unutarnjeg tržišta Europske unije... more
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      European StudiesLawEuropean LawPublic Health Policy
Following the recent global financial crisis there is a growing interest in alternative finance - and microfinance in particular – as new instruments for providing financial services in a socially responsible way or as an alternative to... more
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      Comparative LawEuropean LawCorporate LawCorporate Governance
The coordinated approach in the application of the MPR along with the existing instruments of European PIL aimed at simplification of procedures will obviously bring certain challenges to the courts dealing with matrimonial property in... more
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      BusinessPrivate International LawPhilosophy of PropertyEU Law