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      Higher EducationTeacher TrainingContent Curation
The objective of this work is to analyze the implementation of content curation experiences in educational practice. The point of departure is the premise that this activity is not reduced to the information management, but that it... more
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      educación a distancia - TIC - motivación -alfabetización académica - trabajo y educaciónTecnología EducativaEducación a DistanciaUso pedagógico de las tecnologías de la información y la comunicación
“Who is the “curator”, that bizarre figure who has recently appeared in lots of articles dealing with the promotion of journalistic (or marketing) content? A curator is basically someone who takes an inordinate mass of material, and turns... more
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      JournalismDigital CurationDigital JournalismCitizen Journalism
In this chapter I review the legacy of tabloid journalism in the context of digital media and discuss the transition from the strong editorial identity of tabloid newsprint to content curation that is both user-generated and created by... more
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      Digital JournalismContent CurationTabloid JournalismPolitical Broadsheet
A case study on Storify with an experimental design was conducted with 207 students to test new forms of storytelling on an audience’s perception of objectivity. Findings suggest three main constructs impacted perceived objectivity: the... more
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      Audience StudiesObjectivityContent CurationStorify
This petition argues that erotic comics are an important cultural record of the way in which diverse sexualities are understood and portrayed, and sexual fantasies explored. An Erotic Comics Anglophone Archive (ErotiCAA) will preserve... more
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      Cultural HistoryGender StudiesQueer StudiesVisual Studies
L'elaborato riflette sull'evoluzione dell'email marketing a partire dalla trasformazione della sua cultura, analizzandolo dal punto di vista storico e strategico. Il format d'analisi prescelto è la newsletter, specie quella di stampo... more
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      NewsletterEmail MarketingContent MarketingContent Curation
This paper explores the communication features of content curation tools based on storytelling and content dissemination in social media from a tourist marketing perspective. Narrative structure of tourist information and self-referential... more
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      Tourism MarketingWeb 2.0Social MediaSocial Media Marketing
The use of content curation on digital media is presented and analyzed. Examples classified by categories: retrospective information, latest information, current information and real time information . Se presenta y analiza el uso de la... more
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      Online JournalismContent Curation
Hacer periodismo no puede seguir siendo solamente producir contenidos. En una era donde lo que más abunda es la información, el periodista debe asumirse cada vez más como un filtro en vez de ser una fuente más de ruido. El concepto de la... more
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      PeriodismoPeriodismo DigitalContent CurationCuraduría
Neste trabalho discutimos a importância da curadoria de conteúdo a partir de suas origens, características e aplicações no contexto da comunicação contemporânea e digital. Buscamos ainda compreender o que é, como e onde pode ser aplicada,... more
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      CommunicationWeb 2.0Digital CurationDigital Culture
Starting from the observation that Forensic Architecture's video investigations are exhibited widely and in many venues, this paper asks how curatorial approaches already shape the videographic work of the research agency. It discusses... more
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      Digital MediaSocial MediaCuratingDocumentary Film
The use of content curation in online journalism is presented and analyzed, noting the novelty is based on three ideas: new communication scenario, new journalistic praxis (creation + curation) and new types of products, analyzing two... more
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      Online JournalismContent Curation
RobSoC Turistico, por Robotic Social Curation, es una extensión ampliada y aplicada al sector turismo de las investigaciones y experiencias que en CodeSyntax se comenzaron a desarrollar con el proyecto Umap, un intento práctico de obtener... more
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      Digital CurationTurismoContent Curation
"Este artículo describe la experiencia educativa de gestión de la información llevada a cabo en la asignatura “Diseño de Proyectos TIC” de los estudios de grado de maestro de Educación Primaria de la Universitat de les Illes Balears... more
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      Information ManagementDigital LiteracyService LearningService Learning in Higher Education
The application of content curation in the field of Education and School libraries is presented and analyzed. Examples of thematic guides based on products as,, Pinterest, webblogs, Storify, etc., are discussed. Spanish... more
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      EducationLibrary and Information ScienceDigital LibrarySchool libraries
Las nuevas tecnologías, en general, y las TIC, en particular, son un simple instrumento y, como tal, no pueden cambiar la educación por si misma; sin embargo, sí pueden ayudar a repensar, rediseñar o reinventar la actividad docente. Según... more
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      Content CurationNew Technologies of Information and Communication
Background: Open Access (OA) is a mode of publication and distribution of research literature that removes the limitations such as payments, copyright. The impact of OA is clear and evident. Research accelerated to a significant amount... more
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      Information ManagementLibrary and Information ScienceContent ManagementLibrary classification
This. Reader was launched in 2014 as a "digital shelf" for managing content -- members could only share one link per day. By 2016, the app had shuttered. What happened? This paper explores the answer to that question, and considers... more
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      Cultural StudiesSocial MediaContent ManagementCritical and Cultural Theory
Resumen Frente a la sobreabundancia de información y la selección automática realizada por los algoritmos ha na­ cido un nuevo movimiento denominado content curation, que aboga por la selección filtrado y caracte­ rización de los... more
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      JournalismSocial NetworksPublic SpherePublic Space
El objetivo de este trabajo es describir la importancia de la curación de contenidos como herramienta para el desarrollo de competencias digitales requeridas en actividades de investigación en estudiantes de educación superior,... more
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      Educational TechnologyLearning And Teaching In Higher EducationContent CurationWeb-based and SMS-based researches
Content curation, its relationship with big data and the application in the field of libraries is presented and analyzed. Examples of thematic guides based on products as,, Pinterest, webblogs, Storify, etc., are discussed.
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      GeographyLibrariesBig DataContent Curation
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      Information ManagementTeacher TrainingTPACK (Education)Community Manager
El modelo teórico de Franco Moretti fundamentado en la distant reading no es solo útil para reflexionar acerca del papel desempeñado por el crítico en la era de los algoritmos y el futuro de la investigación filológica con el auge del... more
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      Humanities Computing (Digital Humanities)StatisticsDigital HumanitiesExperimental Humanities
Content curation, its relationship with big data and the application in the field of libraries is presented and analyzed. Examples of thematic guides based on products as,, Pinterest, webblogs, Storify, etc., are... more
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      LibrariesBig DataContent Curation
The application of content curation in the field of academic and research libraries is presented and analyzed. Examples of thematic guides based on products as,, Pinterest, webblogs, Storify, etc., are discussed. Spanish... more
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      Academic LibrariesLibrary and Information ScienceContent Curation
The word content curation appeared on the Web in 2008 to reflect an emerging practice similar to competitive intelligence in many respects. But at just what point is content curation a new concept? Through a comparative literature... more
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      Competitive IntelligenceContent Curation
As the amount of online content grows, Internet users' attention span decreases. This brings an acute need for social and technological solutions that enable users to select the most important and relevant information...
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      Information FilteringAttention EconomicsInformation OverloadContent Curation
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      Information ManagementDigital LiteracyService LearningService Learning in Higher Education
El creciente aumento de información en nuestra sociedad hace cada vez más patente la necesidad de realizar una gestión eficaz de la misma. Esto cobra especial relevancia en el ámbito profesional, donde se requiere una actualización cada... more
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      Teacher TrainingCommunity ManagerInformation OverloadContent Curation
Este libro es una guía básica sobre la nueva profesión de internet: el content curator, el especialista encargado de diseñar, llevar a cabo y evaluar el sistema de content curation. El sistema empieza con la búsqueda y selección de... more
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      Information ScienceSocial MediaSocial Media MarketingContent Curation
In our post-truth society, mobilizing “facts” and “evidence” has never been more important. We live in an age that is paradoxically information rich due to the proliferation of Internet Communication Technologies (ICTs) and information... more
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      Museum StudiesSocial MediaMuseologyMuseums
Museum.dià - II Convegno Internazionale di Museologia Chronos, Kairòs e Aion. Il tempo dei Musei Museo Nazionale Romano - Terme di Diocleziano 26 - 28 maggio 2016 Comunicare efficacemente col pubblico utilizzando le piattaforme social è... more
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      ArchaeologySocial NetworksMuseum StudiesMuseum
Se trata de llevar a cabo un ejercicio ficticio para la puesta en marcha de una serie de servicios que conlleven la curación de contenidos o que se derive de ellos.
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      University librariesContent Curation
Any web 2.0 user has the chance of give some contents, but among millions of emails videos and tweets sent every day, only a little piece of them are valuable, interesting, relevant or useful. To stop the runaway flow of data that can... more
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      Social MediaContent CurationInfoxicación
"El creciente aumento de información en nuestra sociedad hace cada vez más patente la necesidad de realizar una gestión eficaz de la misma. Esto cobra especial relevancia en el ámbito profesional, donde se requiere una actualización... more
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      Information ManagementTeacher TrainingTeachers' professional developmentTPACK (Education)