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      Confirmatory Factor-AnalysisLaboratorio De Psicología
The purpose of this study was to adapt and assess the psychometric properties of an Arabic translation of the shortened version of the Fennema-Sherman Mathematics Attitudes Scales (aFSMAS) in terms of evidence of reliability and validity... more
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      Saudi ArabiaBeliefs and attitudesConfirmatory Factor-Analysis
Studies indicate that African American men report more personal experiences with discrimination than do African American women. According to the subordinate male target hypothesis, this gender difference reflects an underlying reality in... more
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      SociologyBlack Studies Or African American StudiesGender StudiesFeminist Theory
The 64-item Hare Self-Report Psychopathy Scale (Hare SRP; Paulhus, Neumann, & Hare, in press) is the most recent revision of the SRP, which has undergone numerous iterations. Little research has been conducted with this new edition;... more
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      PsychopathyFactor analysisConfirmatory Factor-AnalysisHare Self-Report Psychopathy Scale
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      PsychometricsCaffeineConfirmatory factor analysisDrug Withdrawal
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      Social WorkConfirmatory Factor-AnalysisOccupational Stress
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      Meaning of LifeStructural Equation ModelingConfirmatory factor analysisExploratory Factor Analysis
Objective Confirm the three correlated factors model of the Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test (AUDIT) using robust estimations and evaluate its internal consistency with a sample of Ecuadorian adolescents. Method Descriptive and... more
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      Alcohol StudiesEcuadorAlcoholismConfirmatory Factor-Analysis
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    • Confirmatory Factor-Analysis
Importance. Interest is considered a significant educational construct. A validated instrument that can reliably be used to measure interest across different subject domains is however not available. Objective. To report the findings... more
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      Motivation (Psychology)Student Motivation And EngagementStudent EngagementMotivation (Education)
Background: With ever increasing educational expectations and demands, burnout has emerged as a major problem negatively affecting the wellbeing of different student populations. Even though the validity of the Maslach Burnout... more
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      PsychometricsBurnoutConfirmatory factor analysisConfirmatory Factor-Analysis
Today's globalized world has become major source for competitive labour market, where organizations are fighting to get and retain best talent in their organizations. In this cut throat competition of attracting best talent, organizations... more
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      Employee engagementFactor analysisResource Based ViewConfirmatory Factor-Analysis
Este trabajo pretende presentar la técnica del análisis factorial confirmatorio, compararla con el análisis factorial exploratorio y evaluar mediante un ejemplo empírico el uso que se le puede dar a esta técnica estadística. Se probará la... more
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      Confirmatory factor analysisConfirmatory Factor-AnalysisAn introduction to confirmatory factor analysisAnalisis Factorial Confirmatorio Amos
Machiavellianism represents a tendency to manipulate and exploit others in a social world perceived to be hostile. Research has been inconsistent regarding psychopathology associated with this aspect of personal- ity. This has been... more
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      Personality PsychologyPersonalityPsychopathologyConfirmatory factor analysis
Researchers are interested in the measurement of human behavior. They have devised many methods to assess human behavior using the principles of psychometrics. The measurement of self and its various dimensions were thoroughly... more
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      MalayalamExploratory Factor AnalysisConfirmatory Factor-AnalysisTest construction
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      Statisticsstatistics with SPSS and ExcelRegression AnalysisPath Analysis
In this invited article, Cabrera-Nguyen provides guidelines for reporting scale development and validation results. Authors' attention to these guidelines will help ensure the research reported in JSSWR is rigorous and of high quality.... more
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      Social WorkSocial Research Methods and MethodologyPsychometricsMeasurement and Evaluation
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      Sport PsychologyEmotional intelligenceSports PerformanceSport And Exercise Psychology
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      Football (soccer)Recreation & Leisure StudiesStructural Equation ModelingLoyalty (Marketing)
The aim of the current study was to provide a valid and reliable instrument for the evaluation of the teaching effectiveness in the Greek higher education system. Other objectives of the study were: (a) the examination of the... more
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      Research MethodologyPsychometricsHigher EducationEducational evaluation
Nesta pesquisa foram analisados 97 artigos (61 internacionais e 36 nacionais), totalizando 140 aplicações da análise fatorial (AF), do período de 2010 a 2015, da área de Produção e Operações. Nos artigos internacionais predominou o uso de... more
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      Confirmatory Factor-AnalysisMeasurement Scales
In confirmatory factor analysis (CFA), which is used quite often for scale development and adaptation studies, the selected estimation method, affects the results obtained from the data. Because of the selected estimation method, the... more
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      Confirmatory factor analysisConfirmatory Factor-Analysis
Giriş ve Amaç: Siberkondri, internette tekrarlayan tıbbi bilgi arama sonucu sağlık anksiyetesinin şiddetlenmesidir. Siberkondri ekonomik maliyeti arttırmasının yanı sıra sağlık hizmetlerinin fazla kullanılmasına da neden olmaktadır.... more
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      Factor analysisValidationConfirmatory factor analysisReliability
E-learning is one of the recent trend and major technological advancement in Information technology, reshaping the mode of delivery of education in Universities. In light of this, the Universities have to take advantage of using... more
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      E-learningAmosConfirmatory Factor-AnalysisE-learning CSFs
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      Structural Equation ModelingStructural Equation Modeling:Categorical VariablesConfirmatory factor analysisExploratory Factor Analysis
Morowali Regency is one of the new autonomous regions in Central Sulawesi Province which was established in 1999 as a result of the division of Poso District. As a new autonomous region, of course the need for facilities and... more
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      Delay or Distruption Tolerant Networking (DTN)Delay Tolerant NetworksTime-Delay SystemsFactorial Analysis
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      PsychometryPsychometricsFactor analysisSensation Seeking
The factor structure of the Insomnia Severity Index (ISI) is discussed, with examples being drawn from about 13 disparate reported models. A systematic appraisal of procedural details of studies investigating the dimensionality of the ISI... more
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      Public Health PolicyInsomniaMeta-AnalysisSystematic Reviews
La búsqueda de una utilización más eficaz y eficiente de las máquinas y equipos hace menester tanto su planificación como la capacitación del personal. Para ello es fundamental que antes, los directivos tomenconciencia de... more
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      TPMFactor analysisConfirmatory Factor-Analysis
El presente trabajo tuvo como objetivo adaptar y validar la Escala Multidimensional de Apoyo Social Percibido (EMASP) para adultos argentinos. La EMASP cuenta con 12 items que permiten indagar acerca del apoyo social en tres fuentes:... more
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      PsychologySocial PsychologyPsychometricsPsicología
ÖZET Bu çalışmada bir müşteri memnuniyeti ölçüm modeli geliştirilmiş ve geliştirilen modelin uygunluğu test edilmiştir. Söz konusu model oluşturulurken, Noumann'ın (1995) geliştirmiş olduğu ürün özellikleri (hizmet kalitesi) ve... more
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      Müşteri MemnuniyetiConfirmatory Factor-AnalysisYapısal Eşitlik ModeliÖlçüm Modeli
This research was conducted to adapt the chemistry self efficacy belief (CSEB) scale using Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFI) and to examine pre service teachers’ CSEB in terms of some demographic features. This descriptive study was... more
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      Self-EfficacyConfirmatory Factor-AnalysisDemographicProspective Teacher
Self-regulated learning has been a widely researched subject for decades in educational psychology. Different instruments have been developed to understand learners' self-regulated learning in a specific subject domain. This study... more
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      GenderSelf-regulationEnglish as a Foreign Language (EFL)Confirmatory factor analysis
Problem Durumu Sosyal, davranış ve eğitim bilimlerinde araştırma yapan çoğu araştırmacı genellikle doğrudan gözlenemeyen teorik kavramlar üzerinde çalışırlar. Bu kavramlar psikolojide motivasyon, kaygı olabileceği gibi eğitimde sayısal... more
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      Confirmatory Factor-AnalysisEstimation Method
Zihinsel gelişim geriliği olan çocukların değerlendirilmesinde zekâ ölçeklerinin kullanılması kritik öneme sahiptir. Özellikle bu çocukların tanısal değerlendirmesi ve eğitim programlarının hazırlanması açısından zekâ ölçeklerinin yapısı... more
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      IntelligenceIntellectual DisabilityConfirmatory Factor-AnalysisEFA and CFA)
Öz Yazma kaygısı, bireyin yazma işlemine başlamadan önce ya da yazma sırasında yaşadığı bir gerilim tepkisidir. Bu durum yazma işleminden kaçınma, yazma isteksizliği gibi davranışları beraberinde getirmekte, yazma beceri ve eğilimini... more
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      ReliabilityValidityMother Tongue EducationWriting Skills
Green open space (RTH) is a part of urban planning that functions as a city green area such as urban parks, urban forests, so there is a need for planning in the development of green space accommodate various behaviors and activities of... more
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      Infrastructure PlanningGreen InfrastructureRail Transport and InfrastructureMulti-criteria Decision Analysis infrastructure
Mediante un ejemplo empírico, se muestran las diferencias entre las técnicas estadísticas de análisis factorial exploratorio y confirmatorio. En la investigación en Ciencias Sociales en nuestro país es muy frecuente el uso de variables... more
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      PISA and TIMSS ResultConfirmatory factor analysisConfirmatory Factor-Analysis
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      Multivariate StatisticsEducational MeasurementMeasurement and EvaluationMultivariate Data Analysis
Objective: to analyze the validity of the factorial structure for a questionnaire adapted from the Preschooler Feeding Questionnaire (PFQ) with subscales associated with control and parental pressure when eating. Methodology: a... more
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      Parenting StylesParenting young childrenConfirmatory Factor-AnalysisQuestionnaires
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      PsychometryPsychometricsFearReliability (Measurement and Evaluation)
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      Self-Determination TheoryWell-BeingIntrinsic motivationNegative Affect
ABSTRACT Writing motivation supports the development of students' writing skills and their habit of using writing skills through lifelong interest, desire and pleasure. At this point, writing motivation is the driving force that enables... more
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      Turkish EducationConfirmatory factor analysisTürkçe EğitimiYazma Eğitimi
The aim of the present study is to develop a scale to determine how necessary the primary and secondary school teachers view the learner autonomy support behaviours and how much they perform these behaviours. The study group was composed... more
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      Self-Determination TheoryLearner AutonomySelf-determination theory (Education)Automation
This paper discusses the application of confirmatory factor analysis in the Business Administration theory construction. The research presents important theoretical contributions by way of a proposed research categorization, ranging from... more
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      Organizational BehaviorConfirmatory Factor-AnalysisMeasurement Scales
In spite of its currency both in academic research and political rhetoric, there are numerous attempts to define and conceptualize the social cohesion concept but there has been paid little attention to provide a rigorous and empirically... more
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      Structural Equation ModelingSocial CapitalSocial InclusionSocial cohesion
The teachers take the role as the important human resources in creating effective learning conditions. Teacher's self-efficacy is one of the significant factors that determine how they carry out the process of learning and teaching in... more
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      Teacher EducationEducational PsychologySelf-EfficacyScience teacher education
Learning a language means not only studying four skills of proficiency, but also understanding the system of rules underlying. In this respect, learners’ attitudes towards grammar are also of vital importance. The main objective of this... more
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      Student Attitudes and PerceptionsScale DevelopmentExploratory Factor AnalysisConfirmatory Factor-Analysis
Yolcu taşımada kullanılan otobüs için fiziksel ortam denildiğinde aracın uzunluğu, yüksekliği, koltuk sayısı, koltukların diz mesafesi, aydınlatma, pencere sayısı gibi koşullar ön plana çıkmaktadır. Yolculuk esnasında kişi için bu... more
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      Structural Equation ModelingANOVAConfirmatory factor analysisPath Analysis
The purpose of this study is to develop a valid and reliable measure of change cynicism. In the development of the scale, literature regarding cynicism was examined and item pool was composed. For the content validation of the scale,... more
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      Teaching and LearningEducationOrganizational ChangeTeacher Education