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This paper reports on a research project focussing on a children's chorus in an early learning centre. The participants in the research were 187 three-to-five year olds and the adults consisted of generalist and specialist teachers and an... more
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      Early Childhood Music EducationChildren's Choirs
Rad donosi teorijski i stručni osvrt na problematiku rada s dječjim pjevačkim zborovima u školskom i izvanškolskom okruženju s posebnim naglaskom na sličnosti i razlike u pristupu i rezultatima aktivnosti. U sklopu radionica zborskoga... more
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      Music EducationChoral MusicChoirExtracurricular Activities
This paper contains a literature review of sources addressing vocal registers in children's voices, three observations of children's choir rehearsals, and three exercises designed by the author to be used in rehearsals to access and... more
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      Music EducationChildren's Choirs
Our choral sheet music & rating collection is unparalleled. You will find almost everything you need for any university, church or Group choir.
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      MusicMusical CompositionMusic EducationMusic Theory
Maricela es un conocidísimo joropo para piano de Sebastián Díaz Peña (1844-1926). En esta versión, extraída de un manuscrito autógrafo, Díaz Peña incorpora a la parte de piano un coro y tres personajes solistas: Isidoro (tenor), Don... more
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      PianoPiano MusicPianists and Piano LiteratureChoir
Este el el Cantoral Litúrgico usado en la parroquia "San Maturín" Ubicada en Boquerón, Diócesis de Maturín, Venezuela. Contine cantos clásicos en español, y cantos de autores propios de la parroquia y la Diócesis. Incluye: Nuevo:... more
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O presente texto apresenta algumas reflexões acerca da criação de arranjos para coros infantis. Considera-se aqui a prática coral como um meio de educação musical, por isso, partindo da necessidade de que regentes se reconheçam... more
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      Musical CompositionMusic EducationEducação MusicalComposition for children's choir
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      Performance StudiesThe BodyChoirChildren's Choirs
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      Performance StudiesGender and religion (Women s Studies)Byzantine MusicByzantine Musicology
Η Νέα Μέθοδος γραφής παρουσιάστηκε από τους δημιουργούς της με σειρά πλεονεκτημάτων έναντι της Παλαιάς Γραφής. Μεταξύ αυτών, έμφαση δόθηκε στη συντόμευση της πολύχρονης μαθητείας, χάρη στη διευκόλυνση της διδασκαλίας της ψαλτικής, μέσα... more
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      Choral ConductingCastratiGender and religion (Women s Studies)Byzantine Music
Los estudios que han abordado la educación que recibieron los niños en la Catedral de México durante la época novohispana se han centrado en el Colegio de Infantes de México, fundado en 1726 y han afirmado que su apertura significó un... more
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      HistoryHistory of EducationHistory of Childhood and YouthHistory of Colonial Mexico
A inclusão de obras com divisão vocal em corais infantis iniciantes constitui-se um desafio para o regente, uma vez essa escolha do repertório pode desestimular os cantores, por não lhes oferecer desafios musicais ou por demandar... more
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      Children's ChoirsCanto Coral InfantilChoral
Pedro Fernandez de Castilleja (c. 1487-1579) was Chapel master at Seville from 11514 to 1568. He was replaced as the teacher of the choirboys in 1551 by his colleague Francisco Guerrero, who called him 'master of the masters of Spain'.... more
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      Greek and Latin EpigramNeo-Latin PoetryPoetry and MusicChildren's Choirs
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      Women's StudiesCastratiByzantine MusicByzantine Musicology
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      WomenByzantine StudiesPolitical TheologyByzantine Musicology
Este artículo explora el imaginario musical educativo contenido en un tipo de villancico poco estudiado hasta ahora: el villancico de seises. En la primera parte se estudia brevemente el contexto litúrgico de este subgénero... more
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      Music EducationMusic HistoryComics StudiesComics
Canadian artist Bill Burns’s recent opus “Dogs and Boats and Airplanes” represents a profound immersion in the iconography of travel and the sophisticated commercial industry which enables it. The project is both multi-sensorial in its... more
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      MusicArt TheoryContemporary ArtExperimental Media Arts
In the nineteenth century, a small number of composers included parts for children’s chorus in their symphonic and choral works. As the twentieth century progressed, more and more composers scored for children’s choirs to... more
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      Music EducationMusicologyCollaborationBenjamin Britten
O Projeto Coral Infantojuvenil da Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso do Sul – PCIU! - é uma ação que articula ensino, pesquisa e extensão, destinada aos acadêmicos do curso de Licenciatura em Música e à comunidade. Em atividade desde... more
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      Music EducationChoir ConductingChildren's ChoirsKodály Method
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      Music EducationChildren's Choirs
Este trabalho relata a nossa experiência na tentativa de implmentação de um coro infantil, no tempo integral de uma escola municipal, como ação de um projeto de extensão universitária de curta duração. Embora essa modalidade de educação... more
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      Educação MusicalEducação básicaChildren's ChoirsCanto Coral Infantil
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      Music EducationEducationEducaçãoEducação Musical
Nel periodo quaresimale prossima alla Pasqua, a Campobello di Mazara, una località in provincia di Trapani in Sicilia, una delle tradizioni che ancora persiste è quella dell'altare dedicato al S. Giuseppe, Santo Patriarca e protettore dei... more
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      Traditional MusicStoria Della SiciliaTradizioni PopolariDipartimento Regionale dei Beni Culturali e dell’Identità Siciliana
Hanns Eisler spent summer 1941 in Woodbury, Connecticut at the home of philosopher Joachim Schumacher, a lecturer at the nearby Westover School, an academic institution for young girls. That summer, Eisler wrote "Das Woodbury... more
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      Second World WarChoral MusicAmerican music20th and 21st-Century Music
Combining choirs for a large-scale performance can be rewarding. If the choirs comprise different generations, differing vocal timbres can add musical possibilities. A school in London operates two choirs in partnership: one for adult... more
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      Qualitative methodologyCollaborationPerformance Studies (Music)Community Music
1863 - Der Kölner Dom und die Musik, hrsg. von Arnold Jacobshagen und Annette Kreutziger-Herr, Würzburg (Königshausen & Neumann) 2016
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      Church MusicMusic HistoryMusic TheoryMusicology
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      Byzantine MusicChoral MusicByzantine MusicologyHistorically Informed Performance (HIP)
Resumo: este artigo sintetiza a tese homônima recentemente defendida no Programa de Pós-Graduação em Música da Universidade de São Paulo. O trabalho está estruturado sobre três diferentes e concomitantes frentes de pesquisa e traz uma... more
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      Music EducationVocal PedagogyChoir ConductingChildren's Choirs
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      Visual StudiesSociology of Children and ChildhoodAudio ArtsConceptual Art
U desetogodišnjoj primjeni otvorenog modela u nastavi je Glazbene kulture u primarnom obrazovanju, osim slušanja glazbe i usvajanja muzikoloških sadržaja, pjevanje utvrđeno kao najčešća izabrana aktivnost. Zanimanje za tu aktivnost u... more
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      Music EducationChoral MusicChoirChildren's Choirs
In 2013 Campbell and Wiggins edited The Oxford handbook of children’s musical cultures which described different musical experiences and diverse child populations across the world. This paper contributes to this particular... more
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      Music EducationEarly Childhood EducationChildren's Choirs
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      ZarzuelaChildren's ChoirsGénero ChicoFederico Chueca
Competition is ostensibly an integral part of music making (Millard, 2007, p. 47). Taking the creation of music, composition, as the primary example, it is evident that since the Renaissance period competition between style, genres and... more
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      MusicMusical CompositionMusic analysisChoir
First audition of the choral work "Jesus, meine Freude" of my own, at the Inaugural Festival of the Grenzing Organ - USP / Evangelical Cathedral of São Paulo. Grande Coral Evangélico, with Ana Paula Brito (soloist), José Luis de Aquino... more
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      Choral MusicMúsica CoralCanto CoralChildren's Choirs
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      Critical TheoryMusicologyGender StudiesAesthetics
Responsorial psalm for lent...
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      MusicChurch MusicOrgan (pipe)Book of Psalms
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      Visual StudiesContemporary ArtPerformance ArtContemporary Music
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      Women's StudiesCastratiByzantine MusicHistorically Informed Performance (HIP)
This article describes how the Dutch pop phenomenon Kinderen voor Kinderen mirrors the Zeitgeist of societal changes in the Netherlands. Strongly rooted in the left-winged pillar of the system of pillarization (verzuiling), Kinderen voor... more
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      DiversityGender and SexualityTabooGender Issues
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      MusicChurch MusicMusic EducationChoral Music
The canons of Aachen’s Marienkirche recorded memorial endowments for services in the church’s two oldest necrologies. Beginning in the fourteenth century, these endowments provide the earliest evidence of polyphonic singing at the... more
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      MemorialChoirMedieval educationChildren's Choirs
Music can typically be enter by using the mouse and Pc keyboard, Though some scorewriters will likely allow for enter to get performed to them from a MIDI keyboard.
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      MusicMusic EducationMusicologyPiano Music
Este trabalho consiste em um relato de experiência que demonstra como a criação de um sítio eletrônico dá origem a um Programa de Extensão Universitária e otimiza a sua interação dialógica. Os dados são coletados no referido sítio... more
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      FacebookWebsiteChildren's ChoirsCanto Coral Infantil
This paper presents some aspects of vocal techique in the work of children's choir conductor. It discusses about the vocal development of the group, according to the different phases of each member and considering that the most part of... more
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      Choral ConductingVocal PedagogyChildren's Choirs
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      Music EducationChoirChildren's Choirs
This article explores how three regional children's choirs and their practitioners, from different provinces of South Africa, project what Hammond refers to as 'singing South Africanness'-the premise that choirs from South Africa project... more
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      MusicMusicologyChildren's VoicesChildren's Choirs
In spite of the role of children choirs is not well known and appreciated nowadays, it has been fundamental in Music and human education of a lot of musicians. This article presents the Santa Cruz del Valle de los Caídos Children Choir,... more
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      Music EducationPlainchantGregorian ChantBenedictine Monasticism
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    • Children's Choirs
Resumen En Chile, históricamente se ha incorporado el canto coral a programas de enseñanza, tanto escolares como universitarios, haciendo uso del instrumento vocal y coral como un orgánico a disposición inmediata de todos los seres... more
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      Musical CompositionOpera,Choral And Vocal MusicChoral MusicMusical Analysis
Relpacing the fluidity in the R.S.C.M. programme with aims, general objectives, specific objectives and observable learning outcomes – the current norm on today’s educational front.
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      MusicChurch MusicMusic EducationMusic Theory