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    • Chernobyl
Az 1986. április 26-án történt csernobili atomkatasztrófa máig számos egészségügyi, politikai, energetikai, társadalmi kérdést vet fel, és élénken foglalkoztatja a közvéleményt. A baleset utáni első napokban, amikor már a sérült... more
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      PropagandaMedia PolicyChernobylMass media
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    • Chernobyl
This book extract describes how, as a newly converted Christian living in the town of Marostica in north east Italy I first came across the pretribulation rapture theory.
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      HIV/AIDSChernobylAntichristBassano del Grappa
This chapter investigates how Japanese citizens collectively engaged with monitorial practices after the Chernobyl nuclear disaster in 1986. In particular, it examines the Radiation Disaster Alert Network (R-DAN) and shows how the... more
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      Social MovementsChernobylJapanPostwar Japanese History
This Master's studies Paper analyzes what drove the actors of the Chernobyl nuclear disaster to take the decisions they took, by utilizing the theories of the most influential author of decision making, James March, with the focus on the... more
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      Decision MakingBehavioral Decision MakingChernobylDecision-Making
Searching for mutations in the heart of Chernobyl, site of history's worst nuclear disaster.
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      Evolutionary BiologyDisaster StudiesUkrainian StudiesRADIATION DAMAGE
Katastrofa w swoim greckim źródłosłowie zawierała splot trzech znaczeń: biologicznego – jako śmierć, upadek bądź kres ciała; politycznego – jako podbój, ujarzmienie, zagłada armii, ludów czy polis; wreszcie, tekstualnego (teatralnego) –... more
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      HumanitiesPolitical SciencePostmodernismChernobyl
These voices of utopia, inseparable from the experience of dislocation, are a unique contribution to the literature of testimony. With her cycle Svetlana Alexievich has established herself as the first major postcolonial author of... more
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      Non Fiction WritingCultural HistoryRussian StudiesSoviet History
This is the earliest published chronology of information gleaned from the Soviet media.

Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists
Volume 42, Number 7, August / September 1986
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      ChernobylChernobyl HBO
Nuclear energy is one of the most important components of the world electricity supply in today's world. It provides approximately 21% of electricity in OECD countries. However, there has been a growing social and academic debate over the... more
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      Chernobyl (Environment)ChernobylEnvironmental JusticeNuclear Energy
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      GeneticsGeographyBiomarkersOxidative Stress
In this chaotic world, disaster is inevitable. Even without human interference, the world has many calamities. Earthquakes, volcanoes, hurricanes and Tsunamis; all of which take their toll on human life. The aspirations of people in... more
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      EthicsDisaster StudiesChernobylFukushima nuclear disaster SUMMARY: From March to the end of May 2020, third-grade students at the Franjo Petrić High School of Natural Sciences and Mathematics, inspired by the Chernobyl series,... more
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      Chemistry education (Education)ChernobylDistance LearningPeer and Group learning
The essay explores the surprising developments in Chernobyl’s radioactive aftermath as embodiment of the Anthropocene’s emergent environments in two German novels: Christa Wolf ’s Störfall: Nachrichten eines Tages (1987) providing a... more
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      Environmental StudiesResilience (Sustainability)EcocriticismChernobyl (Environment)
A closer look at recently declassified Soviet and American government documents from the period reveals that it was the Chernobyl disaster that intensified four volatile reforms: increased concern for citizen welfare, glasnost,... more
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      HistoryRussian StudiesNuclear PhysicsSoviet History
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      ChernobylFukushima MediaSvetlana Alexievitch
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      Urban GeographyTourism StudiesIndustrial HistoryDisaster Studies
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      Film StudiesBlogsPostcolonial StudiesEthnography (Research Methodology)
The archaeology and significance of the Chernobyl Exclusion Zone ROBERT MAXWELL (University of Sydney) The Chernobyl Exclusion Zone is an area of some 30-square kilometres surrounding the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant. This area includes... more
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      ArchaeologyMental HealthDisaster StudiesPosttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)
Catastrophism has a long scientific tradition in geology and early modern "natural history". The controversies between "uniformitarianism" and "catastrophism" were sometimes fierce in the 19th century, however, the basic idea that a true... more
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      Climate ChangeEnvironmental StudiesEnvironmental HistoryFuturism
Since the end of the Cold War atomic tourism has seen a renaissance that continues today. Yet, motivations to travel to atomic tourist sites have changed dramatically of late. The ongoing nuclear arms race as well as near or real... more
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      ChernobylFukushima nuclear disasterAtomic Tourism
Nükleer santral kazaları tüm gezegeni tehdit ediyor. Gelişmiş geçinen Rusya’sından, Japonyası’na, ABD’sinden Fransa’sına kadar, herhangi bir kaza sonrası santralde çalıştırılan işçiden, bölge halkına ve hem o ülkenin hem yakın... more
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      Political EcologyEcologyChernobylNuclear Energy
This essay considers the TV miniseries Chernobyl (HBO, 2019) to engage in a wider debate on the social and institutional production of techno-science. It explores whether the series resonates with the existing narratives and... more
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      HistorySociologyCultural StudiesEastern European Studies
Abstract: The nuclear accident that occurred on April 26th, 1986 in Chernobyl, Ukraine is the first “major nuclear accident” of history. A badly designed and conducted safety test resulted in an explosion in the 4th reactor unit. Large... more
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      Disaster StudiesCrisis communication and managementCrisis CommunicationChernobyl
This chapter considers sites like Pripyat, in Chernobyl, as zones of alternative practice, especially in terms of urban exploration. At the same time, it offers a critique of such activities as a form of adventure tourism, contrasting the... more
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      Walter BenjaminLiminalityChernobylUrban Ruins
This chapter examines the English- and Russian-language websites of five Chernobyl tour operators. We begin with the paradigm of “dark tourism”, applied by previous Chernobyl researchers. We end by proposing an alternative: “existential... more
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      Tourism StudiesDigital MediaDark TourismChernobyl
After some meetings between the American leaders and the Indian institutions, in 1969 the work began in Bhopal to build a great factory that would have given so much work to the young Indians. The agreements, in fact, had already begun... more
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      ChernobylAsbestosisAsbestosBhopal disaster
The 1986 Chernobyl nuclear meltdown created a small crisis in the Cold War history of America’s relationship with nuclear power, encompassing issues of technological dominance, cultural paranoia and economic necessity. Anxieties fostered... more
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      Cultural StudiesMedia StudiesTelevision StudiesPopular Culture
Pengertian B3 atau Bahan Berbahaya dan Beracun menurut OSHA (Occupational Safety and Health of the United State Government) adalah bahan yang karena sifat kimia maupun kondisi fisiknya berpotensi menyebabkan gangguan pada kesehatan... more
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      ChernobylChernobyl Nuclear AccidentREGULASI PENGELOLAAN LIMBAH B3Limbah B3
В монографии впервые с позиций парадигмы когнитивистики предпринимается попытка анализа документов советского периода, описывающих строительство и эксплуа-тацию Чернобыльской атомной электростанции до аварии 26 апреля 1986 г. В основе... more
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    • Chernobyl
This Greenpeace report draws on a large body of scientific research in Fukushima-impacted areas over the past five years to bring to light the current ecological situation as a result of the March 2011 Fukushima Daiichi nuclear accident.... more
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      Marine BiologyJapanese StudiesNuclear PhysicsAquatic Ecology
Стаття присвячена аналізу наслідків Чорнобильської катастрофи для Радянського Союзу. Особлива увага приділена впливу Чорнобилю на політичну кризу в СРСР. Автор також розглядає чорнобильський фактор у сучасній українській політиці. Ключові... more
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      Soviet HistoryUkrainian StudiesPost-Soviet PoliticsChernobyl
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      Eastern European StudiesFolkloreBelarusian StudiesConspiracy Theories
Este catálogo es un registro de la exposición «Chernobyl Herbarium», organizada por Fundación Cristina Enea, y que pudo visitarse en el Centro de Recursos Medio Ambientales de San Sebastián entre el 1 de febrero y el 1 de mayo de 2017.... more
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Released on Smithsonian Folkways in April 2015.
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      MusicApplied EthnomusicologyFolk MusicChernobyl
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      Disaster ManagementChernobylNuclearFukushima
Чорнобильське досьє КҐБ. Суспільні настрої. ЧАЕС у поставарійний період. Збірник документів про катастрофу на Чорнобильській АЕС / Ред. кол.: А. Когут, І. Лябах, М. Панова, О. Рубльов, В. Хропко; Відпов. ред.: В. Смолій; Упорядники: О.... more
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      Soviet HistoryChernobylSoviet Union (History)Ukraine (History)
The problems of reporting about Chernobyl during and after the catastrophe in 1986 as a foreign correspondent in Moscow.
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      ChernobylSoviet Union (History)Environmental pollution in Socialist Soviet Union
Comics have a big task in Ukraine: Therough them nation is built, historical events are discussed and identity is constructed. In 2018 Ukraine’s ficrst superhero was introduced: UKRMAN. In the past, the Cossacks have been the heroes of... more
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      War StudiesComics StudiesIdentity (Culture)Nationalism And State Building
Chernobyl Nuclear Exclusion Zone, Ukraine -- On the Ukrainian holiday commemorating victory over the Nazis in WWII, a return to the entombed, but still smoldering, reactor at the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant makes vivid another great... more
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      HistorySocial SciencesScience EducationHistory of Science
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      ChernobylFukushima nuclear disasterChernobyl Nuclear Accident
In uno dei momenti più bui della storia dell'Ucraina e dell'Europa ho reso qui disponibile nella sua interezza il mio libro POLVERE, che in occasione dei 30 anni dall'incidente nucleare di Chernobyl approfondisce, partendo proprio... more
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      European HistoryNuclear WeaponsRussian HistoryChernobyl
Glasnost und Perestrojka sind internationale Begriffe geworden, seit Michail Gorbatschow nach seiner Ernennung zum Generalsekretär der KPdSU mit radikalen Reformen die Sowjetunion erneuern wollte. Die angestrebte publizistische Offenheit... more
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      Soviet HistoryChernobylStalinismPerestroika
Чорнобильське досьє КҐБ. Від будівництва до аварії. Збірник документів про катастрофу на Чорнобильській АЕС / Ред. кол.: І. Лябах, А. Моргун, В. Бірчак, М. Панова, О. Рубльов, В. Хропко; Упорядники: О. Бажан, А. Когут, Г. Боряк. Галузевий... more
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      Soviet HistoryHistory of the USSRChernobylUkraine (History)
This article presents a comparative analysis of HBO's mini-series Chernobyl (2019) and Svetlana Alexievich's literary testimonies Voices of Chernobyl: The Oral History of a Nuclear Disaster (1997)-both of which represent the events and... more
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      IntermedialityEcocriticismChernobylHorror Cinema
This chapter investigates religious commemorative culture that has sprung up in Belarus in the wake of the Chernobyl nuclear disaster. More specifically, it focuses on commemorative icons and religious artwork and how they are used in... more
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      Eastern European StudiesGender StudiesMedical AnthropologyIconography
This article investigates the memories and lived experiences of those who dwell in the deindustrial landscape of Chernobyl in north Ukraine. Taking a visual approach to an invisible issue, the article explores the use of photography as a... more
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      Human GeographyPhotographyEthnographyGiorgio Agamben
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      PhotographyLandscape ArchitectureChernobylDocumentary Photography