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Chapter 1: Process Background & Selection Chapter 2: Site Location Chapter 3: Mass Balance Chapter 4: Energy Balance Chapter 5: Process Simulation Chapter 6: Environmental and Waste Management Chapter 7: Process Integration Chapter 8:... more
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      Chemical EngineeringWater and wastewater treatmentWastewater TreatmentChemical and Biological Engineering
The conceptual design, modeling, and optimization of a MeOH-to-H 2 processor by an integration of a multi-tube annular membrane methanol reformer (MTAMMR) and the preheating system are presented. The annular membrane methanol reformer... more
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      Chemical Process DesignProcess Design and OptimizationHydrogen ProductionSteam Reforming of Methanol
Ao longo deste último semestre, durante a realização deste projeto, foram várias as pessoas que de alguma forma contribuíram para a sua realização. Expressamos aqui o nosso agradecimento:
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      Industrial DesignPRODUCTION ENGINEERINGChemical Process DesignMaleic Anhydride
Design of an ammonia reactor was conceived as part of a series of item designs for an ammonia plant in Cyprus. The Chemical and Mechanical aspects of the design were considered. Optimization of these designs was studied, worked on, &... more
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      Mechanical EngineeringChemical EngineeringCyprus StudiesCyprus
Levulinic acid (LA), which is one of the top twelve value-added chemicals from biomass feedstock, has been recognized in a large number of applications. Nevertheless, its capability on an industrial scale has been limited by the high-cost... more
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    • Chemical Process Design
Critical issues and Potential development for Chemical and Metallurgical Industry of Silicon
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      EngineeringChemical EngineeringPhotovoltaicsResearch Methodology
In the present study, the recovery of rare earth elements (REE) from an apatite concentrate in the nitrophosphate process of fertilizer production has been studied. The apatite concentrate has been recovered from iron ore tailings in... more
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      HydrometallurgyRare Earth ElementsChemical Process DesignSolvent Extraction
Useful information for proper selection of parts when developing GC methods
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      New Product DevelopmentChemical Process Design
Although used as an essential utility extensively in process industries especially in oil and gas plants, design methodology for hot oil system is not well documented in the open literature. To meet this gap, a design guideline for this... more
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      Oil and gasChemical Process Design
Production of 50,000 Tons Per Year of Maleic Anhydride Via Oxidation of n-Butane
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      Chemical EngineeringProcess Synthesis and DesignWater and wastewater treatmentWastewater Treatment
Compilation of my answers for tutorial.
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      Chemical EngineeringSafety EngineeringProcess SafetyChemical Process Design
Ethanolamines are raw materials widely used in industry. Carbon dioxide and hydrogen sulfide absorption and the production of materials such as paint, rubber, adhesive, detergent, soap are the areas where ethanolamines are frequently... more
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      Chemical EngineeringProductionChemical Process DesignProcess Equipment Design
As the range of feedstocks, process technologies and products expand, biorefineries will become increasingly complex manufacturing systems. This book presents process modelling and integration, and whole system life cycle analysis tools... more
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      Sustainable DevelopmentBiomassEnvironmental SustainabilityProcess Integration
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      Chemical Process DesignChemical Process IndustriesChemical Processing
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      Chemical EngineeringSafety EngineeringProcess SafetyChemical Process Design
A hybrid reactive distillation system with high selectivity pervaporation was examined to produce butyl acetate and methanol via transesterification of methyl acetate with butanol. High selectivity pervaporation was combined with reactive... more
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      Chemical EngineeringMembrane TechnologyMembrane Separation TechnologyReactive Distillation
This paper presents a novel hybrid process combining thermally coupled reactive distillation with membrane-based pervaporation for enhanced production of n-butyl acetate. A conventional reactive distillation process was used as the base... more
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      Chemical EngineeringMembrane ScienceProcess OptimizationProcess Modeling and Simulation
Final Exam July 2020
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      Chemical EngineeringChemical Reaction EngineeringChemical Process DesignChemical Engineering Process Design
Distillation columns are widely used in many chemical process industries, especially in oil and gas processing. Accidents in the distillation columns have resulted in enormous loss of human lives and assets. Inadequate design of... more
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      Chemical Process DesignDistillation columns
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      Environmental EngineeringChemical EngineeringChemistryBiorefinery
This study reports the advantages of a cost-effective unit process using a hybrid distillation and vapor permeation unit for isopropanol dehydration. The feasibility of numerous hybrid membrane distillation schemes for isopropanol... more
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      Chemical EngineeringDistillation OperationsIndustrial DesignHybrid Systems
The architectural design studio is the backbone of the education of future architects. It occupies a central position in architectural education. Thus design education in architecture like other kinds of education conserves and transmits... more
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      Participatory modellingChemical Process DesignParticipatory ModelingEvaluation Criteria
This paper proposed a novel integrated design of azeotropic mixtures distillation process based on mechanical vapor recompression (MVR). The extractive distillation of acetone – methanol binary system that forms a homogeneous minimum –... more
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    • Chemical Process Design
This is an Excel File. Download for full use.
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      Chemical EngineeringNumerical AnalysisChemical Reaction EngineeringChemical Process Design
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      Chemical Process DesignBiofuel and Bio Ethanol Production from Biomass
The experimental liquid–liquid equilibrium (LLE) data of the quaternary (acetic acid + water + pxylene + methyl acetate) system was investigated at 313.2 K and atmospheric pressure. This research is aimed to examine the potential of the... more
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      Chemical EngineeringThermodynamicsChemical Process DesignSolvent Extraction
This work investigates a novel way of retrofitting a side stream column for achieving considerable energy savings by combining the dividing wall column (DWC) and heat pump system. One case study, the acetic acid (AA) purification process... more
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    • Chemical Process Design
EPDIP©, a model for enhancing natural intelligence to increase probability of success in any project: Part 1 – Structure, Process, People, Stage Gates, Implementation and Sustainability. A novel stage gate process, the Enneagram Project... more
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      EthicsEcosystem ServicesComplexity TheoryIntegral Theory
The formulation of policies requires the selection and configuration of effective and acceptable courses of action to reach explicit goals. A one-size-fits-all policy is unlikely to achieve the desired goals; as a result, the... more
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      EngineeringEnvironmental EngineeringChemical EngineeringTransportation Engineering
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    • Chemical Process Design
This work presents an optimisation framework for the routing and equipment design of main pipelines to be used for fluid transmission. There are many considerations in these design problems, involving various constraints, decisions and... more
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      Chemical EngineeringOptimization (Mathematical Programming)Process Synthesis and DesignSimulated Annealing
The second worst nuclear accident in the history of nuclear power generation.
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      Chemical EngineeringSafety EngineeringProcess SafetyChemical Process Design
Di-tert-butyl-peroxide (DTBP) is a clear organic compound and one of the most stable organic peroxides, formed by the linkage of two flanking tert-butyl groups to a peroxide group. A versatile compound, DTBP is used as a radical initiator... more
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      Chemical EngineeringChemistryOrganic ChemistryTechnology
In this paper theoretical work is performed for the simulation of the model of a Reactive Batch Distillation Column (RBD). In this study first a dynamic model for RBD column is developed. In this model general reversible reaction with... more
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    • Chemical Process Design
This work is focused on optimising a low-temperature delignification as holocellulose purification pretreatment of Platanus acerifolia leaf waste for second-bioethanol production. Delignification was accomplished by acid-oxidative... more
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      Design of ExperimentsChemical Process DesignBiomass to Bioethanol
Recovery of REE from an apatite concentrate in the nitrophosphate process of fertilizer production.
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      Environmental ScienceHydrometallurgyRare Earth ElementsChemical Process Design
This study examined the energy optimal operation of representative natural gas liquefaction cycle processes such as propane precooled mixed refrigerant (C 3 MR) process, dual mixed refrigerant (DMR) process, and modified single mixed... more
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    • Chemical Process Design
Coal becomes a key component of the energy source worldwide since it is the most abundant fossil fuel. Unfortunately, coal is the dirtiest fossil fuel so its environmental footprint needs to be reduced using a better technology.... more
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    • Chemical Process Design
T he use of visualization for heat exchanger network synthesis, both grass-roots and retro t, has a long history. Visualization is appealing to the user because it helps gain insight into the underlying problem. When coupled with user... more
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      Heat Exchanger Network DesignScientific VisualisationHuman-Computer InterfaceChemical Process Design
In preliminary design, the space of design alternatives can be large. Automated synthesis tools may be used interactively to explore the design space, starting with a broad but coarse search and gradually progressing to more focussed and... more
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      Design Process (Design Multi Disciplinary Practice)Chemical Process DesignProcess Design
Design of an ammonia reactor was conceived as part of a series of item designs for an ammonia plant in Cyprus. The Chemical and Mechanical aspects of the design were considered. Optimization of these designs was studied, worked on, &... more
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      Mechanical EngineeringChemical EngineeringCyprus StudiesCyprus
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      ChemistryKineticsChemical Process DesignAmino Acid Racemization
We have devised a new route toward 2-unsubstituted pyrimidine derivatives from the Biginelli product, dihydropyrimidin-2(1H)-thiones in two steps: Oxidation of dihydropyrimidin-2(1H)thiones using oxone on wet alumina or hydrogen peroxide... more
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      Organic ChemistryTotal Synthesis (Organic Chemistry)Chemical Process DesignSynthetic Organic Chemistry
Concise and precise notes for process control. Vital for revision and preparation for the upcoming examinations
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      Chemical EngineeringProcess ControlChemical Process DesignChemical and Process Systems Engineering
Basic exercise for every pattern of process response received.
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      Chemical EngineeringChemical Process DesignChemical Process IndustriesUITM SHAH ALAM
Multistage Integrated chilling to increase Air compressor capacity
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      Chemical Process DesignAmmonia Plants
A pilot-plant process has been developed based on an innovative laboratory-scale method for the recovery of scandium that exists in economically interesting concentrations in red mud, the main byproduct of alumina production. This method... more
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      LeachingChemical Process Design
Interest in renewable resources, especially biomass has been increasing due to environmental issues from burning fossil fuels. Levulinic acid (LA), one of top twelve value-added chemicals from biomass, has been recognized in many... more
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    • Chemical Process Design
Following a 5 day course on Management of Technology by Prof Rias van Wyk at the University of Cape Town Business School in 1990, I explored how such an approach might be implemented. I was Chemistry R&D manager at the company at the... more
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      Technology ManagementNew Product DevelopmentTechnological InnovationChemical Process Design