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The activation of the G-protein transducin (Gt) by rhodopsin (Rho) has been intensively studied for several decades. It is the best understood example of GPCR activation mechanism and serves as a template for other GPCRs. The structure of... more
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The acute hemodynamic efficacy of an implantable counter-pulsation device (CPD) was evaluated. The CPD is a valveless single port, 32-ml stroke volume blood chamber designed to be connected to the human axillary artery using a simple... more
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      Biomedical EngineeringHeart FailureHemodynamicsCattle
Since connective tissue pulleys implement Listing's law by systematically changing rectus extraocular muscle (EOM) pulling directions, non-Listing's law gaze-dependence of the vestibuloocular reflex is currently inexplicable. Differential... more
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      Magnetic Resonance ImagingMultidisciplinaryConnective tissueEye Movements
An extensive programme of experiments was conducted in the former USSR on transfer of radionuclides to a wide range of different agricultural animals. Only a few of these studies were made available in the English language literature or... more
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      English languageKineticsAgricultureLanguage
Estimados colegas, éste es el primer número de Noticias de Reproducción Bovina, publicación que tiene como propósito ofrecer información para los Médicos Veterinarios Zootecnistas que están trabajando en el manejo reproductivo de hatos... more
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      GeneticsDairy ScienceBreedingAnimal Production
We have investigated the haematocrit dependence of the electrical parameters (relative permittivity and conductivity) of blood. The measuring set-up, composed of an impedancemeter (HP 4291A), an open-ended coaxial line and a temperature... more
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      Biomedical EngineeringElectrophysiologySheepBlood
Abstract Cattle play a pivotal role in socio-economic wellbeing of the societies. Therefore, more attention should be paid to the role of cattle in socio-economic wellbeing of the societies and in the development of the country. An... more
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    • Cattle
Quantitative analysis of the composition dependence of the concentration gradient of each species of macromolecule within a solution mixture at sedimentation equilibrium permits the quantitative characterization of self-and... more
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      EngineeringThermodynamicsFluorescent Dyes and ReagentsPhysical sciences
In summer 1993 we measured the transfer of (239/240)Pu to milk from herbage from a pasture located 5 km from the Chernobyl nuclear power plant. In one treatment cows were allowed to graze freely on the pasture. In a second treatment, cows... more
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      GeographyUkraineBiological SciencesSeasonality
Over the last decade, there has been considerable progress in the development of countermeasures for preventing or reducing contamination of animal products by radioisotopes of iodine, caesium and strontium. In this paper, recent... more
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      Radiation ProtectionAgricultureEnvironmental PollutionUkraine
Volatile and nonvolatile compounds present in the water-soluble fraction (WSF) and water-soluble fraction with molecular weight lower than 1000 Da (WSF < 1000 Da) of six Spanish cheeses, Cabrales, Idiazá bal, Mahó n, Manchego, Roncal, and... more
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      EngineeringWaterMineralsCapillary electrophoresis
A cross-sectional study was conducted from September 2009 to March 2010 in and around Haramaya town to determine the species composition, prevalence and seasonal variation of ixodid cattle ticks. During the study period, a total of 3117... more
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The Alzheimer amyloid-β (Aβ) accumulates in several types of retinal degeneration and in Alzheimer disease (AD), but its source has been unclear. We detected the neuronal 695 amino acid form of Aβ-precursor protein (AβPP) in the normal... more
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      Cognitive ScienceBiologyMedicineRetinal Pigment Epithelium
The present study characterizes the dynamic interfacial properties of calf lung surfactant (CLS) and samples reconstituted in a stepwise fashion from phospholipid (PL), hydrophobic apoprotein (HA), surfactant apoprotein A (SP-A), and... more
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      BiophysicsChemistryMedicineBiological Sciences
The objective of this study was to examine relationships among metabolic and endocrine factors that may influence ovarian activity during early lactation. Holstein cows (n = 19) were bled twice each week to determine plasma concentrations... more
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      Dairy ScienceLactationAnimal ProductionEnergy Metabolism
The Citarum River in West Java is the largest water supplier to the Saguling Dam, which plays a major role in electric power generation for the entire Java Island and is used for the aquaculture of marketed fish. To elucidate the extent... more
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      Environmental ScienceIndonesiaAgricultureEnvironmental Monitoring
Relaxin is one of the 6-kDa peptide hormones, which acts as a pleiotropic endocrine and paracrine factor. Our previous studies revealed that sperm capacitating medium containing relaxin induced capacitation and acrosome reaction (AR) in... more
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      Fluorescence MicroscopyCalciumAnimal reproductionSignal Transduction
One of the aims of this research work is the isolation and identification of various constituents of two medicinally important plants (Iris loczyi and Iris unguicularis). Secondly, the prime aim is the biological evaluation of these... more
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      BiologyLife SciencesEnzyme InhibitorsMedicine
A control scheme on BVDV was launched in Sweden in 1993 with the aim to prevent spread of the infection between herds, to eliminate virus from infected herds and, ultimately, to eradicate BVDV from Sweden. At the start it was voluntary... more
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      Program EvaluationEpidemiologyPreventive Veterinary MedicineSweden
Mitochondria are dynamic cell organelles that constantly undergo fission and fusion events. These dynamical processes, which tightly regulate mitochondrial morphology, are essential for cell physiology. Here we propose an elastocapillary... more
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      MitochondriaElasticityEndothelial CellsMitochondrial Dynamics
The objective of this study was to compare the reproductive traits of heifers and the development characteristics of their calves following artificial insemination (AI) with sexed and non-sexed semen. The analysed characteristics included... more
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      Birth WeightPregnancySex ratioCattle
Filamin, also called actin binding protein-280, is a dimeric protein that cross-links actin filaments in the cortical cytoplasm. In addition to this ubiquitously expressed isoform (FLN1), a second isoform (ABP-L/␥-filamin) was recently... more
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      AntibodiesCell DifferentiationMiceT cells
An efficient molecular simulation methodology has been developed to determine the positioning of water molecules in the binding site of a protein or protein-ligand complex. Occupancies and absolute binding free energies of water molecules... more
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      EngineeringThermodynamicsWaterComputer Simulation
We investigated the heat resistance of a four-strain mixture of Escherichia coli O157:H7 in raw ground beef in both the absence and presence of white and green tea powders and an apple skin extract. Inoculated meat was cooked using the... more
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      MicrobiologyFoodIndustrial BiotechnologyMultidisciplinary
Ticks feed on blood, are vectors of tickborne diseases and cause considerable skin damage to livestock. They are commonly controlled using commercial acaricides, which are expensive to the rural farmers, causing them to resort to... more
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      EthnopharmacologyLinear modelsSouth AfricaAloe
Specific primers to determine the presence of an intestinal fluke, Haplorchis taichui, were investigated using the high annealing temperature random amplified polymorphic DNA (HAT-RAPD) PCR, and 18 arbitrary primers (Operon Technologies),... more
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      MicrobiologyPolymorphismExperimental parasitologyIdentification
ions, Ca" entry and catechol~imine release 1621 A~~,loi~ieil!leltrenr.s---We thank Mrs J. Ritchie and Mrs A. This work was sttpporte~~ by grants from The Medical
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      NeurosciencePsychologyCalciumIon Channels
Purpose: This study aims to demonstrate, using human cadavers the feasibility of energy-based adaptive focusing of ultrasonic waves using Magnetic Resonance Acoustic Radiation Force Imaging (MR-ARFI) in the framework of non-invasive... more
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      Biomedical EngineeringTreatment OutcomeMedical PhysicsComputer assisted orthopaedic surgery
Echinococcosis is a frequent hepatic parasitic disease in several countries but it is practically absent in Mexico. A cattle strain of Echinococcus granulosus was identified by RAPD, PCR-RFLP and mitochondrial CO1 gene analysis in an... more
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      ZoonosesMexicoBiological SciencesPolymerase Chain Reaction
Fluorescent fusion proteins are an important tool for the study of vesicle trafficking and exocytosis, especially when combined with newer types of microscopy. We previously reported that the design of a vesicle-targeted fluorescent... more
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seemed rather striking was the separation of cases between disseminated disease with a high mortality in the first week of life and an encephalitic presentation in the second week of life with a slightly lower mortality.
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      PediatricsBlood Coagulation FactorsInfantMilk
Background. Iron requirements during the weaning period are the highest per unit body weight during human life, and diet is often insufficient to cover iron needs. For the first time in infant nutrition the absorption of both nonheme and... more
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      PediatricsDietFood AnalysisModels
A cross-sectional questionnaire-based study was conducted to assess milk producers' awareness of milkborne zoonoses in selected smallholder and commercial dairy farms of Zimbabwe. The questionnaire was designed to obtain information on... more
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      Public HealthZoonosesZimbabweDisease Control
The Influence of column temperature on the electrophoretlc behavlor of myoglobin and a-lactalbumin in hlgh-perfonnance caplilary electrophoresls (HPCE) Is presented. The major effect of temperature Is to shorten the analysls time by... more
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      Chemical EngineeringAnalytical ChemistryTemperatureHorses
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To start determining the nature of meiotic incompetence in goat oocytes, we have examined the expression of one of the potential pre-MPF subunits: the cyclin B 1 . We have been isolating a small DNA probe encoding the goat cyclin B 1 box... more
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      In Situ HybridizationMeiosisPolymerase Chain ReactionGoats
The aim of the present study was to prepare, optimize and characterize ketoprofen proniosomes. The niosomes were prepared using a slurry method followed by in vitro evaluation after embedding the proniosomes-derived niosomes into a... more
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      EngineeringChemical EngineeringAnalytical ChemistryBiomedical Engineering
The expression of interferon-tau (IFN-t) is essential for bovine embryo survival in the uterus. An evaluation of IFN-t production from somatic cell nuclear transfer (NT)-embryo-derived primary trophectoderm cultures in comparison to... more
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This paper describes an in vitro model for the study of two types of steroidogenic luteal cells from cows in
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      Cell separationBiological SciencesPregnancyProgesterone
Toxic α-dicarbonyl compounds, glyoxal, 2-methylglyoxal, and diacetyl, released from the headspace from butter, margarine, safflower oil, beef fat, and cheese heated at 100 and 200°C were analyzed by gas chromatography as quinoxaline... more
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      EngineeringConsumer BehaviorMeatCheese
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      Biomedical EngineeringArtificial OrgansCytotoxicityArtificial
␣-Difluoromethylornithine (DFMO) is commonly used as a specific ornithine decarboxylase (ODC, EC4.1.1.17) irreversible inhibitor. ODC is the enzyme responsible for polyamine biosynthesis, which has been shown to be strictly necessary for... more
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      Enzyme InhibitorsLiverEnzymeCattle
The interaction of leech-derived tryptase inhibitor (LDTI) with bovine liver capsule tryptase (BLCT) and bovine trypsin has been studied using both thermo-dynamic and kinetic approaches. Several differences were detected: (i) the... more
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      ThermodynamicsKineticsBiological ChemistryTrypsin
Introduction: Guidelines recommend storing tuberculin purified protein derivative (PPD) refrigerated. However, especially in developing countries, maintaining the product refrigerated under field conditions can be difficult, limiting its... more
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      Developing CountriesProtein StabilityBirdsTemperature
Lactoferrin (LF) is a multifunctional immunoregulatory protein that has been associated with host defense at mucosal surfaces through its antibacterial properties. The antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties of LF were further... more
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      Biological SciencesInfection and immunityChildKidney
A histological study was undertaken to determine the efficiency in the removal of the mucosa and Peyer&#39;s patches by standard processing of bovine intestines into natural sausage casings. The second objective was to calculate the... more
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      FoodBiologyImage AnalysisRisk assessment
Selenophosphate is the active selenium-donor compound required by bacteria and mammals for the specific synthesis of Secys-tRNA, the precursor of selenocysteine in selenoenzymes. Although free selenide can be used in vitro for the... more
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      MultidisciplinarySeleniumGlutathioneSelenium Compounds
The objective of this paper is to review the scientific literature to identify on-farm factors that contribute to market weight pig transportation losses. Transportation of market weight pigs is an essential element to the multisite pork... more
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      Environmental ScienceAnimal ScienceDietAnimal Welfare
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      Electron MicroscopyDiabetesEnzyme InhibitorsPolymers