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Horseshoe crabs have recently gained popularity as new exotic delicacies in Malaysia, especially in Johor. It has been reported and claimed by some fishermen that horseshoe crabs, particularly females, are being transported in bulk to... more
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      Horseshoe crabsPopulation SizeAbundanceCapture–mark–recapture
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      ZoologyConservation BiologyEcologyAbundance
Capture–mark–recapture methods have been extensively used to estimate abundance, demography, and life history parameters of populations of several taxa. However, the high mobility of many species means that dedicated surveys are... more
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      Population DynamicsSperm WhalesSurvivalAbundance
The dwindling number of the tri-spine horseshoe crab, Tachypleus tridentatus has been reported globally and its status in Malaysia is not much known. Study on dimorphism in adult body sizes and population size estimation were conducted... more
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      Horseshoe crabsAbundanceSabahCapture–mark–recapture
Dispersal can strongly influence the demographic and evolutionary trajectory of populations. For many species, little is known about dispersal, despite its importance to conservation. The Greater Sage-Grouse (Centrocercus urophasianus) is... more
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      GeneticsConservation BiologyConservationWildlife Biology
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      HerpetologyConservation BiologyConservationSardinia
The population of Sanderlings Calidris alba along the East Atlantic flyway has grown considerably during the last decades. Perhaps reflecting this augmented population size, increasing numbers of Sanderling have been reported to stage in... more
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      Population DynamicsWadden SeaBird MigrationShorebirds
Due to their locomotion mode, bats tend to have high mobility, and the distances across which they move may vary with taxa. Although such movements are important components of the species biology, information on them is scarce. The data... more
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      Bats, ChiropteraBrazilian Atlantic forestCapture–mark–recapture
In Mediterranean ecosystems, the European rabbit is a keystone species that has declined dramatically, with profound implications for conservation and management. Predation and disease acting on juveniles are considered the likely causes.... more
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      DemographyMediterraneanWildlife Diseases, Zoo Animal Medicine, Conservation MedicinePredation Risk
Understanding conservation needs relies on robust estimates of key population parameters, such as survival, abundance and somatic growth. We investigated the somatic growth and abundance dynamics of 2 aggregations of immature green... more
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      Population DynamicsAbundanceLinear and Non Linear ModelsGreen Sea Turtles
Road construction creates new habitats for a variety of species. In intensive farming landscapes, road verges may be the only suitable habitat for rodents. However, little attention has been paid to other road-related landscape elements... more
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      Landscape EcologyFarmland BiodiversitySmall MammalsBiological Conservation
Metapopulation models predicting the persistence of species on the verge of extinction in fragmented landscapes have to include local population dynamics. In this paper, we report on a 9-yr study in which a patchy population of the bog... more
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      Population ecologyMark Release RecaptureMetapopulationsCapture–mark–recapture