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"Il saggio traccia una sintesi della civiltà bizantina, dalla fondazione di Costantinopoli alla Quarta Crociata. A tutti gli effetti continuazione dell'impero romano, Bisanzio riuscì ad assimilare positivamente le Völkerwanderungen che... more
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      IconoclasmByzantine HistoryByzantine HistoryByzantine Humanism
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      Byzantine HistorySeljuks (Islamic History)Byzantine societyByzantine Diplomacy
Article in the proceeding: A Book of Psalms from Elventh-Century Byzantium: The Complex of Texts and Images in Vat. gr. 752 edited by Barbara Crostini & Glenn Peers Studi e Testi 504 Città del Vaticano 2016, 193-225 The publishing house... more
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      Byzantine societyMichael Psellos1054Nicetas Stethatos
Collective identity in the so-called Byzantine Empire is a much-debated issue that has drawn a lot of attention over the years. The current paper attempts a critical assessment of the hitherto main lines of thinking about Byzantine... more
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      HistoryCultural HistoryEthnohistoryCultural Studies
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      Western EuropeLate Byzantine historyOrthodox ChristianityByzantine society
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      Byzantine LiteratureByzantine StudiesMerchants (Medieval Studies)Medieval trade
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      Byzantine LiteratureByzantine StudiesByzantine HistoryByzantine society
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      Late Antique and Byzantine HistoryByzantine LiteratureByzantine StudiesByzantine History
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      Late Antique and Byzantine HistoryLate Antique and Byzantine StudiesByzantine HistoryByzantine Imperial Ideology
download full text in: Representations of warriors, a favourite theme of Byzantine glazed pottery, especially in the second half of the twelfth and the thirteenth century,... more
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      Pottery (Archaeology)Medieval StudiesByzantine LiteratureMedieval Archaeology
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      Byzantine StudiesByzantine societyByzantine IdeologySocial History of Byzantine and Medieval Greece
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      History of Economic ThoughtByzantine LiteratureMerchants (Medieval Studies)Medieval trade
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      Byzantine StudiesByzantine MusicByzantine society
The army and the soldier: their image in historiography and rhetoric (10th-12th centuries), in: Histories of war in South-Eastern Europe. An approach in the longue durée, Athens 2018, 277-206 The soldier, both as an individual and as a... more
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      RhetoricByzantine LiteratureWar StudiesByzantine History
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      Byzantine LiteratureByzantine StudiesByzantine monasticismByzantine society
Full text available in OA at the following link: Although he has drawn famous portraits of Byzantine aristocrats in a number of studies, Paul Lemerle did not explicitly... more
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      Byzantine HistoryByzantine provincesByzantine societyByzantine aristocracy
The paper examines the relation between three concepts: a child's will, children's agency and child labour. Addressing the current debate about children's agency, this paper shows how these concepts were developed in Byzantine society in... more
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      Late Antique and Byzantine HistoryLate Antique and Byzantine StudiesSociology of Children and ChildhoodByzantine Studies
The late byzantine metrical donor inscription from the church of St Kournatos, a very rare saint from Asia Minor
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      Byzantine StudiesByzantine societyMONEMVASIAByzantine and Medieval epigraphy
The paper studies the donations and privileges early Palaiologan emperors conceded to middle-class individuals or groups. In spite of their frequency, these concessions had until now remained essentially unobserved as attention was... more
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      Political EconomyByzantine societyByzantine aristocracyByzantine taxation and state finances
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      ReligionReligion and PoliticsByzantine StudiesByzantine History
International audienceAlthough he has drawn famous portraits of Byzantine aristocrats in a number of studies, Paul Lemerle did not explicitly address the relation with the provincial territories as an important factor in creating a... more
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      Byzantine HistoryByzantine provincesByzantine societyByzantine aristocracy
""Questo saggio introduttivo ripercorre la formazione intellettuale di Alexander Petrovich Kazhdan e il retroterra politico-ideologico della sua visione storica e produzione storiografica. Ultimo erede della scuola economico-sociale... more
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      History of ScholarshipByzantine HistoryAnnales schoolByzantine historiography
The positions of the Greek Christian Fathers, especially those of the fourth century, on savings and hoarding exerted long influence on Byzantine relevant concepts. Facing socio-economic issues of intense inequality, they attempted to... more
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      Economic HistoryHistory of Economic ThoughtStoicismByzantine Studies
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      Byzantine LiteratureByzantine StudiesByzantine society
The study of a number of letters by the metropolitan of Neai Patrai Euthymios Malakes reveals that he was concerned with the protection of both his flock and the interests of his see from heavy taxation and the often unscrupulous tax... more
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      Byzantine StudiesByzantiumMedieval EconomyByzantine society
A book review about the role of the father in Late Antiquity and the changes brought by Christianity.
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      Byzantine StudiesCappadociansLate AntiquityHistory of the Family
Κεντρική Διάθεση-Εκδοτικός Οίκος: Αντιναυάρχου Κωνσταντίνου Πανανά 159, 18546 Πειραιάς, τηλ. 6980496262. Ανωνύμου, Αριθμητική, Έκδοση Μαρία Χάλκου [Τα Βυζαντινά Μαθηματικά, σύμφωνα με τον κώδικα 65 του 15 ου αι. της Εθνικής Βιβλιοθήκης... more
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      Late Antique and Byzantine StudiesMedieval HistoryHistory of MathematicsHistory of Science
A review of Claudia Rapp's study of the Byzantine brother-making ritual, Adelphopoiesis.
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      SociologyLate Antique and Byzantine HistoryLate Antique and Byzantine StudiesSocial Networking
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    • Byzantine society
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      Art EducationByzantine societyByzantine art
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      Byzantine StudiesByzantine HistoryByzantine societyByzantine economy
Retour page d'accueil Chercher, sur, Tous les supports. Retour page d'accueil, Plus de 1.622.000 de titres à notre catalogue ! Notice. 28.20 € Ajouter au panier. Byzance : économie et société. ...
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      Medieval HistoryGender HistoryByzantine HistoryConstantinople
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      Medieval HistoryGender HistoryByzantine HistoryConstantinople