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      Pauline LiteratureApostle Paul and the Pauline LettersPauline Theology1 Timothy
from a set of governing bishops over a local church to a singular governing bishop over each local church
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      Organizational BehaviorReligionChristianityHistory
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      Pastoral TheologyApostle Paul and the Pauline LettersBiblical ExegesisBiblical eldership
This brief article seeks to look at various aspects of local church elders, like affirmation, ordination, and laying on of hands. It comes from the perspective of ordination & laying on of hands not conveying grace, but still being an... more
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      Biblical StudiesBiblical TheologyEcclesiologyPastoral Theology
Being ‘Plymouth Brethren’ is a quirky, contentious existence - a fine example of Protestant fundamentalism birthed in the early 19th century and strangely contagious among disaffected Christians in almost every place touched by English... more
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      New Testament and Christian OriginsChurch Leadership & MinistryChristian (Plymouth) BrethrenBiblical eldership
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      EcclesiologyOrdinationBiblical eldership