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      Roman HistoryMass CommunicationPolitical communicationAncient Coins
Ten years ago, I was more interested in giving a response inside "return of the real" (Hal Foster) through the ordinary much more than an alternative to it. It is a theoretical sythnesis that sums up what I have published then more than... more
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      AestheticsArt TheoryContemporary ArtSlavoj Zizek
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      Art HistoryArtArt TheoryPhotography
A change in any medium brings about a change in our life. This change does not only affect the way we use the said medium but also affects the way we feel, understand, and perceive the world through that medium. As we are adopting and... more
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      Media and Cultural StudiesNew Media ArtsNew Media Art & Emerging PracticesAesthetic Education
The ultimate American paranoiac fantasy is that of an individual living in a small idyllic Californian city, a consumerist paradise, who suddenly starts to suspect that the world he lives in is a fake, a spectacle staged to convince him... more
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      Political SociologyPolitical PhilosophyArt TheoryPolitical Science
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      Contemporary ArtArts and CommunicationFashionFashion and Communication
Guardare alla storia delle forme d’espressione dell’uomo significa seguire il percorso e le problematiche del suo pensiero simbolico, i suoi obiettivi e le sue speranze, spesso utopiche. La sperimentazione scientifica e quella artistica... more
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      Performing ArtsContemporary ArtPhilosophy of ArtVisual Arts
“Chi consuma oggi fa gesti autobiografici”. È con questo assunto che nasce questo lavoro di ricerca. In una società post(post)moderna e industrializzata, dove ormai sono andate disintegrandosi le strutture societarie tradizionali,... more
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      MarketingCommunicationArt HistoryStorytelling
The project analyses the impact of immaterial flows produced by the infrastructure of connectivity in the understanding of the concept of the site. The emergence of information spaces in urban centres changes the notion of what is visible... more
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      ElectromagnetismMedia StudiesContemporary ArtMobile and Telecommunicaions
While the most memorable Dada photographs show groups of members together, the movement developed in fact over great and isolating distances. Dadaists seized on distance, separation, and isolation, and used those difficulties productively... more
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      Modern ArtDadaArts and Communication
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      Greek LiteratureGreek HistoryHomerCommunication
Traditional visual communication and graphic design curricula at the university level perhaps may not adequately educate, train and/or prepare students to successfully work in the intended creative professions. This critical study found... more
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      MultimediaGraphic DesignArt and Design EducationCommunication Arts
"Independent Art Spaces in Hungary and Poland: Artpool Archive (founded 1979, Budapest), the Exchange Gallery (founded 1978, Lodz) and Accumulatori 2 (1975-1990, Poznan)". Paper for the conference "ARTPOOL. Active Archives of Contemporary... more
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      Artists' WritingsArts and CommunicationArtists’ BooksSamisdat
Dentro do desenvolvimento humano, a comunicação tem um papel essencial para organizar a sociedade. É através dela que foram perpetuados os conhecimentos desenvolvidos pelo homem, que culminaram em sua constante evolução. Os processos... more
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      CommunicationArt HistoryArtArt Theory
Graduate teaching in art and humanities is undergoing a transformation parallel to the one that museum management has shown in recent decades. Research tools applied to teaching have also evolved deeply and very quickly with the online... more
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      Digital HumanitiesMuseum StudiesDigital MuseumDigital Culture
The author was requested to provide classes in exercise, crafts and Asian Brush-painting to multi-ethnic residents of three low-income senior buildings in Los Angeles. Creative expression processes were included in the exploration of how... more
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      Arts and CommunicationCommunity Arts and CultureArts and healthy aging, arts forming communityCommunications In Multicultural Organizations
The purpose of the present article is to show the rudimentary assumptions and the main search directions in the fi eld of sociology of art. The author also emphasizes the question of the parallels linking the sociological reflection on... more
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      Visual LiteracySociology of ArtsPierre BourdieuSociology of Art
Illinois Art Education Association Conference (2015) Presentation concerning the place of Media Arts as a discipline in Higher Education. Two models are provided to explain both how Media Arts is defined and its cross-disciplinary... more
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      Media ArtsMedia ArtArt and Design EducationDigital Media Art
Using a case comparison approach, this research synthesizes observations related to John Dewey’s premise of art as communication from communities of students, teachers, and artists in seven different countries: Haiti, Nicaragua, El... more
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      EthnographyGlobal and Comparative SociologyYouth and CommunityArts and Communication
Discussion of genesis and development of abstract art and abstract expressionism with special reference to the contributions by Wassily Kandinsky. In conclusion the text emphasizes that abstract art, like all art, must entertain and... more
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      Modern ArtArts and Communication
It is envisaged that music influences emotions, but little attention has been given to understanding how it affects emotion regulation in driving accidents. To the music therapist, an understanding of this phenomenon has therapeutic... more
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      Translation StudiesPopular MusicPopular CultureGender and Sexuality
No hay arte sin espectadores. Por más extraordinaria que se considere a una obra y al artista que la produjo, sin la participación del espectador el arte no tiene razón de ser. En este sentido, el carácter críptico y excluyente que... more
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      Art and EducationContemporay artArts and Communication
Desde comienzos del siglo XX, el objetivo de la vanguardia fue la ruptura con los condicionantes que limitaban la comunicación en el hecho artístico. Las tentativas de hacer fluir la comunicación entre artista y público se han basado en... more
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      Contemporary ArtPublic ArtCultural SemioticsVisual Semiotics
Esquemas Bourdieu
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      Antropología culturalArts and CommunicationSociology of Culture and Communication
This is the second conference on the subject. The first one was held in 2013 and was highly successful in terms of cross-cultural and artistic achievement. The monographic publication entitled Culture’s Software is due to appear with... more
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      Cultural StudiesGender StudiesFolkloreMedia Studies
Exposición de la teoría de Pierre Bourdieu con un capítulo final de vinculo con el campo de los estudios de comunicación social
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      Cultural SociologyAntropología culturalSocial CommunicationArts and Communication
In 2014 verschenen er twee bundels gewijd aan schrikbeelden: 'Apocalyps in kunst. Ondergang of loutering' en het themanummer 'De kunst van het verbeelden' van het Tijdschrift voor Cultuur & Criminaliteit . Misschien niet verwonderlijk in... more
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      ReligionModern ArtImaginationCatharsis
Gıda ve sanat arasında çok uzun bir ilişki geçmişinin var olduğunu ve aslında bu ilişkinin bir sanatsal iletişim aracı olarak kabul edilebileceği gerçeğini, Giuseppe Arcimboldo, Şeker Ahmet Paşa, Vincent Van Gogh ve daha pek çok ressamın... more
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      Arts and CommunicationFood as CommunicationFood and CommunicationFood Communications
Catálogo de la exposición AbstractA, obras de Alejandro Thornton, desde el 2 de septiembre al 6 de noviembre de 2017 en Galería Pabellón 4, Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Curaduría de Javier Pelacoff
Textos de Javier Pelacoff y Eugenia Viña
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      Contemporary ArtCuratorial Practice (Art)Visual PoetryCommunication Arts
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      Media StudiesNew Media StudiesArts and Communication
The logic of communication has changed over the last few years, due to the merger and acquisition of media groups,. This lead to the elimination of the richness of diversity and, secondly, to the centralisation of information on this... more
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      CommunicationPerforming ArtsCultureFine Arts