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      Museum StudiesArchaeological MusealizationMaterial Turn
Las Navas de Tolosa is one of the most important battles of Spain’s history, from both an historical and heritage point of view. The combination of both components makes the medieval battlefield the best place for the development of... more
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      Medieval HistoryMedieval ArchaeologyBattlefield ArchaeologyArchaeological Heritage Management
Fragment książki wydanej w serii "Nowa Humanistyka" Wydawnictwa IBL PAN, "Natura artefaktu, kultura eksponatu. Projekt krytycznego muzeum archeologicznego", Wydawnictwo IBL PAN 2020. Także w wersji e-book.... more
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      Museum StudiesArchaeological TheoryMuseum and Heritage StudiesArchaeological Musealization
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      MetallurgyArchaeology of Roman HispaniaRomanizationMetallography
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      Maritime ArchaeologyHeritage TourismCultural Heritage ManagementUnderwater Archaeology
La dinámica de ocupación y reocupación del espacio en un medio urbano es una de las causas de pérdida de importante información arqueológica de diferente tipo. Sin embargo, en los últimos años la musealización se ha convertido en una... more
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      ArchaeologyHistorical ArchaeologyArchitectureHeritage Conservation
A través de este artículo presentamos la exposición «Galaicos, un pueblo entre dos mundos» que entre los años 2018 y 2020 itinerará por varios museos de la geografía española. Partiendo de los objetivos y la tesis sobre las que se... more
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      ArqueologíaArchaeological MusealizationGalician archaeology
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      Archeologia medievaleArcheologia della produzione e del commercioArcheologia urbanaArchaeological Musealization
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      ArchaeologyMuseologyArqueologíaDESENVOLVIMENTO LOCAL E TERRITORIAL
The Musealization of Archeology and Archaeological Conservation are the structuring axes of this thesis, which purpose is to outline the relationship between Archeology, Museology, and Conservation in the national academic scenario and in... more
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      ArqueologiaPatrimônio ArqueológicoArchaeological MusealizationMusealização Da Arqueologia
Inaugurado a finales de 2007 por el Ayuntamiento de Valencia, se encuentra debajo de una nueva plaza en pleno centro de la ciudad, junto la catedral. Recibe su nombre del edificio gótico que albergaba l’Almoina, institución medieval... more
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      Urban archaeologyArchaeological MusealizationMusealization of Archaeological Sites
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      Museum StudiesMuseologiaArchaeological MusealizationSevilla
catalaSʼhi repassen les primeres noticies sobre Penya Negra i les investigacions dutes a terme en el jaciment al llarg de mes de 40 anys, amb una primera etapa entre els anys 70 i 90 del segle xx, i una altra de mes recent, iniciada el... more
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      Cultural HeritageProtohistoryPatrimonio CulturalArqueología del Bronce Final y Hierro I
This paper relates to the communication presented online from Barcelona (Catalonia, Spain) in the First Congress on Museums and Heritage Spaces in Mexico: How Can We Explain Heritage?, which took place in Merida (Yucatan, Mexico) on the... more
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      Museum StudiesMuseologyMuseographyArchaeological Musealization
Con motivo del proyecto ganador del Concurso internacional de ideas y proyectos para la recuperación de los márgenes ríos Tajo y Alberche en el término municipal de Talavera de la Reina (Toledo), bajo el título “Cuando el rio suena”, se... more
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      Patrimonio CulturalDesarrollo TerritorialArchaeological MusealizationUrbanismo-Ordenacion Del Territorio-Turismo
However, modern application deserve an innovative and critic approach not only by a technological evolution of acquisition tools, but also for the challenge posed to us detectors and most commonly to the theory of measurement. The new... more
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      PhotographyArchaeological MusealizationFotografiaRilievo, Fotogrammetria, Disegno
A National Monument since 1910, the Roman Ruins of Tróia were a large fish-salting production centre that became an urban agglomerate with houses, baths, cemeteries, a mausoleum and an early Christian basilica. Un enhancement project... more
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      Archaeological MusealizationGestão do Património CulturalMusealización de yacimientosMusealização Da Arqueologia
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      Archaeological MusealizationArchaeology of Roman WineRoman Archaeology
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      Ancient HistoryArchaeologyPublic ArchaeologyCultural Heritage Management
Between September and October 2010 were done several heritage studies in the Prior of Sant Genis de Rocafort (Martorell, Barcelona), in order to obtain data to draw up a master plan that allowed the rehabilitation of this monumental set... more
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      ArchaeologyHistorical ArchaeologyMedieval HistoryCultural Heritage
Présentation de l'état du projet de musée lié à la villa de Lalonquette (Béarn, France) en 2011. Réflexions sur la conduite d'un projet de valorisation du patrimloine en milieu rural.
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      Roman VillaeArchaeological MusealizationAquitaineAntiquité
Diversas circunstancias han hecho de Cartagena uno de los ejemplos más paradigmáticos del cambio de vocación de una ciudad y de su urbanismo al amparo de la recuperación y musealización de su patrimonio arqueológico. En las dos últimas... more
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      ArchaeologyHistoriographyMuseumsArchaeological Musealization
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      Arqueologia MedievalMuseologiaHistoria MedievalAntropología, Museos Comunitarios, Estudios Culturales
O presente artigo surge na sequência das ações de acompanhamento arqueológico efetuadas no âmbito do projeto de execução do Interface Logístico do Parque de Negócio de Escariz, pela empresa Araducta Arqueologia Unipessoal, Lda.... more
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      Archaeological MusealizationPatrimónio ArquitectónicoArte Rupestre PrehistóricoBronze Age Rock Art
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The submitted case study is about the rupestrian church of Meryem Ana in Göreme (Cappadocia, Turkey), a small church with mural paintings representing valuable heritage at risk due to the poor stability of the rock where it's excavated... more
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      Cultural HeritageVirtual Reality (Computer Graphics)Augmented RealityWeb Applications
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      Ancient HistoryArchaeologyDigital HumanitiesDigital Media
A reflexão sobre patrimônio arqueológico parte, neste texto, das perspectivas da Musealização da Arqueologia, como aplicação de procedimentos de salvaguarda e de comunicação patrimoniais à realidade arqueológica. Analisamos as estratégias... more
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      ArqueologíaArqueologiaMuseologiaPatrimônio Arqueológico
The contribution is based on a recent survey conducted as part of a degree thesis on "The Central Baths of Kos", held at the Department DICAR the Polytechnic of Bari under the scientific direction of Prof. G. Rocco and Prof .M.... more
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      ArchaeologyRoman Baths (Archaeology)Roman ArchitectureArchaeological Musealization
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      Classical ArchaeologyMuseum StudiesMuseologyMuseography
En este trabajo se presenta un avance de resultados de los sucesivos trabajos arqueológicos realizados en la actual sede de la Comarca de Daroca entre 2002 y 2011. En primer lugar se expone la secuencia estratigráfica del solar que... more
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      Urban HistoryArchaeological MusealizationArqueología urbana
The research and knowledge degree on a monument or heritage site determines its interpretation and use. On this report we analyse the use that the monument was given over more than forty years and the project on course in order to prove... more
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      Archaeological MusealizationMusealización de yacimientos
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      ArchaeologyCeltic ArchaeologyIron Age Iberian Peninsula (Archaeology)Iron Age
Resumen: La musealización de campos de batalla es un área de trabajo que tiene una larga tradición en otros países como Estados Unidos, Francia, Inglaterra o Alemania, debido a que estos yacimientos arqueológicos forman parte de su... more
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      Battlefield ArchaeologyArchaeological Heritage ManagementBattlefield Heritage Management and Metal DetectingArchaeological and Heritage Tourism
La propuesta de intervención o musealización del yacimiento arqueológico de "Castrum Inui" es el resultado de un proyecto final realizado dentro del máster internacional Architettura|Storia|Progetto, promovido por la Università degli... more
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      Cultural HeritageArqueologyArchaeological Musealization
Ausstellungsbegleitband der 2013 neu eröffneten Dauerausstellung der Sammlung Vor- und Frühgeschichte des Museums Erding.
Lebensbilder von Christoph Haussner, München.
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      ArchaeologyPrehistoric ArchaeologyMedieval ArchaeologyNeolithic Archaeology
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      Classical ArchaeologyMuseum StudiesMuseologyMuseography
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      Experimental ArchaeologyMuseologyCooking and Food Preparation (archaeology)Archaeology of food
Il presente studio ha lo scopo di fornire un esempio di valorizzazione e comunicazione visiva del settore sud-occidentale della Valle dei Templi di Agrigento, dove molteplici aspetti archeologici, paesaggistici, geologici e antropologici... more
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      Cultural HeritageLandscape ArchaeologySacred Landscape (Archaeology)Archaeological Musealization
This paper presents the goals of the “Ager di Aquinum – conoscere per tutelare” project, and the new project “Ager di Aquinum – una forma di valorizzazione integrata”, with a focus on the entire cultural landscape that was once... more
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      ArchaeologyRoman PotteryArchaeological MusealizationSouthern Latium
Article basat en el Projecte de Museïtzació i Adeqüació per a la visita pública del Jaciment vitivinícola Romà de Vallmora (Teià, Maresme, Barcelona), Vol. I-II-III, que fou redactat durant l'any 2007, basant-se en les directius del pla... more
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      Archaeological MusealizationArchaeology of Roman WineMusealization of Archaeological SitesRoman Archaeology
La necessità di rendere leggibile la realtà archeologica degli scavi delle Terme Vecciane di Aquinum ha portato alla realizzazione di un allestimento museale non tradizionale, ma basato sull’esperienza virtuale e sulla interazione diretta... more
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      ArchaeologyInteraction DesignTechnologies Applied to Cultural HeritageIntangible Cultural Heritage (Culture)
"This article presents, and then explores the iconographic analysis, geographical origin and dating of the hitherto fore unstudied figurine O10396 at the National Museum of Denmark. The exceptionally well-preserved figurine portrays the... more
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      HistoryAncient HistoryCultural HistoryCultural Studies
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      ArqueologiaArchaeological MusealizationArqueología romana / Roman archeologyMusealización de yacimientos
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      ArchaeologyArqueologíaTeoría ArqueológicaArqueologia
[EN] Paper published in the Proceedings of the Second International Congress of Arqueoloxía Vilalba (20-23 July, Lugo). In 2009 an interdisciplinary team carries out the recovery and museological Project of the excavated structures of... more
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The urban area and territory of Aquinum , roman city situated along the route of via Latina were investigated by means of aero-topographical studies, geophysical prospecting and archaeological field survey. The work has been organized... more
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      GeographyArchaeologyHuman Computer InteractionCultural Heritage
The archaeological collections management in the Museu Nacional, UFRJ: on trodden paths, detours and unexpected continuities This article represents an effort to further investigation and debate concerning the management of... more
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      Collections ManagementHistory of Archaeological PraxisArchaeological Heritage ManagementPath Dependence
La estratigrafía arqueológica, utilizada como elemento para el estudio y puesta en valor de la Arqueología, supone un recurso de gran potencial didáctico y un importante elemento de visibilidad patrimonial, hasta la fecha poco conocido en... more
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      ArchaeologyCultural HeritageArchaeological StratigraphyHeritage Conservation