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      Military HistoryStrategy (Military Science)Race and EthnicityBritish Army (First World War)
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      Military HistoryWar StudiesGreek EpigraphyAncient Greek History
Les demandes d’asylie nous permettent de nous interroger sur la relation entre Grecs et prêtres égyptiens à travers l’évolution de l’octroi de l’asylie en Égypte, sur la présence étonnamment prépondérante de soldats dans le milieu des... more
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      EgyptologyPapyrologyHellenistic HistoryGreek Epigraphy
Ogni nazione con delle forze armate oppure di polizia organizzate possiede al suo interno dei corpi speciali, meglio organizzati, meglio equipaggiati o comunque considerati d’élite oppure special force...
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      Military HistoryStrategy (Military Science)War StudiesSecond World War
This thesis has the subject of the Apulo-Corinthian Helmet, a south-east Italian helmet type and what it can say about the culture in which it was used. After establishing what an apulo-Corinthian helmet exactly is and which Type’s there... more
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      ArchaeologyIron AgeBronze and Iron Ages in Italy (Archaeology)Ancient Armies
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      Ancient ArmiesDonato Creti
Abstract: The Roman centurion was perhaps the most important officer in the Roman army. This article argues that during the Republican period, Roman soldiers elected their own centurions, based on a confluence of literary, philological,... more
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      HistoryAncient HistoryMilitary HistoryRoman History
Can we let the people vote? Especially when you are dealing with a people who change his minds all the time and are is to spread the worst lies about you, it’s perhaps better to answer no. This is exactly the question Nicias asked himself... more
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      Ancient HistoryCommunicationLeadershipPolitical Science
This is an essay for describe an inventory of weapons and objects of the Castellammare in Palermo. The inventory was written in 1478, for the death of Antonio Fuxa warden of the castle, and shows defensive power of the city. Can you look... more
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      Military HistoryMilitary ScienceStrategy (Military Science)Medieval History
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      ArchaeologyGreek ArchaeologyAncient ThraceWeapons
In 2002 a rare Thracian iron weapon was donated for the holdings of Historical Museum at Pernik (Inv. no. A-5466). Reportedly it was discovered previous year by treasure-hunters in a certain Thracian stone built tomb near the village of... more
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      Greek ArchaeologyAncient ThraceAncient ArmiesRhodopes
This chapter marks the beginning of a three stage revision of my original thesis chapter on Alexander the Great's battle against the Persians at Gaugamela. When the original Honour's thesis was written I did not have time to adequately... more
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      Ancient HistoryHistoriographyAlexander the GreatAncient Persia
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      Military HistorySociology of the MilitaryWar StudiesAncient Near East
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      Military HistoryAssyriologyAncient Near EastAncient Near East (Archaeology)
The use of elephants for military purposes was, for centuries, one of the most important military arms of the armies in the Antiquity. Although, these could get to suppose so many advantages as drawbacks and, for this reason, they were... more
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      ReligionHistoryAncient HistoryMilitary History
From the time of the Bronze Age, warriors of all tribes and nations sought to emblazon their arms and armour with items and images to impress upon the enemy the wealth and power of the wearer. Magnificently decorated shields were as much... more
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      Ancient HistoryRoman HistoryRoman ReligionAncient myth and religion
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      Ancient ArmiesOplologyStoria politica e militare
Trough the analysis of the documentary sources, as well as of the most significant bibliography, we studied the origin and the first known events of the army of Carthage in the century VI b. C. We studied the initial formation of... more
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      Ancient HistoryWar StudiesNaval HistoryCarthage (Archaeology)
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      Ancient ArmiesSwordsOplologySPADE
This is the first of two chapters looking at the battle of the Hydaspes. The chapter looks at Alexander’s entry into Taxila and his journey to the Hydaspes River. In this chapter I will discuss issues such as the cause of the battle, the... more
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      Ancient HistoryAlexander the GreatAncient Greek HistoryHistory of Ancient Macedonia
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      AssyriologyCarianAchaemenid HistoryAncient Caria
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      PhilologyLanguagesModern LanguagesHistory
Este trabajo se enmarca en las nuevas investigaciones en torno al fin de la Britania romana y pretende aportar algunas consideraciones de carácter militar centradas en la vigilancia, inteligencia y exploración, elementos de vital... more
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      Military HistoryNaval HistoryPost-Roman BritainLate Antiquity
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      Near Eastern ArchaeologyNear Eastern StudiesMesopotamian ArchaeologyWar Studies
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      Roman HistoryRoman ArmyEtruscan ArchaeologyEtruscan Funerary Art
The references in Arrian’s Anabasis to asthetairoi is under consideration in the article. It defines that at least four taxeis are called asthetairoi. Initially only Coenus’ and Perdiccas’ taxeis were designated as asthetairoi. These... more
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      Alexander the GreatAncient WarfareAncient ArmiesAncient Macedonia
This article discusses the presence of Celtic mercenaries in the army of the King of Judea – Herod the Great. Representatives of this people are present in the army of this ruler from 30 BC. In the same year Octavian Augustus, in return... more
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      Ancient HistoryCeltic StudiesIsrael/PalestinePalestine
Chapter 10 studies Hellenistic and Roman military epitaphs, and addresses a number of interconnected issues: the unpopularity of epitaphs for individual soldiers in the Greek Anthology; the near absence of inscribed epitaphs in literary... more
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      PhilologyMilitary HistoryClassicsGreek Literature
Desde el asesinato del joven Gordiano III hasta el advenimiento final de Diocleciano, una larga y turbulenta secuencia de gobernantes caídos, pretendientes asesinados, dinastías fallidas e incluso imperios paralelos secesionados anegó los... more
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      Military HistoryMilitary ScienceStrategy (Military Science)Late Antiquity
A vase in Oxford depicting probably citizen officers of the Athenian mounted archers unit mentioned in ancient texts.
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      Ancient HistoryAncient Greek HistoryAncient WarfareWarfare in the Ancient World
Le Cernide o Ordinanze, erano una milizia territoriale creata all’inizio del ‘500, allo scopo di far fronte all’offensiva dell’Imperatore Massimiliano I d’Asburgo contro la Serenissima Repubblica di Venezia. Questi reparti formati da... more
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      Ancient ArmiesStoria MilitareHistory of Serenissima Repubblica Di VeneziaOplology
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      PhoeniciansFunerary ArchaeologyGender ArchaeologyCarthage (Archaeology)
Nella moltitudine di tipologie di armi antiche vi è un’arma unica e strana chiamata “cinquedea”. Questo nome basta a richiamare nella mente di studiosi di armi antiche, collezionisti o semplici appassionati, un’arma tanto particolare da... more
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      Ancient ArmiesOplologyArmi Antiche
W antycznym świecie profesora Aleksandra Krawczuka - z okazji 100 rocznicy jego urodzin (Kraków, 6 czerwiec 2022 r.)
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      Roman HistoryLate Roman RepublicAncient ArmiesGlandes Missiles
Programma convegno di studi Maggio-Settembre 2022/Program study convention mat-september 2022 Studi su Bannio, Milizia Tradizionale, arte, storia cultura religiosa della Valle Anzasca. Thomas Altana, Le musiche delle Milizie Simone... more
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      Military HistoryFolkloreArt HistoryMilitary Music
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      WeaponsAncient ArmiesSmall Arms and light weaponsFirearms
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      Museum StudiesArms and Armor StudiesMuseologyMuseología
Cosimo I de’ Medici established the German Guard – the ‘Guardia de’ Lanzi’ in Florentine patois – in 1541 and its liveried halberdiers were a constant presence at the Medici court, ensuring the security of the Grand Dukes and their family... more
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      Military HistoryArms and Armor StudiesHistory of FlorenceItalian Renaissance Art
This study is an excellent up-to-date examination of the cavalry-settlers in Egypt under the Ptolemies. Scheuble-Reiter gathered all the documentation, mainly papyrological but also epigraphic, literary and at times archaeological on the... more
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      PapyrologyGraeco-Roman EgyptPtolemaic PeriodAncient Warfare
Summary: Three helmets and a pair of leg guards which were previously thought of to be Etruscan in origin have been reexamined. It turned out that neither of the objects is purely Etruscan. The first helmet, of the Belmonte type, comes... more
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      ArchaeologyAncient ArmiesAncient Weapons and WarfareAncient and medieval arms and armour
Polemikà. Identity in context in verse epitaphs for Hellenistic soldiers.

The book collects the results of a decade of studies on Hellenistic military epitaphs.
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      Ancient HistoryMilitary HistoryArchaeologyClassics
Throughout the human history ilnessess and the injuries have always been caused critical danger. Thus,humankind have tried hard to find a way to overcome the factors that threatening life like ilnessess, injuries and disabilities. In the... more
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      Ancient WorldAncient ArmiesMedical Care
Explorando o conceito de “cidades em movimento” de Lauro Martinez Torres, o Seminário visa cruzar as perspetivas arqueológica, arquitetónica e histórica na análise dos avanços dos exércitos, dos acampamentos, das fortificações e... more
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      ArchaeologyAncient Armies
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      MetallographyAncient ArmiesArcheometallurgyWeapons technology